Dolphin, Ray and Orca links

dpenner posted 7th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 12 comments.
Ok.  Usually the support has been good.  This time I am not sure what to think.  This is my problem....

I downloaded Dolphin 6.005 and purchaced the lifetime ad free license which removed the links from the pages.  I did not need to pay for the Ray because I didn't mind the ads to show up when viewing videos.  I also did not purchace nor did I register orca since I have no use for it on this site I am creating. 


All was well until I upgraded to Dolphin 6.1.  Installation went well, features look good a few minor gliches but now I am back where I left off when I re-installed.  Great! Good! Perfect!

So then I enter my life long ad free license to get rid of the Links like I did the first time and nothing happend.  Links are still there.

I wrote to one of the sales reps "Mike" and now all links are gone but the ORCA image and powered by link.  This is a problem since I don't use ORCA nor do I need it. So I am stuck now.  Hope someone from boonex can help out.

Any help?
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Well the license did what it was suppose too.

It removed the link for Dolphin.

I know you are going to say, we in the prior release it didnt this and that, well in the prior release you didnt have the new features you wanted, or you wouldnt have upgraded.

I havnt check it myself, but wonder if the links still show if you dont even install ray or orca. (boonex??)

Yes it did I suppose. It removed the one for Ray as well which it awesome. The only one it did not remove was the one for Orca which is the one I don't use. At any rate, this is going to be a charitable donation site so I can't be having the ads about dating on there. Are you part of the development team or can you direct me to someone who is that may be able to help.
Same problem here except I have 5 ad-free Dolphin licenses on 5 different sites.
Looks like it was a big problem and is getting fix.
I have manually removed the Boonex Footer links. I have purchased an annual license for Dolphin and Ray A/V chat...

I get the following message with the links removed...

1 You have manually removed BoonEx footers without paying for the right to. Please, go to and order the ad free licenses to be able to use your site without BoonEx footers. They will be automatically removed as soon as you register your ad free licenses. Please, put the __boonex_footers__ key back into Dolphin template.

Can see more somebody clarify what the process is for removing these links???
OK Guys don't know if this will work for you, but it did for me...

1. Login to admin and delete the license key.
2. Logout and back into Admin and you will prompted to enter the license.
3. Enter your Ad-Free license code again no more Ad's....

Hope this works for you...
You are one smart guy! Such and easy way to solve the problem. Nice work! thank you so much! It worked!
many thanks, worked like a charm!
where do i find the location of license key?
You'll find the key under "advanced settings".
Is this even usable i have downloaded D7 from here and all i get after install is :
1 You have manually removed BoonEx footers without paying for the right to. Please, go to and order the ad free licenses to be able to use your site without BoonEx footers. They will be automatically removed as soon as you register your ad free licenses. Please, put the __boonex_footers__ key back into Dolphin template.

Whats up with that ? i havnt changed any code..
When I go to my mysite/admin I get the following message "0 You have manually removed BoonEx footers without paying for the right to. Please, go to and order the ad free licenses to be able to use your site without BoonEx footers. They will be automatically removed as soon as you register your ad free licenses. Please, put the __boonex_footers__ key back into Dolphin template."

I have registered for a ad free license
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.