Dolphin 7 (Hookie) BETA 5 with online demo

VictorT posted 28th of August 2009 in . 102 comments.

Beta 5 is ready today. So, we're taking another step towards a very stable version and continuing the period of polishing things out and bug fixing. We hope you will have time to help us test this Beta.

Check out the list of bugs fixed in Beta 5

Download Dolphin 7 Beta 5

Online Demo (we had to do the fresh install again)

Test, test, test!!!

Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums

Check out Trac for the progress of the next milestone.

P.S. Please, do not start discussions in the comments to this post, use forums for that.

Please login to post a comment.
Great Thanks. Checking it now
Thanks, test and report
How about fixing the album thumbnail display in IE7, and then call it Beta 5. I don't even want to intall this with all the album thumbnails messed up. At least post a patch.

Might I suggest, that before you guys release any more betas, that you do an install somewhere to see if there are any glaring problems like this?

Adding one more px to the height & width of .sys_album in common.css corrects the display. Seems as though IE7 doesn't like trhe widths of the thumbs+ thumb-margins +thumb-borders to add up exactly to the width of .sys_album of 140px One more px is all IE7 wanted.
HA - what are you doing Houston, channeling Roseanne Roseannadanna (obscure cultural reference the young folks won't understand).
We wont print what Jane Curtin's response
hey houston, i am not gonna judge on what problem
yer havein with thumbnails in IE7 , have u tryed
IE8 , most people i know don't use IE7

Good Luck Dude :-)
IE8 is a POS.... especially with win XP. Maybe when MS gets all the bugs out of IE8, I'll try it again.

Besides, this needs to work with IE7. If you are running XP, which many people are, you have no business using IE8.
No one is using IE8 because it's full of bugs right now. Or at least no one in my circle of geek friends.
Trying to keep up with the Beta's... lol I'm glad there's movement though. I'll have to step up my game I guess.
Is there a forum that people can talk about editing certain things with the new software? I am trying to remove things from the actions block on profiles and there is something I am missing to do this...

Also Would it be possible to ad in by default a State option if you select US as your Country? It was a pain to do this the first time and I think it should be something in the software by default.
The (pulldown menu) state option for the USA is sorely needed in that there are hundreds of cities with the same name in different states.

Much thanks in advance!
May I strongly appeal to Boonex that you start supporting an upgrade path between all these betas. No one wants to "test, test, test" if you have to wipe out your work every week or so. We have waited a very long time for this and really need to start building out our sites. An upgrade script from now on would be wonderful, but if not that could you at least start supporting a "full structure and content" restore from the database? You will get much better testing if people see more start building towards real world situations.
Yes that would be a huge help. I just don't want to continue testing each release by reinstalling my site. That gets a bit silly. There should be an upgrade path for any db changes.. how hard would that be!
Thanks Victor, will test it out...
Can they set up forum sections so we can test the orca script and if we can access forums now? Great to see video embedding is working good now.

Thnx for notice - yes, Orca forum was setup now.

Thanks BOONEX !!!

I hope that we can load videos... lol
Waooo another Beta how many beta they going to make i realy want to download the good one no bugs no problem downloading many betas and betas they realy dont work and they making more why they can get it to work
Do you know what a "run on sentence" is? Have you ever heard of a punctuation mark called a "period"?
let me try this one and check wat is new i hope one day they stop making more beta is getting me crazy i never going to have a big community if they keep making more beta
Your not supposed to be using D7 to make a proper community, its only for testing at mo....
It would be nice if you could learn to write proper sentences, it's a sign of maturity. And why do you keep playing around with Beta versions as though they're supposed to be final versions? That's ridiculous.

I'd much rather wait for 10 Betas to come out and not gripe about it ... thereby having the assurance afterwards that the installed software will then be absolutely (or as close as possible to) perfect for my members.

