Email Problems

moe78z posted 17th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.
There are two problems regarding email here.

  1. Whenever I try to "Invite a Friend" to my site, I get an "Email Send Failed" error message. I can't seem to find a reason why.

    If you're already logged in as a member, would the fields "Your Name" and "Your Email" automatically be filled up? Mine doesn't do that. If I try to fill them up and then type in my friends email address in the "Friend Email" box and then I click on "send letter", I will then get the error message "Email Send Failed".
  2. I get the same error message when I try to "Send Letter" (This is from Actions in member's profiles). However, the "Your Email" and "Your Name" fields are automatically filled up. The error message will appear when I try to send the message.
Hopefully someone can help me solve this problem. I'm using Dolphin 6.1.1.
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Problem's resolved. Its an issue with my web host. They don't allow relaying of emails due to spam. So the solution is to set the "From" email to an email from my own domain e.g.
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