Dolphin 7 Faster? Prove It.

fidelg3 posted 27th of March 2009 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I am thrilled to hear Dolphin 7 will be faster than 6, even though the alpha version everyone has been using is not apparently optimized. We hear the code improvements and database queries will be much faster in 7. I really hope so.

I am curious, though. How does Boonex know this? I work at a major bank and we have commercial stress test server products that can stress test our site under an assumed heavy load of users. Our typical normal number of concurrent users may be 300 to 400 users. We run a base test with this number of assumed users on our current codebase. Then we run the same test on our proposed new codebase to see the difference. We also crank up the number of users to thousands to see what happens.

I am wondering if Boonex uses any similar commercial products to test their new code. Some of you may even know of some online services which can simulate a high number of concurrent users. Will you suggest some of these service/products to Boonex so maybe we can all see the real difference in speed.

I am not trying to be negatively critical to Boonex. I am just trying to make sure they are seeing the real picture and not merely basing their speed improvements on the end-user experience. The end-user experience may be awesome, but what happens when a more realistic scenario of a few hundred concurrent users start using the site?

I love what Boonex is doing. Let's keep helping them do it even better.

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Speed test in ie and FF is mandatory

Just achieve the load speed of 5 sec in a 1MBPS connection.

still im not convinced with the speed of RAY when compared to other chat systems
I see your point. I agree the load speed in ie and FF should be tested. However, this really only tests the "throughput" of the system and the efficiency of the html/javascript/dhtml on the browser.

In other words, the "throughput" is the speed at which your entire html/javascript can be delivered to the browser.

The second factor is how fast the browser can parse and process your html/javascript and render it on the screen. This is the efficiency of your front-end see more code.

The missing piece is to test your server-side code and database queries by stress testing them with virtual concurrent users in the hundreds and maybe thousands.

I do not profess to be an expert in this type of testing. I am just shedding a light on what a typical real-world test might be, to determine whether or not 7 is faster than 6.
the most simple and efficient test is to count the number of external files (css & js) loaded on each page.. this tells enough about the speed..

Dolphin 6.1.x
Front page - CSS + JS total file size: 174 kb
Front page - External files loaded: 3 css files and 10 javascript files
Dolphin 7 alpha 12:
Front page - CSS + JS total file size: 632 kb
Front page - External files loaded: 17 css files and 30 javascript files.
Dolphin 7 alpha 14:
Front page - CSS + JS total see more file size: 882 kb
Front page - External files loaded: 12 css files and 12 javascript files.

This is a big improvement from the alpha 12.. in my opinion D7 is far more complex than D6 on features.. so it can't be lighter..

btw I recently read on a blog that in IE 6, 7 and even 8 limits the css import to max 32 files and 288 kb each - everything above these limits are not parsed, so beta 14 is a big improvement..
In dolphin 7 all the CSS files are compiled into a single file, same with JS files. Yes, in prvious Dolphin versions there were many files loading, but in the new version this was fixed and improved.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.