That's the whole purpose of betas, to test and test and keep right see more on testing until the product is as close to perfect as possible. Many of us are waiting just like you. If Microshaft was as dilligent about their beta products ... people would probably have far fewer problems. Is that what you'd like to see from Dolphin, a product with a bunch of problems in the final (non-beta) release version ... ???
Wait until Boonex goes RC and then people can use there site, and a site that is large creates issues Boonex can't even foresee at the moment because with every new BETA it has to be a fresh install.
Hey guys I love the new interface. I was hoping for one thing.... Is there anyway to add a screenshot selection tool during the video upload process or evan afterward by selecting the frame from the uploaded video. This would be huge and I know it can be done. Most users on my site know what they are doing but some end up with a blue or black screen. If there was a screen shot selector they wouldn't have that problem and they wouldn't have to go and re-edit there video. I uploaded an example to my see more albums to show you what I mean. Since the thumbnail is set to the first frame my video looks black in the gallery. It would be really awesome to be able to either select from the video or to just upload a jpg like the avatar photo. Again love the new site and just trying to give my two cents.

Best Regards,
Sorry, not in this version. If users will have possibility to post own screenshots for video then they can post pics which will not relate to their content. But author of video can open it and make screenshot manually in necessary place.
Hi all, Hi Boonex Team....I think Dolphin is a never ending Story..So many Bugs in all Betas and Finals.. wait 10 Years for 100% running Dolphin????
When you read the Bugs in der Version 6.1.4 an repair it, in the next Version are many more Bugs and a lot of the same Bugs..What´s going on Guys..Make a 100% dolphin 6.1.6 and when finish...Dolphin 7 - Dolphin 8
I used Windows for 18 years - and I'm still waiting for a perfect product. Sheeesh ....
Am I the only one having problems with the "membership" module? There are multiple bugs in it that never get resolved. I have reported them over and over and they never get fixed. Its the same bugs that you get in version 6.1.6.
I am trying to run a paid site but with so many problems in the membership module it becomes impossible. Please, someone, focus in getting this sorted out!!
i dont realy know why they keep making beta they realy need to make upgrade thast all making beta is getting everyone crazy downloading and getting the same problem all the time and losing your databased information , like members and stuff they realy need to doo something better than more beta
You used a comma! I am so proud of you!
He will be speaking English before we know it! I think we are in the presense of the next owner of a site as popular as Myspace!
People who feel the need to pick on someone because of something like proper English really need to get a life, not all Dolphin users speak the English language fluently, and to give someone a negative mark just because they are not using proper English is pathetic. Get a life people.
I think I may have found a bug. When I tried to join on the beta test site you have set up, the screen would not advance, even after trying several times. There were no error messages or anything, but I suspected it may be a specific field. When I changed the info, it let me join. So, I think the error messages may be missing.
I also had an idea that I posted on a previous beta post, but there have been so many, I don't want it to get lost, because I think it's a good one:

It would be nice if any content could be placed into any groups of which you are a member. For example, if I create a blog post, I want to be able to place it into any of my groups. I'd also like to be able to place videos or any other content into any group (even more than one group) without having to go to the group and upload it there.
Thanks BoonEx. Downloading now... and will test at your demo site also.
Спасибо! Вы лучшие!
is it possible to download the software and upload it without loosing members and files?
Better make fresh install.
Why make a community with a beta... We say everytime again, use its for test nothing more as that. pfff
A few of us are asking for this. Would be a fantastic addition to have an upgrade path from beta - beta - rc.
Thanks for the update.
Uploading now :)
I LOVE BOONEX is more better than myspace and facebook and other social network for me personal but guy please dont make more beta lol i want this to end i want to star my social network
Your posts are good for a laugh if nothing else.
Although the BETA's are necessary I have never seen 5 versions of the BETA, and I've always seen an upgrade script from one to the other, how can you possibly test the site on a wide scale when you have to restart from scratch on a weekly basis. He has a valid point how long is this BETA thing going to play out. It's time to start the RC stage so that users can really test this software with more than a handful of users you constantly have to re-create. And stop negative voting this guy simply see more because you don't agree with what he is saying. Cause to be honest a lot of us do agree this BETA thing is playing out way, way to long.
As long as there are major issues that haven't been pinpointed yet, there should be betas. Least that's my opinion. I view Dolphin just "as huge of a product" as I view my operating system and when Microshaft beta-runs their new Windows for 6 - 9 months at a time, there's nowhere near as much hoopla about it.

