Dolphin 7 (Hookie) BETA 2

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of July 2009 in . 59 comments.

Here goes Beta 2. Things seem to shape nicely and we managed to fix everything we had on the list. This doesn't mean everything, or everything you reported. Some reports could've been missed. So, here's the next try and again we're waiting for your feedback.

In this beta we:

- improved media albums;

- changed navigation menu (made it side-wide) to make it work better with Customizer;

- fine-tuned layout and media thumbs sizes for optimal proportions and fixed the reported bugs.

Please use forum to submit reports. Pundits are supposed to look through your forum posts and add bug reports to Trac.

Online demo is not updated yet - we'll do that tomorrow.

Download Dolphin 7 Beta2

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ehhh first to post :P


Nice work unoboonex and the team..

downloading and installing....
Carios - Your link doesn't work mate
ok i cant seem to enable the modules. Events,Groups,Poll,Shoutbox,Simple Messenger,and Store.
`Name` = 'bx_groups',
`Eval` = 'return BxDolService::call(''groups'', ''get_member_menu_item'', array({ID}));',

'`Type` = 'linked_item', `Parent` = '1'' at line 1

`Type` = 'linked_item',
`Parent` = '1';
is there a special order that i should see more enable the modules recompile the language etc?

this is probably just me doing something wrong..

keep up the great work boonex!
And now I shall jump in here and see what all you guys are fussing about over this thing.
Thanks for B2 unoboonex.. Hope to see RC1 soon....
Thank you for Beta2
I will test it ...

why boonex still not correct the page builder problem???? i still have to change some variable in the setting to make it work.... that a bugs from beta1...
ups :
stil the old problem after uploading a video : File not processed
what can be done to make that work?
check the file size allowed to upload in your php.ini perhaps you are having an issue with file size.
I have the Same Problem...

I can uplaod files sice 23 MB... thats enougt....

The Permissions are all right...

Please help
Write please bugs in the Forum where it believes, for us pundits easier to see what we need to set into Trac.
I have the same Problem... when I want to install the modules Events,Groups,Poll,Shoutbox,Simple Messenger,and Store there come a lot of MySQL errors, like the first Beta
Works pretty good
Had no any problems with installing modules, page builder is finally working
how did get the page builder to work. I still cant get it to work and thats the most important thing
carios could you possiby help me install it correctly as i can seem to get everything working as stated a few posts up?
plz contact me at (msn)
or (mail) if your feeling kind ;)

I can`t register any users ... Username: "Must contain latin simbols .... " why ?
Very, very close on the albums. There needs to be a few refinements on album browsing, but it shouldn't be too difficult.

As it is now, clicking on a thumbnail within a photo album, takes you to the view-photo page for that thumbnail. We need 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to be able to browse through all the photos in the album... load 'Previous' & 'Next' photos via AJAX please.

I might also have a few suggestions on album navigation at a later time, and might want that 'Upload' button see more renamed to 'Browse' :)

Very close on this one... you're almost there. Nice work!
Why none of the flash modules are included in the beta?
modules like chat, video player, Music etc.
Are these modules be available for Smart pro license holders once D7 will be public release?
They are included. You have to install them separately.

Go to:
Greetings -

I have been testing D7 for the last 7 days now, it is an outstanding accomplishment by the folks at Boonex. Job well done!! I am waiting for the full version release, I will be the first one to license this great product.

By the way, where can I Test-Drive D7 Betat 2. Please provide a link. Thank you.
When you think it's very good then it's getting even better, with every update.

I'm dedicating this social network scripts to my main domain which stands for communities in victory over crime, (corruption and conspiracies) ... guess that's what we need everywhere. Have this in mind for over 12 years now. Soon it will come true.

It will be more about dining than whining with lots of victories celebrated.

