Dolphin 7 and IE8

MichelSwiss posted 16th of January 2009 in Community Voice. 8 comments.

Will Dolphin 7 be compatible with IE 8 ???


I tried my Dolphin 6.1 using IE8 Beta 2 and saw that the main div is not centered any more but about 10px on the left...


Hope that Dolphin 7 will be tested using IE 8 too ;-)


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i mentioned this earlier in my blog

however there was no response from BOONEX. I hope they have taken this into account as current dolphin is not totally compatible and many other non dolphin community software are working on the beta testing team to get their softwares fully compatible.
Hello guys.

During development (all last time) I am using FF3, IE8/7, Safari to check our dev version. And can confirm that dolphin works (mainly) correctly at all browsers that I listed. Regards.
I think you need also The latest version of Opera into the tests..

I can tell you that IE 8.0 does not work well. My users can't post events or classifieds. A real frustrating problem for a social based website.
Iced said they didn't answer. They told me they had no resources to check out the problem.

I assume you are referring to IE8 and Dolphin 6.x, and since 6.x was released prior to ie8 being available to test with, I am sure there are problems since MicroShit doesnt conform to any standards. (it just likes to make up new ones as it goes along)

I think we should wait and see what they do with IE8... Let's face it, a lot of the current web doesn't work in IE8. They're going to have to change it, or IE will be history.
Heres an article about the new release of IE8 RC1 and the improvements over the beta versions.

IE8 is a major shift by Microsoft to Standards Compliance using XHTML 1.0 Strict. Boonex claims it's DOCTYPE is XHTML Transitional but when you run any Boonex page through the Markup Validator at
you find hundreds of code validation errors. Firefox 3 is already compatible with XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.