Just be patient, what's the problem with a little extra testing? I'll repeat that, what's the *PROBLEM* with a little extra testing, to assure a better product down the road?
Keep up the good work guys, release cycle seems to be drawing in - hopefully this is a sign that the end is nearing.

Forum looks good, thanks for adding that section. Is there a issue with regular uploading of videos now? I cant remember if it worked on 7.4. I know it worked on 6.16 but i couldn't embed utube videos on 6.16.
Another small request, can it be possible to leave html comments? That would be another bonus in helping eliminate some cost as far as getting mods to allow this to take place.
I agree with you it would certainly be nice to put HTML at least in a basic form into comments, and you shouldn't have to buy a mod to make it work, I'm sorry people here seem to negative vote anyone they do not agree with.
yea i mean i see it both ways, some people may make there living making mods for dolphin. But to me just being able to leave html comments is a pretty simple request that should be added with just a stock dolphin build imo.
Is there anyway to add categories to the FAQ or the Help session, similar to phpnuke FAQ? it's really perplexing to go through a long single page to find what you're looking for. Just my view.

In that way member(s)will be able to navigate direct to the session they are interested in.

Profile setting category
Login Cat.
Video upload cat.
Music cat. ect.. ect...
nicely done. guess it's close to release version now.
embeded video works now, but doesn't show video player in google chrome, FF and IE are OK though.
it worked before I uploaded a logo in chrome, since then it stopped showing in chrome.
Uploaded video show though.
7.5 loaded on a new site video seems to work fine a few bugs but a lot better then before. I need some people to run it through it's paces. this site is extreme adult so if it offends you please dont.
can you guys add some info in the profile page like. Also make friends display in the profile page, i mean i can see my friends on my page.

favorite movies: Dreams:
Music: Best Features:
TV: About Me:
can you guys add some info in the profile page like. Also make friends display in the profile page, i mean i can see my friends on my page.

favorite movies: Dreams:
Music: Best Features:
TV: About Me:
Sorry if this sounds a bit foolish but I have been looking around to find the answer. If I have a ad-free license key already for my Dolphin, can I transfer/use it for version 7 if I decide to upgrade?
for the same domain problem
Permissions Reversal
There is a requirement to change permission to Non-writable after installation D7.
I have checked the permission, it shows "755" But still not able to proceed the installation.
Pls advice.

As i am using Beta 4 and having some problems if i use beta 5 can i use my old database coz i have 63 members on my network and i don't want to loose them at any cost.
Don't think so, the advise is to re-install every beta fresh. Because its a BETA a debugging version..
And yet again my point comes across how can you BETA test something with just a small handful of users, if this keeps up with fresh installs no one will be able to test this software with hundreds of users, and we will see Dolphin 6 play out all over again with problems after problems. This Fresh Install stuff is crap, how can you really truly test the software if you have to keep starting from scratch over and over again.

And btw thank you moderators for removing some of my posts because you see more don't agree with what I have said. I love when a community like this is closed to free speech.

Be for real. Why on earth would you do something like that? I'm glad that all of the betas are fresh installs because hopefully that'll help to deter some people (who don't know any better) from thinking that more and more members can be added while every beta continues to be "upgraded" by the site owner? If you lose your stuff, it's your own fault. Don't use betas as final versions ... EVER !!!

