Dolphin 7.0.1. Released.

Andrew Boon posted 27th of April 2010 in . 78 comments.

Again it took more time than it should have, but it's probably the largest "homework" update we had. This is only natural with such a huge version release as 7.0 was. So, 7.0.1 is mostly a bug-fixing/polishing update, or a "patch" if you will, that addresses about 300 issues, small and large.

Another very important part of the update is a set of security improvements, that were recommended by a second (larger) audit round that was conducted by an independent security professional.

Many expected the addition of some more significant features or tweaks, but not much happened. This time the idea was to do a thorough "recheck" of what's already there, and then go on to other things. So, fret not, 7.1 will happen very soon, and 7.2 as well, since we're going to add modules updates gradually, without long waits and huge loads of work for your weekends.

Dolphin 7.0.1

We now have an integration with one of the most requested payment providers. Meet 2checkout! Sign up to get an account if you haven't done so already. PayPal is great, but 2CO is another great option, and they do accept dating sites now. We have met with the 2checkout guys personally at the iDate Conference in Miami and had a fruitful talk, which assured us that this company is worth working with.

Links and notes:

Check out the list of bugs fixed in Patch 1

Download Dolphin 7.0.1

Download Dolphin Upgrade Patch from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1

Upgrade Instructions from 7.0.0-to-7.0.1 (upgraded with 7.0.1)

Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums

Check out Trac for the progress of the next milestone.

Note: RMS was not affected with this Patch release.

Good luck and thank you very much for your participation in the development, testing and planning.

Please login to post a comment.
Will get this Upgrade rolling today And see how we go. Thanks guys.
It's great, you give us a patch only file!!!!
Good Job!!!
Thanks Boon

Btw, shouldnt this be released as an installable module in admin?
thx.. & best wishes :)
After uploading changeset - site may become unavailable and it maybe impossible to login to the admin panel or site at all. Upgrade script is specially designed as independent script to do the work even when the site is unavailable.
Nathan Paton
Nicely done, BoonEx. I can now put the final touch on my web sites and launch them with some of the most critical issues fixed.
Hello. Can you tell me when the Dolphin 7.0.1 will be available for installation with softaculous? Thanx.
I will certainly be working on this today.. Thanks Guys!
Hello seawords! Plz specify ur request with more details.
Update went ok - no issues here
Softaculous is an auto installer for cPanel and DirectAdmin.
thnx i hope this wil fixed some buggs a have trouble with
when i installed it again i let you know
My entire site is screwed!

Fatal error: Call to undefined function bx_get()
For those of you using the patch upgrade, you might want to delete that .htacces file in the /upgrade directory. That 'deny from all' directive might make it a little tough running the upgrade script
How do I know if the 7.0.1 install worked? On my admin dash it just says Dolphin 7.0 ....
The wall on your profile doesn`t show your comments if you comment on someone else`s wall. Still?
Upgraded to 7.0.1 and site is screwed

Getting an error on almost all pages including index.php . I have listed few error below.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bx_get() in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/administration/index.php on line 68
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bx_get() in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/administration/menu_compose_admin.php on line 35
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bx_get() in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php on line see more 469

Please help me....
thanks for the update ...

patch upgraded smooth as silk.
Installed 7.0.1 and, OMG to my surprise, the site crashed - even index.php didn't run in my browser. Luckily, I backed up previously and have now gone back to 7.0.0.
On closer inspection, the logs told me that there are countless conflicts with add-ons purchased from merchants of this site (which work fine in 7.0.0). My advice is to think twice about upgrading and BACKUP if you do!!
the only thing I have discovered so far is that I had to set the payment options new. The settings were all gone.
sorry, I had to post it here, since I can't post anything in the forums.
After I upgraded to 7.0.1, all of the profile fields I added are now showing up as blank despite the fact that the pre-defined values are still there and that the profile fields I created still show they are linked to these pre-defined values. Have the language keys and strings been replaced?

Only problem I had with the upgrade was with the profiler module. The notes said i Would have to re-install the module and that I should not install it and uninstall it, though I found it was still installed. see more Did anyone else experience this?
All fixed now I tried recompiling the language files again and it seemed to do the trick.

Though I am still wanting to know if anyone else came across the profiler module issue too.

