I have been reading through the tickets created and it seems that most of these were not "critical" (I'm not saying none were not). The fixes have been relatively simple code edits. Remove this part of code, add this part of code kinda thing.
Currently there are 17 tickets:
6 are labeled as "enhancements"
8 are unassigned (6 of which are enhancements)
Correct me if I am wrong but.. It seems that a RC version could have been released already instead of people complaining about loading, testing, re-loading betas, and even losing people to other social networking scripts. If most of these fixes are just simple code changes, why haven't you released a RC version and just provide updates or service packs for bugs that have been discovered. I have not seen any fixes that required a database change or a complete overhaul, as of yet.
Here is the reason I say this:
People could load Dolphin 7 and use as a "LIVE" site, if they chose to. Updates or service packs that contain ONLY the changed files would be available for fixes. For instance, a "critical" bug was found when joining the site. It required a code change in the Join.php and BxProfileView.php. You could release a hofix that contained only those 2 files and we would only have to upload and overwrite the existing files. It's not like D7 is completely "unfunctionable" at it's current state, just needs a little fine tuning.
People who create "mods" for dolphin can go ahead an start re-coding to fit the D7 environment so that members could download/purchase within a reasonable amount of time. It seems that some developers are not even going to start modding for D7 for a while even after it's RC release (just some that I have read).
With the expectations that D7 will be available possible by the end of week (please don't count on that), this blog may be a little late. However, this could possibly eliminate alot of "noise" from your members. This would also allow your members to run D7 and your developers could focus on the enhancements to create Enhancement Service Packs that include several requests from members without the delay of running D7.
These are just merely suggestions, not complaints. Any comments or suggestions or completely welcome.
These 69 tickets were entered at a time when a lot of people didn't even bother to install beta 8 after reading the initial reports from those that did. I really find it hard to grasp, how anyone can call the next build a Release see more
At this pace we'll probably be playing with RC3 by Xmas. With the whole new issues that the RCs will likely unveil, D7.0 Final could be seeing the light of day by next Spring (kind of poetic).
Regardless, the ultimate focus should be to make this thing as stable and bug-free as possible.
Nevertheless one has to keep in mind that this will also mean that us and only us would be responsible to keeping them up-to-date to the latest RC hotfixes, and complying to the Dolphin platform.
With the upcoming of see more
8 tickets to go!
By the way i just saw the 7.1 assigned tickets... it's a long way to 7.1