Failled to install Music player in new Ray 3.1

Soony posted 12th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.

I tried to install Ray 3.1: as the 3.1 package hasn’t Music player widget, I moved ray/module/music folder under the new ray 3.1 folder. Is it right?
But, when I try to upload music, widget is well “loading” at first but reports “undefined” error message. When choosing to listen music, “the widget is not registered” appears whereas the widget had been dully registered.
Somebody may help me ?
Thx in advance for your help.
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Where did you take ray/module/music? If you took it from Ray 3.0 package then it's not right. You need to go to Ray 3.1 -> modules folder. Copy and paste mp3 folder and rename it to music. Also you would need to make some changes in the music/inc/ file. You may see them in the default package of Dolphin 6.0.0004 with Ray 3.1

Best Regards
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