Previous RC performed very well and only a few glitches were found since then. So, RC5 is here today!
Along with the previous RC releases, this one comes with a proper upgrade script too, which will automatically update your files (unless you made script modifications) and will keep the site data and settings in place.
Please, try this package and let us know how it rolls.
Check out the list of bugs fixed in RC5
Upgrade Instructions from RC4-to-RC5
Online Demo (upgraded to RC5)
Upgrade from 6.1.6-to-7.0 (it is not official yet and for test purposes only)
Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums
Check out Trac for the progress of the next milestone.
And please, don't forget to comment in comments and discuss in forums. Not the other way around.
less bugs...
closer to Final Release...
still any updates on testing part?
1.Stress testing
2.Load testing
3.DB strength testing
4.Security Testing
and SEO reports?
Have you guys at Boonex completely lost your senses?
Well... I suppose churning out an RC every two days, is ONE way to reduce the number of tickets between RCs. Unbelievable.
thank you Boonex :)
im going to have to ride this one with you. What would prompt an RC5 when you as developers have clearly stated that there are a large number of tickets that are pushed to 7.1?
RC4 and RC5 in a matter of days, HL if you recall that is the way that 6.1.5 and 6.1.6 were dropped on us.
Boonex, this is not exactly what would be coined D E V E L O P E M E N T.
get a grip guys, you released RC4, and two days later you drop RC5, so should RC4 be abandoned, and it was a premature mistake to see more
It seems like this whole thing is a mess and it aint getting better over 4 years it ONLY getting worse!!!
I think its time we vote and have a petition to get rid of AlexT and bring on CodeSatori onboard to change this around for the better like i have said in other other posts and threads!
Boonex needs a change of present programers and it wont get better if you see more
why does each one still hold the D 7.0 flag in its compressed state as well as its uncompressed state.
i would like to do a DIFF on everything from v-6.0
if any of you members have the originial zips and would provide me with a download link, i wish to create a historical directory of what transitions have been made.
Anyway, seems to get close to final.
Thumbs up
Merry X-Mas and have a great Christmas Eve everyone
Hmmmmm, i wonder why. When you only give us 2 days to test it. Of course only a few glitches would be found. Not to mention it's the week before christmas, so may of us have other things to do besides test dolphin.
I was thinking about working with Dolphin for a huge community site. As far as I can see, 3 RCs after my last post, there are still the most essential menu items (like profile, modules etc.) showing script errors (files not found, obviously for wrong paths).
This does not look like a serious project to me anymore, so I will stop messing around with Dolphin...
Kind regards from Austria,
From a business aspect of looking at things, I think there is a mis-communication or mis-understanding here. Don't push rc see more
SetEnv TZ Europe/Helsinki
open your mind, mumper! Use google!
Almost all software has bugs. Most software companies put out updates often unless their software is very simple. Microsoft often puts out several a week, Firefox does it pretty often. Adobe.. well you get the point, if not, I'm sorry.
Oh, BTW Dolphin users, you are not required see more
For the time try this:
In the first line of file inc/ add this row:
Obviously change Europe/Rome with your timezone (you can find them here:
It will fix your time problem...
About RC5... I don't have word....obviously we got few ticket...2 days....
CSS errors isn't a bug????? well...this product work good only with one browser?
But this too:
BoonEx reply me to this question:
Do you like flood, spam, and offensive nickname or other not very nice? No, I think
So why we have to accept this in our community if you don't like it in your website?
I'll wait a see more
1649 - group forum posting problem - set to invalid
1650 - member menu bug - minor - fixed.
1653 - latin accentuated characters - set to invalid!
1656 - language key popup - fixed.
1654 - private photo request - minor non-critical feature added
1655 - Renew install.txt file. minor edits to install.txt file.
Two of these bugs were "fixed" by setting them to "invalid"! see more
Lets hope and pray for Boonex and all who use Dolphin that 7 and 7.1 not get abandoned or even orphaned.
Lets hope and pray that Boonex doesn't take on to much workload with Poseidon so not to conflict with the interests of Dolphin users, or until they have enough workforce to tackle both smoothly, because an implied DIY is out of question for most of the users.
I did the RC5 upgrade..
It went fine. Didn't break my site this time :)
My God, you guys really struck a nerve on this one..
Hey, after all it's X-Mas Day
Apologies, BoonEx, but releasing a new update of your software a mere two days after the last one is one of the worst things your could have done. Not only is it a major insult to those who continue to test your development releases, but it shows sheer ignorance when it comes to fixing bugs. You cannot give two days for people to report bugs and then say you had no more issues to report on.
If you guys are truly finding less and less issues with the current source see more
I do not know what going on in here. But, I just noticed that both RC4 and RC5 has the same zip file name
Is this a mistake or what?
Which one the real one?
Getting almost fed up .
As for RCs - we accelerated RC releases because we all need to release the Final already. Bravehearts that run RCs may be fine (apart from the "too-often" updates), but most new customers suffer with 6.1, which is already a much less stable product than the current D7.
We've see more
Peace, ok? I know you mean good, but it did feel like you're trying too hard to co-comment every negative feedback and kept on pushing. We do hear you, but making "changes" as opposed to fixing bugs takes a lot of time, and is not supposed to be done on RC stage. We will be doing changes and fixing "flaws" in 7.0.1 which will come VERY soon, but you should know by now that we must have released Dolphin 7 already and should have focused on bugs only.
Anyway, let's see more
There is an important rule behind all of this that I’d like you to remember:
The more defensive you become, the more likely that the person criticizing you is actually right after so many years!
Really…think about it for a moment AndreW. What if we all agreed and said “Your Team Of Kyrgyzstans Suck as Programers!!! ”. Would this upset you? Since your not a Kyrgyzstan Programer it is obviously NOT directed at you, your from Australia, this is a ridiculous accusation see more
Andrey / Unoboonex / Andrew ... etc
the negative posts for the most part were constructive. I know specifically the posts i provided were not intended to be detrimental. I can understand its all frustrating for you guys as it is for many of us who have been testing this application with you. I personally laid off the beta releases because there were just too many of them.
as for the RC's, i think i tried 1, 3,4, but knew that you had set a date of Dec 25, 2009 as the Final Release for Dolphin 7. I do however, wish to discuss see more
administration/templates/base/promo.html -> <laber></label> (r=l) 2 times,
administration/basic_settings.php ->
$bPromoImage = getParam('enable_flash_promo') == 'on';
$sResult = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('promo.html', array(
'checked_image' => $bPromoImage ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
'checked_text' => !$bPromoImage ? 'checked="checked"' see more