Congratulation to all Boonex - and Community members. You have made see more it possible.
Although still a long way to go, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Greetings to all from Italy. First of all I apologize for the bad English (I use a translator on line). Recently I discovered dolphin and do tests with both versions (6.16 and 7 beta). We would like to adopt it for our website, dedicated to fans of football catania. I look forward to a reliable version of dolphin 7, in the meantime I would ask if it is appropriate to begin the translation of language files, or should I wait.
For those wishing to see it, our dolphin version 7 beta 2 is here: see more
and is installed successfully by the American
Greetings and congratulations again to boonex.

very nice to see that everything goes forward :)
But what about an update from beta1 to beta2?

In my project, I have many content and i would know, how to update instead new install :(
downloading and gonna try it.
Well that was easy.... took forever to load that lot up to my host, but once up it installed like a dream


Great Job!!
I noticed in an earlier post a new RMS, is that to say that the old will not work with Dolphin 7?
Thanks BoonEx for Beta 2 in few days.
felt last release was cool...
but now, D7 HB2 can show all your hard work in smiles...
Awesome Job Boonex!!!
where i can get lang RO for i can up in delphin comunity ?
Don't use this for a live site. There are no language files.
It looks absolutely fantastic. My only problem is that if I want to register for an account. The join button below doesn't work!
try with another browser. I can't login with firefox and chrome here, whereas it works wit 7beta2 version.
REPORT. Calendar... 404 Not Found

Not Found
The requested URL /dolphin7a/2009/07/24 was not found on this server
now downloading en than install....... we will see
Looks Great,

Thanks for Beta2.... I will install it right now...
Looks good but we need to get away from this ONLINE dating theme.. or at least put in a selection when setting it up for either dating site or community site. it could say something like more like or more like MYSPACE. Please add that feature VERY important for us people that cant write code.I am trying to run a site for firemen to honor them at someone please help me with this. I am donating my time and money for the server but the site looks too much like a dating see more site.
First of all thanks to Houstonlively, for the hint. my modules has been installed now. I still have a small issue I would like to know if anyone is having the same issue or it is a bug in the software.

when uploading videos, it is processed and will show a blank tumnail...when clicked to play, the player complains that file is not found. When check under the physical folder flash/modules/video/files/ all uploaded videos are there. but the player will not find it.

Any idea, anyone.
Thank you see more guys.
It also occurred the same error
7 beta 2, Profile update and Profile "update your status message" doesn't work.
In tests, the limit of flashupload files is down to 5, 10 or could be set by the admin
chek your php.ini upload files size. The php.ini will control the limit of file size when upload in most linux system the default size is 2M you must change the size to allow you to upload bigger files
I still cant get the page builder to work. Please advise
Installed, Looking Nice from both ends, Admin is easier than Beta1, little 6.1.6 type, much stable, good work BoonEx.
Have a question guys.
Should I install this version on my new website or should I start with previouse and until at least Release Candidate?
There are two problems that I have, of course, it could be just me and my lack of expertise.. =) But, whenever i click on a memeber, it gives me a 404 error. It appears that the page for the member is not being created. Also, When I try to install the modules, some of them are giving me a mysql error notice. Could anyone tell me if there is a way to fix this? I am currently deleting it and reinstalling at the moment. Otherwise, I love it!
Check your .htaccess file. That should fix the 404 problem.
Really nice job !! Thank´s for that !... now ready for installing and test.

Best regards from your antipodes :)
when will be next beta?
I can upload video but cannot see them any place on the site !
plz help me when i uesed Dolphin 6.1.4 arabic is good in Ray but from i use 6.1.6 arabic not work icant wrote arabic plz hwo can i do it
7 not support arabic to
I will ask the same question because there seems to not be an answer as of yet: badion had asked when the next Beta is being released? I would like to know also. I was under the impression that when the first beta release came out that there would be continual updates on a weekly basis or was I mistaken in what I had previsouly read?
I am planning to purchase dolphin7
When is the estimate date that the stable version will be released?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.