Dolphin 7 - Observations and Options

jtadeo posted 1st of February 2009 in Community Voice. 18 comments.

I wanted to post this earlier last week but got sidetracked. Anyway, here it is...

Dolphin 7 - Waiting for a Miracle?

I am waiting like everyone else and yes we are all very excited. I know the subhead may sound a bit dramatic but with all the drama surrounding Dolphin 7 it seemed appropriate.

I think it's natural, that as community members, we may sometimes feel like BoonEx owes it to us to give answers about their products. The reality is -- they don't. They are a privately held company and it is their prerogative to maintain confidentiality in order to keep a competitive edge in their industry.

The fact that BoonEx let us in on Dolphin 7 is a big plus. For everyone, including their competitors. By making the announcement, they have given their competitors prep time to brace themselves for another "hit" to their own products. From what I am hearing, BoonEx's competitors will find it very difficult to neutralize this next release.

So, what is the deal with Dolphin 7?

But Andrew Said, "Two Weeks" and That was Last Year! Grrrr...

I have to admit, it was quite a preamble to make an announcement like that. While it is true that Andrew did say two weeks, unfortunately the nature of programming and Life dictates that even under the best of circumstances something as simple as an ampersand will throw off an entire page of code. I program professionally and can tell you my stomach drops whenever I get that dreaded error message. A tinge of nervousness hits me, then I get over it and I then start planning a way to solve the problem or stomp that bug. I hazard to guess such is the case with Dolphin 7. They have hit a few snags here and there (or more). They are delayed. They have overshot the announced and anticipated time of release. It's bad, but really, is it as bad as this? Welcome to the programmer's world...*sigh*.

With the pressure of delivery breathing down their necks, I anticipate the guys and gals at BoonEx are not getting much sleep. And let's be straight with this, if you just can't wait then maybe you can go use the other social net apps out there. No one is stopping you and maybe it would be a good thing? You might even like it or you may find (as I have in the past) you always come back to the one you love.  I've used many of them and will also need to work with one in a few months and to be sure I will probably end up comparing it to Dolphin. In my opinion, when you've had steak for dinner, that burnt burger will sometimes not cut it.

Bugs = A Programmer's Worst Nightmare (Well at least one of them)

The reality is sometimes code fixes will take anywhere from 1 minute to 1 hour to 1 week or more. It is very hard to guesstimate because if there are support files and other assets related to a file it has to be tracked down. Even when you do track it down, you have to create a solution that harmonizes with your existing code. Just consider the companies like Microsoft, Apple, EA and and so forth who have all missed critical deadline where millions of dollars were at stake and millions of people have been waiting. Remember Vista? This is not a new thing.

It is work and it is hard work. Now and again I chat with other developers and we tell tales of victories we had in combating a fierce program bug that had us not sleeping for many nights. When a programmer quashes bug, it is for the moment a great victory and you feel like standing on top of your kitchen fridge and pounding your chest acting like you are invincible. Then reality sets in and it's back to work.

What Are the Options?

One option that BoonEx could exercise is to release the product in order to please the masses. However guess what can happen? Bugs. Things not working properly. This would bring us back to when the first release of Dolphin 6 came out. Some of the veteran members will remember that time. It was utter chaos with members complaining "Why didn't you guys take your time and test this?" Truth be told however that a lot of the problems centered around some members not doing the proper installation.

Can you see the confliction here? What was that old saying again? "Damn if you do, damn if you don't!". I think that's what's happening at the moment at BoonEx central. So, take a breather and work it out in your heads using some conditional reasoning as it relates to the predicament BoonEx is in and see what you would do. I trust most likely the same.

Dolphin 6.1.4 Is the Current Option at This Time

For now, I have few more projects left with Dolphin 6.1.4 and will continue with it for a while yet in addition to Dolphin 7. I know it very well and have built several sites with 6.1.4. I know its limitations and I know where it shines. I think there will still be some longevity with it and I see it as Dolphin 7's little brother at this time.

Besides, even if Dolphin 7 were released today, I believe people will need a few weeks to dig into it more and to see what it's capable of doing. Ideally it will have substantially less bugs than the original Dolphin 6 release and that alone will have made the wait worth it in my viewpoint.

For now, let BoonEx do what they need to do. Simmer down a bit gang and all will be good.


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tbh i totally agree... Some ppl here (like me) are not fussed about the delay. Dolphin 1.4 is a great tool already and if Boonex's perogative is too release a stable framework for its clients then SO BE IT!

This reminds me of the Skyline GTR made by Nissan. The new Nissan GTR (GTR35) took over 10 years to be developed (Car enthusiasts will know) due to the challenge from other manufacturers and its other GTR 34 & 33 models which were known as world leading cars. GTR owners had to wait forever see more however last year when the new model was released, it is known as a phenomenal car and well worth the wait.

I think one thing that ppl here (Free Boonex users as well as Clients that have paid) are contemplating is... DO we CONTINUE with modding our website (via DX or expertzzz) or do we wait for the new release. Personally I have stopped all mods on my sites and want to wait for the first release of Dolphin 7. I am now concentrating on the human side of my communities rather than the technical side (ie addons/mods).

