Dolphin Documentation. How to Install.. FAQ .. Troubleshooter

VictorT posted 26th of January 2010 in . 10 comments.

It is here at BoonEx Trac. The Docs section is updated by BoonEx Team very often. Although members are claiming there is no Dolphin Documentaion.

Here is the link to BOONEX.COM -> SUPPORT -> TRAC DOLPHIN DOCUMENTATION to reveal it.

We know it is not perfect. And we would highly appreciate any kind of help improving Dolphin Documentation section in Trac. You may help to expand Dolphin Documentation to be more "user-friendly", informative, etc.

If you have suggestions, questions, propose clarifications, changes on how to improve Dolphin Documentation, post them in comments or contact me by sending me an email or PM. Also, we welcome your help in translating of the existing Docs into your language. Contact me about advice on how to move forward..

Constructive criticism is accepted only.

If you are still here for whining and bitching around without any reason and without doing anything valuable this thread is not into you! Please don't take any offence then!

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Any chance of switching to Tiki Wiki for D7 documentation? It would be a much better platform to use for this. If you give us a more robust platform like this for documentation editing, I would be much more likely to contribute my time. Your documentation will be as good as the tools you have to work with. I really think Dolphins technical documentation needs to be taken to the next level, with ample screen shots and tutorial videos. There are some pretty well known names on the list of Tiki-Wiki see more users, and for good reason..... it's the best. Please give the Tiki-Wiki platform some serious thought.

If I were Boonex however, I'd be careful who to let edit documentation. You do not want to make it a free-for-all and turn it into a chaotic mess. A comprehensive content outline should be created first which will initially contain many blank pages. Unity members/editors could then easily see what is needed, and pick a page to edit that they feel most confident in providing content. Dolphin 7 was years in the making, and without a serious joint effort, comprehensive documentation will also be years in the making. Give us a platform that's fun to work with, and I think you'll see a lot of members here rise to the occasion and pitch in their time. I know I would.

Check out the Promo Sheet PDF
We have wiki setup coming along with Trac system. It is not so flexible but it is there and working.

Why don't you use to write or edit articles in current wiki?
Not only within Unity we are missing a good wiki system, in D7 this a missing change.
The faq system is not good for most of us. So I think (thanks Houston) Tiki Wiki would be the best choice to intergrade in both,
>> is not good for most of us.

Well, that needs to be clarified in more expanded details. As I proposed you can contact me or write down your suggestions how to improve it.
Tiki-Wiki would be a bit too much for D7.
i am with houstonlively on this one. in order to attract those who would participate, one would need to bring the platform out of the dark ages. wiki in its prime was king, however, times have changed, and as Dolphin has been developed and changed its platform, so should the tools in which are expected to provide the information.

TIKI-WIKI for Unity Platform - Aye
I am really hoping this will develop into something more comprehensive similar to the Wordpress Codex.

You may already know this, but having comprehensive and accessible documentation keeps the complaints and customer service requests at bay. If Wordpress cost money, I would purchase it in a heartbeat simply because of their open, and easy to understand knowledge base/codex.

Considering that a prime license is almost $1000, I am surprised that this wasn't see more fleshed out and updated sooner.
That's very good remark. We know about Wordress Codex and look at it doing Dolphin Docs comprehensive too as much as we can.
I'm surprised this blog isn't getting more attention,

Anyway, here's a good demo of TikiWiki in action:
VictorT wrote: "We have wiki setup coming along with Trac system. It is not so flexible but it is there and working. Why don't you use to write or edit articles in current wiki?"

My reply: I won't use it for the same reason I wouldn't use a horse and buggy to get around, or attack enemy tanks with trebuchets . If you want to bring Dolphin documentation out of the dark ages, you'll have to bring the authoring tools out of the dark ages first. You might find some folks around here see more willing to work with medieval tools, but I'm not one of them.

Give me some authoring tools where I can freely mix images, and screen recordings, and I'll help every chance I can. Your wiki doesn't even have a wysiwyg editor. Trust me on this one Victor.... you are not going to find a lot of people willing to work with such crude tools.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.