For test purposes, create see more some bogus members of your own (or use the Boonex beta site) and then play around with the product.
Jerismith there a reason no one gets real version of a site working decently......I am starting to think we are all just testers for a product you will never give a working version of.......even six has to be worked on a lot to get it this the reason you guys won't give any way for these members to update there site.......maybe you don't want them to end up with a social networking site that would compete with what you are doing........and why is it so hard to give up a working calendar see more on the join page........
Amen, I couldn't agree more, this software is plagued with Bug after Bug after Bug if I didn't already have a 500 member site I would consider moving to a different provider Boonex doesn't support the product they offer, they say use the Forums, here is a Bug Release Fix, that breaks even more things on your site. It's a joke. I'm actually considering hiring a programmer to convert my site to PHPFox.
Imagine that the developers have stopped the spread of new versions for a long time, we do not know what is happening. It would be better? We see that the work is not finished, we take part in it. Much has changed in comparison with the sixth version. And a lot of work.
Patience, ladies and gentlemen, I do not think that we are deceived. Today, in my opinion, it is impossible to transmit the content of beta versions, very significant changes, every time.
Sorry for my bad English:)
I was curious I know they had said there was sort of a tentative release goal of september. Well with today being september 1, realistically how close is it from being released? Or is it looking like it will not be released till closer to october or even november? It does seem like the list of bugs/tickets are steadily going down so thats a good sign.
see moreI think it should say somewhere in capital letters: DOLPHIN 7 BETA IS NOT READY FOR USE AT YOUR ACTUAL WEBSITE. You can use it (1) for testing it and reporting bugs to Boonex, and (2) for getting an idea of what the final D7 will be like.

Most other purposes you try to use it right now, you are most probably shooting yourself in the foot a far as the future of your installation goes. People never believe this about betas (especially with no upgrade path!), no matter how many times you repeat it...
ok boonex.......this profile thing is waaaay out of are forgetting the profile concept...."the profile" is of the person......get rid of all other crap on the page and use the top bars for that does not need to be in a million places...(JUST LIKE THE DROP DOWNS THAT GET IN EVERYONES WAY...USELESS).....I don't want to see the latest photos on everyones page..........the stats that take up the whole page (wasted space)should be on teh left.....or shortened.........the see more persons photos and video and music should be atleast half of the page.........these are not business profiles .......these are personal profiles.........when you go to a persons profile want to see "THEIR VIDEOS ONLY" THERE PHOTOS ONLY: THERE MUSIC ONLY....THERE INTERESTS .......THERE STATS.......EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM.......GET THE OTHER JUNK OFF THE PAGE AND MAKE THE PROFILE SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE IF YOU CAN'T GET THE LAYOUT.......YOU HAVE PLENTY OF THINGS TO PUT ON A PROFILE.....FAVORITE ACTIVITYS AND GROUPS....PROFILE STATS.....EMPLOYMENT......FAMILY....EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!! ; )
I agree with you about the profile thing. But the thing is depending who you ask some people will say the new dolphin is already too much like a dating site, and they want it for business purposes. I want to use mine in the same way myspace or facebook uses theirs. So I agree with what you are saying bout the profiles but i dooubt they will change it. But who knows.
It's all subjective and up to a site owners opinions. Many people feel that more is less, and others want to see features on top of features with yet more features on every page. It's simply impossible to please everyone.

But no matter what you want or think about Dolphin, as a product Dolphin also has to "compete" against sites like Myspace, numerous dating sites, Youtube, classmates, Corporate homepages, etc. etc. etc. As a result, Boonex really does need to make a bunch of features see more highly visible ... in order to be able to attract members from some of those other sites too ... FOR YOU (members who might expect to see a lot more "stuff" than some Dolphin owners have any use for). Gotta have a bit of that bling bling effect ...

Personally, I believe the start page has wayyyyyy to much crap and not enough "custom stuff" that site owners can be more create with on their own, with more modules that serve strictly a customized site purpose. On the other hand, I believe that member profiles, both public and private views, should have as many options as humanly possible since this will provide "perfection" to truly create your very own special world for your members. Having said that though, those viewable functions should then be on/off functions via super admin toggles.

