Extensions Market after a year...

gkcgautam posted 21st of April 2010 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

Its been a year since i wrote my last post (on 10.03.2009). Due to various reasons i had to discontinue making mods for Dolphin and gradually lost my position in the market.

Now after a whole year i'm back as a Expert (or as a Trader as per Unity market) here to continue with the making of modules and products. A lot has changed here in the mean time. Unity has been modified several times, Dolphin licensing has been changed, Market rules and membership levels have been altered. But as a Trader i feel the things are still the same, or even worse.

Unity Market has been unable to provide a market similar to what was at Expertzzz. Expertzzz was a platform built especially for the mod selling and forum discussions where as Unity Market has been simply created with the Dolphin modules making it difficult to use not only for the buyers, but also for the sellers.

The flaws in Unity Market like no proper categories etc. have been already stated in few earlier posts. But i want to add into that even after paying the fee to become a premium member so as to be able to sell modules, i have not got a satisfactory market place. Expertzzz was much better. Not only we had categories but also several sorting options like 'latest','popularity','budget','tags', but also the modules got proper promotion mediums with Ad boxes.

But the Unity Market is simply a blog module with ability to attach files and images. How can Boonex charge us for posting mods when they cant even create a good market place? Dont the Boonex coders have some common sense while making things? How can they even miss some simple features which can contribute a lot in increasing the sales??

Here in Unity Market can't see which extension has been sold how many times. Why cant Boonex display the number? It becomes really hard for the Trader to bring customers to his product. Unless he gets a comment from someone, people are made to believe that it has been not bought yet by anyone.

And the image upload processing is the worst i've ever seen. I uploaded a module yesterday and found that it had not only cropped the screenshot images, but had also resized the smaller once after which they are now mess.

And how hard is it for the Boonex coders to build the category system for Market? Why no proper sorting and search feature? And why the mess of tags is displayed on top of Market pages???

I have lot more to say but i think this is enough to hint Boonex that we Traders need a MUCH BETTER market place at unity. Boonex always provides the excuse that the programmers are busy in Dolphin development. Then they should know that without a proper Market Dolphin would end up no where. Dolphin development has to go on forever but Market can be improved in some short span of time only. Then why are they delaying it?

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I feel the same way about this, I don't feel I get 'value' for what I'm paying for on Unity. Unity is far too big and far too ugly for me, I much rathered experzzz.com although it did have holes.

By introducing a completly different system for Dolphin 7 compared to 6 killed off allot of business for everyone as I believe everyone was waiting for the new system, I feel Dolphin 7 is again the same as Unity and too big and ugly, why does boonex think that giving the moon on a stick will make things see more better, look at wordpress.

I'm going to write a simular post to this in my blog area soon.
They improved the Dolphin but forgot to create a Market of the same level.
I do apologize to the blog poster for this long comment but the ability to post blogs is broken so I'm going to 'piggy bank' off this post.

This is my first proper comment on the Unity website, I thought I'd share my voice and give everyone an insight to PlayBox Design. My name is Neil in case anyone is wondering, I am a web designer and I dabble in php too. I’ve been designing websites for almost 4 years now and have a passion in doing so.

My first comment after working with the Dolphin see more product has been good to me as in I've made decent sales and a decent fan base, I like to thank my customers for both their purchase and comments. I also make sure I answer emails as quickly as possible as well as make sure that I can get everything working for them properly.

I do however have a bone to pick with Boonex (I doubt that they will see this post but what the hell), Boonex you made Dolphin too big and ugly, you made the Boonex site too big and complicated, the system is not for any novice to install, it's all too much. Dolphin 6 was a decedent system with a flexibility for us web designers, we could really push the layout and get quite custom, to a certain extent. I have designed and coded for all the popular cms systems out there and think that yours is the biggest pain in the arse. That’s why I'm not in a rush to make anymore. I can design AND create 3 Wordpress themes in the time it takes me to do 1 of yours. And for what I get back it's just not worth it.

You are also charging for the software, to sell on the market place and to get certified, it’s not a cheap hobby for anyone wanting to use this system for a client and for us designers/developers.

I'm sure Boonex has no plans to restructure their cms or website or should I say trim down and make easier for designers and developers to customize.
A big YES!

A market must have categories!
A market must have a search function!
A memberlist must have a search function!
A forum must have subcategories!
A good cms have an easy templatesystem

Dolphin is a great system but only for programmers and scriptkiddies!

it have only "half"-functions! No one is complete or userfriendly!

But that's it! And we alle work with Dolphin ;-)

My dream is a Dolphin with alle "standard-features" that other cms system see more have and without soooo many bugs!
Boonex can someone chime in here and let the community know if you have taken note of these issue and plan to make market usable anytime in the future?
You can read Boonex's reply to my post about the marketplace on 12.03.1020 here: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Suggestions_for_Unity_Marketplace
I have read the post. The major concern is the time that Boonex would take in improving the market. We would have enough of the business by then.
sort by rating,hits,cost,category,tags
shouldn't we have an adbox service here similar to what was at expertzzz?
It was the best medium to let people know about our products.
@gkcgautam - The problem with Boonex is that they always go for the money, fast and easy money.
Let me present the Boonex team how this community and script REALLY is..:

1. A main script full of bugs.
2. No client support or madly delayed answers - you are lucky to get a response after a week..
3. Messy market system, you can never find what you want \_____/ add here what gkgautam said above.
4. Incredible messy template system.
5. Incredible messy module vs skin system.
6. Boonex.com navigation see more system is a JOKE..
7. Boonex.com design is heavy and slow..
8. Moderators CAN'T moderate anything..

Should I continue?

Of course I can.. look only on this post.. 2-3 days passed and no trace of any Boonex staff reply.. and this is not a random rant of some new member..
ah...still no response from Boonex
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.