Game on! Isn't March the best month in a year to start something important, moving and beautiful?! Oh yes, we are officially opening the season of a new major Dolphin version update development. Not just bug-smudging or speed-bumping, not just holes-patching or even spam-gating. Some real-deal core upgrades, modules rewrites, feature adds and UI redesigns are on the way! Woo-hoo!
We have been collecting requests, wishes and reports for months. Last week we went through them all again and identified a list of what should become a final set of planned Dolphin 7.1 improvements. And so, we share it with you. It's a massive list, a really challenging slew of tickets, so please don't feel obliged to add to it (unless you have a mightily compelling reason to do so).
- All-new universal default design template with advanced customization options (prescreened).
- Advanced AntiSPAM Tools (bad-words filter, blocking, moderation, etc.).
- New unified system for Media uploads (photo, video, files, music), handling, insertion into modules, etc.
- Membership types in Fields Builder.
- Blocks visibility settings for membership types in Page Builder.
- Unified system for "reports" (report link in any content with a common admin interface).
- Improved Alerts engine.
- Installation and update of design templates via admin panel.
- Remake of TinyMCE initialization.
- Relative time-stamps everywhere (solution to Timezones).
- Full-name/Real name support for usernames.
- New Couple profiles.
- Forms improvement.
- Separate URLs setting for static content.
- Privacy settings enhancements.
- Complete overhaul of navigation menu structure and code.
- Predefined membership types for admins and moderators.
- All-new "Share" functionality.
- Latest version of jQuery.
- Installation and update of modules from Admins panel.
- 3rd-party extensions support for Mobile Apps (iPhone and Android).
- Pagination enhancement in all modules.
- OpenID
- Contacts Importer as part of sign-up routine and as a separate tool
- Events module update
- News/Articles module update
- Profile wall update
- Sign-up by invitation only
- Chat, IM and Shoutbox improvements (anti-flood, moderation, etc). Some flash-based components may be discontinued/replaced.
- Improved watermarks
- Forum improvements
- Avatars moderation
- All-new Blogs module
- Contacts management
Those are just quick-picks. Full list is as follows:
Not too shabby, huh!
By now many of you know that this quintessential question is not relevant in software development world. Any answer would inevitably misguide you. So, let us just say that we're wholeheartedly committed to bring it to you as soon as possible and in a very good condition.
For all of us to have more fun we decided to tweak our pre-release updates policy:
- Alphas will start appearing quite soon and quite often, with community encouraged to participate in development.
- BETAs will have upgrade packs, for those brave-hearts that would venture to use them on live sites (no warranty though, naturally).
- RCs and ultimately Final Release will be sent to and tested on servers of certified hosting providers before going public.
Mark your calendars, mates! The ride is on and you're invited!
The code-name for 7.1 is Sundance. Same as the real dolphin that we're adopting today to join the crew.
"Hi, I'm Sundance. I was first spotted in 1990 when I was a tiny calf. Now I'm grown up and WDCS recognises me by a nick in my fin. I love to socialise with my friends and there are lots of photos of me splashing and leaping with the other dolphins."
Windows changes everthing to lower case and linux is Looking for "Profiles" When windows changed it to "profiles". I know what i am asking for is a ton of work see more
good luck !!
What day is "as soon as possible and in a very good condition" so I can mark my calendar? =)
Seriously though, by the sheer volume of items in the list I couldn't come up with any estimate date no matter how much I tried. You'll be watching the progress, thats' for sure.
Thank you BoonEx Team!
Stunning :-)
If I'll have to start all over, can you guys at least remove module inter-dependencies where you can, and just let the modules stand on their own?
Most useless Dolphin module: Avatars (next to OpenSocial, that is)
The avatar module is inextricably woven see more
Agree with Houston about the Avatar - it is causing endiless confusion and doesn't work anyway - agree that a cropped profile photo would be best.
While I am ranting does the profile matching work at all? There was a post about long standing problems and it was mentioned. I have a site where I can't get it to work. I wrote Boonex a few times see more
if you are not going to fix the reported bugs in 7.0.x, can you explicitly commit to fixing all reported bugs that you get from the community and let your staff know that if something is release, and doesnt function, that requesting to fix the bug is not an enhancement.
Andrew, can you examine this on your instance of, because match does not work, and it has been ignored for some time now. if this is a dating social engine, or social networking engine then match needs to work, and not just on sexual flavors and favors, match should be functional no matter what the scope of the site is.
search is mentioned once in here and that is search by tags. tags are all over the place, and i think that whole process needs to be rethought, because you end up with a ton of useless words, being entered in as tag words.
please look into the search feature of the site and the matching feature.
- they weren't required on certain pages which they currently are
- they could be uninstalled completely
On this last point, why are some things considered modules, and others (like tags) not modules. Don't understand why this is the case.
so membership A can upload up to 10mb filesize
membershipB can upload up to 50mb filesize
membershipC can upload 100MB+ filesize
this should be a setting available for each membership level and action
membershipA can upload 3 images period, not set a number of minutes or seconds that expire
membershipA can upload 3 sound files period, " "
if membershipA has maxxed out their see more
Thank you
articles and news, this needs to be usable by the site members, exactly how much news do you think hte admin of the site has?
fix the site cart module so that the members can actually offer their products for sale from the site cart, and use their paypal to collect the funds
#2379 Payment result improvement enhancement major 8 weeks 4 days
My site cannot go live because PayPal integration DOESN'T WORK. This was detected 8 weeks ago and wasn't included in 7.0.5 after I asked, pleaded for it to be included. Is anyone home at Boonex?
You see all the necessary improvements Boonex accepts to face and the comments from its users/clients, and then you wonder why would you invest time and money in something that is clearly not working properly (it´s not error proof, from what I can read here) and then the developers and parents of the creature keep jumping forward (or running forward if you wish) instead of concentrating in finishing 1 single product.
I´m see more
I love Dolphin and am one of the biggest fans. I joined so I can take advantage of the social networking platform it has to offer. The upgrades are a bit much and costly for someone who invested modules and is not a developer. I love the version I am at right now, but from what I read, it seems there is a lot that needs to be fixed. I would like to concentrate on the business aspect of my site, but with the upgrades, bugs, and fixes have not allowed me to see more
If you go to People ->"top rated", you should normally, get the sorted list of the registered members with the most votes first, but instead you get a random list of the registered user.
It's not only on my page, on you get the same results.
I reported it allready but nobody gave me a solution, nobody did care about see more
at the moment, there is a fairly long delay (sometimes needs clicking twice...) between having clicked the play button ,and the video actually playing.
Would be great to have the vid section working a lot smoother
Seeing people chat in open chat is enough for non-paying members, they can read the convos, and would pay if they read a few keywords in the chat, in reference to someone doing something on cam.
I am sure some guys would get their credit card out if they seen a comment like "wow see more