But yeah, I think member stuff should stay strictly in member areas only. In Dolphin 6.xx that was already a problem, the confusion that's created by public albums, user albums, private albums, gallery here, gallery there, etc. If Dolphin is going to continue with those things, then it's imperative that any super admin (particularily people who've never designed a large hompeage before - planning on using Dolphin) be able to have instant tool tips for such confusing items. It took me days to figure out what's what when I installed 6.14 and before then I never felt that I was stupid. Dolphin can make anyone feel pretty silly though and that's why at least a good tooltip system will be quite benefical for most people.
Jerismith, you need to clean your keyboard. It appears as though your Caps Lock key is stuck.
I wish that some of you would stop all of those negative remarks about beta testing. There's no rule and no law or written critera "etched in stone" as to how long beta testing should last. Just look at microshaft ... oh yeah, they only come out with 4 or 5 betas (including RCs) but then the testing phase lasts 6 - 8 months on average. When Windows final is relased, *BOOM* there are immediately "zillions" of complaints about problems that people are experiencing. If the problems see more are severe, sometimes people have to wait in excess of 6 months before an SP1 will correct the issue.

I've been "dying" to install a final release version of Dolphin 7 since May, but I'd much rather wait for more testing until the end of the year - knowing how much better the product might be at that point - then to install another Microshaft like version of Dolphin on my server before the product is fully ready for commercial usage.

Some of you long time Dolphin users need to remember that for every one of you there are probably 100 people with far more limited skills then your own, and for every one of them there are probably another 100 people who'd like to use a product like Dolphin even though they have zero or next to zero prior coding/site building skills. Once D7 is released, it needs to be able to work for everyone right out of the box! Just be more patient, I am, and believe me, it's the last thing in the world that I'm known for. D7 is too big and too comprehensive to install before the time is right and only Boonex can (and should) decide when the timing for releases is right.
Im usually not one to get vocal, but I would like to put my 2 cents worth in and describe my own PROs and CONs regarding version7 Beta 5:

- Absolutely LOVE all the new features (spy, activity, member "task bar", admin features, privacy settings, etc.)

- The more Dolphin adapts to the current "social networking" capabilities, the more comfortable your members will be using it. (easier to pull them away from MySpace and Facebook..hehe)

Understanding this is a Beta, see more here were my first CONs I noticed:

- I signed up on the Online Demo before downloading and everything seemed to work really good. Unfortunately the download package DID NOT duplicate the Online Demo. Meaning, you already had to 'fix' some things. I personally believe that if you are going to release a Beta install package, associated with an online demo, it should function EXACTLY the way you see it without having to make a bunch of changes. Example - When you clicked Privacy Settings, You could not see any available options in the drop down menu.

- Why in the world would you associate a Cron Job to your video uploads. I have tried installing the package twice in 2 different locations and cant get ANY video to load. I guarantee this is begging for trouble. Why not just have a simple uploader?

- I love the member "task bar", But PLEASE make sure you incorporate a way to CLEAR the damn notifications. I had the number 14 showing the whole time I was online, no matter how many times I checked it.

- I love the fact that you are always "signed in" to your messenger. But it would sure be nice if you could "simple message" or "video chat" with someone without having to go to their profile. Possibly add it to the "Friends" icon in the member task bar.

- Considering the database schema is COMPLETELY different, I hope there are tools in the plans to assist people in migration. If not, I don't know too many folks willing to lose everyone and everything to start all over.

I hope I don't sound too harsh, because I really like the way this is heading. I just hope there is light at the tunnel :)
I still can not get the video to play. When i use the flash uploader it only has a black screen shot. When i use the regular uploader it has the picture screen shot. When i click to view the video it states it can not locate the video. I looked in the database under ray videos and it is there. I looked in the video folder in the media folder and there is nothing there. Does the hosting site have to be a dedicated server?
I can not get the Forums or groups to work. It keeps on not finding the urls. I am sure that I am looking over something easily to find, but I am not finding it. Is this with the permissions or could it be in the settings somewhere.