If I was Boonex, I will take my time as their market position really depends on what they release and it is necessary to get things RIGHT as they do have competitors breathing down their necks too!
What Andrew said was 7 BETA would be out... which means to me that even when it comes out it will go at least a few weeks of betas and RCs before it's ready for prime time.

Therefor I am forging ahead with 6.1.4 until 7 is flight worthy.
On my side exact the same, I have 8 dolphin site running, one under 6.1.2 the other witt 1.4 and they are all stable. So yes you can wait with modding, but sometimes you need some barely, then I modding this.

I'am agree with others that a version with less off bugs is what we wanted, and if this cost time, then we have to wait...
100% agree with jtadeo - and as already stated here before - - look at the time line link to see on a daily base whats going actual on with the Release of V7 -
the reality is this, Boonex dumped Dolphin 6.2 so in reality Dolphin 7 is really 6 months ahead of when you would have had it, so its not late, its not behind, its being released early.

being one of the very few that has seen and tested Dolphin 7, Boonex has good reason to keep it under wraps until they are ready to release it. why give the compeditors a list of what you are working on so they can jump the gun on you?

those that leave because they cant wait? they'll be back, Boonex know it. see more i know it. and you know it.

Dolphin 7 makes Dolphin 6.1 look like windows 3.1.1
remember that heap of crap before windows 95 ?

100% agree with James here.
Andrew Boon
Thank you.

I have to blame myself for most of this delay - every time I see a next build I decide to order another set of alterations. 7 already looks great, but it's like when you do a house renovation - paint walls, and you HAVE to change carpet. We have all new mailbox, totally new members browsing and search; re-designed navigation; new profiles; new flash apps; re-designed players; iphone app; adobe air app; new media browsing; cool new "wall"; and a &^%#load of other enhancements. see more But still, admin panel needs some work, events, blogs, groups and ads are not quite ready yet, not all modules are separated... and this time we really want to make it right.

No, it's not 6 months away, really, but we still need some time.
I remember when i first saw, i got excited about the whole script, jumped into it, started promoting it, getting members than realizing all the bugs that were in it at the time which caused alot of headache, the point i'm trying to make is that boonex is doing a great job by not rushing into this release, i'd rather be patient and wait for it to have it's final release with a shine (which i know it will have) than to have it all buggy.
Yes thats right, but where people crying about is the information from the develeoprs team.. Don't say couple weeks or so.... maby is a counter on the site a solution...
Thank you James for a realistic assessment of the issues concerning Dolphin. As a novice programmer I am glad that the development and future of the software is in such capable hands. However, as a professional business development consultant I am deeply concerned about the vendor/client relationship Boonex has with its base.

It is evident to me that in the past year Andrew and his team have been caught off guard by the impressive demand for corporate community software. They entered the marketplace see more with their dating community package and much to their surprise they now have hundreds of professional businessmen placing unexpected demands upon them. Dealing with businessmen requires a disciplined and timely approach. I know there have been a lot of suggestions made but indulge me to make one more.

If Andrew will incorporate a WEEKLY Business and Progress Report in the form of a newsletter and direct it especially to the business owners in the Boonex Community I firmly believe he will satisfy their demands. Businessmen don't mind waiting as long as they know what they are waiting for.

The current approach of spontaneous blogging about your latest vacation won't cut it.

Most modern businesses are three tiered and orrganized into Management, Production, and Development. It is at the Management level where Boonex is falling short and Management should be their immediate focus.

I will help all I can to calm things down if I am allowed.

Semper Fi,

Thanks for the comments everyone.

The past few days it's starting to feel like a community all over again!
yes james it has. more so with people being united
sammie how ya doing?? where can i go to ask the boonex guys my questions?? i went onto expertzzz tried clicking on the programmers but it just went to a loading page and that was it??? i bought the ad free license for dolphin, and now i want to take off the dolphin logo at the bottom of my website?? how can i do this?? plus the boonex and terabyte advertising in the shout box?? and take out the quick search looking for male or female on my homepage??
Hey Guys,

I'm sure its been asked...

Some of you are talking about the new dolphin if thou you already seen it so I'm just wondering if there's a demo or a screenshot of what it looks like?
Well i have been in the site buziness for over a year now!! And i am proud to say i give Boonex my blessings! I am a relatively green webmaster picking my way through. I HAVEC RUN INTO MY SHARE OF PROBLEMS!! But Unity members have come to my aid more then id care to admit!! :>}

We The People of Unity should stand proudly behind Boonex and all their efforts to give us in my opionion one of the best,infact id say the best open source community management systems in the world today!! Rome see more wasn"t built in a day and neither can V7 so id suggest we all take pride in Boonex in Unity!! And enjoy the ride we are in for a hell of a lot of fun so lets all enjoy our communities , and lets all work together to make Dolphin The Envy of all!!

I can hardly wait to see the finished product!! Dolphin V 7 i know will be totally amazing!
I Dream About Dolphin 7! It Must Be So Sweet !!!
competition? dolphin has no competition, do you know any free script at this quality? this is like a niche product.. no other bad guys around.. so why the secrecy of the release date - (just a date in the calendar)!
why dont boonex appoint some "super admins" to provide FREE bug fixing and upgradations for their members...?
just like SP releases...
Upgradations should be much easier without affecting the site...

In Admin (it would be great if we have this)
When boonex release updates...
Just click to install...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.