I had an epipheny the other night and all of a sudden decided to stop smoking. Crazy as it may sound, I have been trying to stop smoking for well over a year now. I personally think I'm doing well because I'm done to a cigaratte a day. Well today. I haven't smoked one cigarette and I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm not sure how well I'm going to do tomorrow but I'm going to try to keep the ball rolling.
But thats not what I'm here to talk about, I'm here to talk about the fact that I'm pretty much done with the foundation of my site!!!!!!. After a year and a half of research and experimenting I finally put together something worth talking about. I have looked back on this site a couple of times and just smiled. So far everything seems to just flow together really well. I'm still learning about php and the script that I'm using. But I must say that I really have learned alot on this journey.
I know that no website is fully ready and that you can only get so far before you get to the point where you MUST promote and get traffic. I think I'm at that point. I'm going to sit down and do a couple of things to my site and do a few test runs before I begin actually throwing hints that I exist. I want to at least make sure everything is connecting well. I never knew that this would be so much fun.
I guess I need to move to the remixing software I'm trying to implement into the site, this is going to be a doozy. I know that it can't be all that hard but hey we shall see right.
I wish I had the ability to throw a link to my site on here but I haven't upgraded my account, so I'm not even going to go there. The journey was well worth it. Despite all of the set backs I endured and the bland, stingy people I've run into, I still had a great time building this site. I don't regret taking the long way around. I believe that I got alot more out of it and it also helped me to build character.