/content/modules/boonex/forum/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2 Server at Port 80
Can I do a checkout via subversion or do I have to download the zip file then update my server files?
Hi guys, if I am working with a development team to build a social network in Dolphin, should we plan our start date around the release of 7? What is the target date for a 100% version?
When will the final version launch?
Just kind of putting 2 and 2 together and a bit of wishful thinking. Looking at the trac reports, it looks like dolphin 7.6 is 81 % complete. Will that be the last beta version before 7.1? It does look like there is a decent amount of work left for d7.1. So is a october release date going to be possible at all?
You're confusing the versions. We're talking about Dolphin 7.0 beta 1-5, and beyond, resulting eventually in Dolphin 7.0 stable release. Then you can start talking about versions 7.1 and beyond.
Well when looking at the trac version it says that they have already started working on 7.1. They are currently testing 7.0 beta 6 which is like 81% finished. So I assumed that the rc version of dolphin 7 would be 7.1. and the beta versions are 7.0 1-6. So I guess i dont understand there whole beta process then, it doesnt make much since to me.
all very good, i look test!! only Video Play Problem

Video Play go not!!

Dolphin 6.1.6 Play go good!!
Video Upload flv, wmv, mpg, avi, asf on 1.flv, 2.flv Type with flv and mpg

Dolphin 7 Play go not!!!
Video Upload flv, wmv, mpg, avi, asf on 1, 2, 3, Type without flv and mpg
hmm - can't even seem to login except for admin. No login box appears at all..
Good Grief ladies and gentlemen. Did Anyone Not read the last line of the update text, and I quote "P.S. Please, do not start discussions in the comments to this post, use forums for that."

Come on guys we make things herder for the boonex guys to sort our our opinions and gripes when we do do things in the correct format, then someone has to go down this comment list and look thru this mess to find if there are any good suggestions(which there were) instead of in an orderly fashion see more in the forums.

Just my 2 Cents!

Thanks meinecommunity for your comment. I am that no knowledge end user you're referring to. I purchased a site that had dolphin preinstalled. If anyone could tell me how to install this new beta over the old i'd appreciate it. If I've posted my no knowledge question in the wrong place, chalk it up to idiot error.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to add "viewership" to blog. There's really no motivation to create new blog if you don't know how many people have actually read your blogs.
I have installed D7Beta5 in a subdirectory of my current site. The site works but I am having major issues in the admin trying to install modules. I try to add photo module and I get the error "Failed. Recompiling page builder: An error occured. Contact with module's vendor"

I get this for almost the entire list of modules. The following list is what is installed already.
Profile Customizer
Simple Messenger

I cannot install Videos, see more Sounds or Photo or most of the others. I get the same errors on almost every single module. What is strange is that the Vidoes and Sounds have tabs in the menu of the site but the module is not installed yet the Photos tab is nowhere to be found and the module is also not installed. Any help???
Did you not see this posted above? "Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums. You will have better odds if you post this where it belongs. Do people on here really read ALL of the blog that started this post? I see a lot of people ignoring this.
Well, I have to step in here and give kudos where kudos are deserved. I am an ex member of another online community group that has lost it's way. I spent almost 5 years building a site around their portal only to be left holding the bag when the support for the project dried up and blew away.

I have been watching the Boonex family for some time now and just recently, went ahead and set up a test site (6.16 I believe). I am eagerly awaiting the finish of Version 7 as I plan on moving my entire see more site at to Dolphin.

I am not easily impressed by things internet being an internet freak since before the internet actually existed. (I can remember $1000 phone bills from connecting to BBS's with my 600 baud modem in the days of DOS 2.0)

I have renewed hope. I am actively participating in the testing of the new Dolphin and I get excited each day when I log in to Trac and see that progress is being made.

In business, it is said that if you manage to reach the ten year mark, your venture is considered a success and it can be expected that it will move forward and grow reliably from that point forward. Boonex (and Dolphin) is only 1 year away from that milestone.

Happy Birthday Boonex! Here's to a long lasting and fruitful relationship for both of us.
css file
row - .topMenu a span.down, .topMenu b span.down


background:transparent url(/usr no-repeat scroll right top;
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.