After upgraded to 7.0.1 my visitors are getting this mesages whenthey click Join Now

Warning: require_once(/home1/xtremeg2/public_html/templates/tmpl_moonstone/scripts/BxTemplJoinPageView.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/ on line 861

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home1/xtremeg2/public_html/templates/tmpl_moonstone/scripts/BxTemplJoinPageView.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') see more in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/ on line 861
Same thing.. Join now is screwed. Its really ashamed i have to go back and fix things that previously I had working fine. When a care gives you this much trouble you sell it and buy a new one!!!

Warning: require_once(/home/jasonh/public_html/templates/tmpl_blackmax/scripts/BxTemplJoinPageView.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jasonh/public_html/inc/ on line 861

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening see more required '/home/jasonh/public_html/templates/tmpl_blackmax/scripts/BxTemplJoinPageView.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/jasonh/public_html/inc/ on line 861
gate... just copy the BxTemplJoinPageView.php from the /templates/tmpl_uni/scripts direcctory to your tmpl_blackmax/scripts directory. It's a new file and must be added to existing templates
Surely the update script should take care of that !!!
And another thing...

If there are additional files the version number should be 7.1.0 not 7.0.1 - it's not a minor revision (nor are 300 bugfixes but I could have let that one slide)
here is another warning Error or Bug

when you click you Profile

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolMemberMenu.php on line 520

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolMemberMenu.php on line 520
Sorry in the hole site not only one the profile in the hole pages
I have done a new installation of Dolphin 7.0.1. I would like to install Rayz youtube

but I get this message

"Installation of: Youtube Failed -- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script"
Hello everyone!

Let's start to clear situation about upgrade file:

To everybody with this error - Call to undefined function bx_get() - upgrade patch contains file inc/ with this this function bx_get. So need to replace ur file with our properly.

To everybody with error like:
require_once(/home1/xtremeg2/public_html/templates/tmpl_moonstone/scripts/BxTemplJoinPageView.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/
First see more of all - just copy this file BxTemplJoinPageView.php from upgrade package (folder templates/tmpl_uni/scripts) to the corresponding folder of "tmpl_moonstone".

To everybody with this error:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home1/xtremeg2/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolMemberMenu.php on line 520

Seems cache file of top menu was incorrect, try to delete file cache/ and reload page.

I am getting this error everytime I upload a new logo via admin in 7.01 - a clean fresh install of 7.01 anyone else had this and what could the issue be ( apart from this great work)

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/******/public_html/administration/basic_settings.php on line 254

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/administration/basic_settings.php:254) in /home/****/public_html/inc/ see more on line 56

also says the logo I am uploading is not an im,age, even when i upload logos that previously worked
"Method(serviceGetActivityPage) was not found in module(spy)"

*if you have this after the upgrade using the patch while viewing you index.php page or Home page:

*Just uninstall wall mod and reinstall it again then it will be fixed.
If you have blank page with a warning like this : "Method(serviceGetActivityPage) was not found in module(spy)"

It is very easy just uninstall wall mod and reinstall it again. Problem is fixed.

Enjoy!! :)
@MrFenix @dddolphin @bigmeet
You did not replace old files with new ones ! Please make sure that old files were overwritten.
Please reinstall "Profiler" module after making changes in inc/ file.
Why dont you change Dolphin to display correct TIMEZONE, depend on local setting of users but NOT server time?
To deansyme:

Can't reproduce this trouble - logo is replaced without any warning messages.
ok the issue is that it doesnt seem to want to upload png images
Lucky I checked this but the patch removed all my PayPal settings so no one could pay for membership. I am using IPN and need to get my notification URL correct.

Followed the documentation on this that says to use as notification URL.

When I checked the URL with my domain name inserted I get a message saying:

Warning: Missing argument 1 for BxPmtModule::actionFinalizeCheckout() in /home/*******/public_html/modules/boonex/payment/classes/BxPmtModule.php see more on line 488

Incorrect or unavailable payment provider

Any solution to this?

Regarding the profiler module, should the patch have uninstalled that module? Its just that the instructions that came up after applying the patch saidto re-install the profiler module and not to install it and then uninstall it.

Are you saying that I should uninstall it and reinstall it?
it is possible to update 6.1.6 to 7.0.1
having the same problem as Profesize did..

After I upgraded to 7.0.1, all of the profile fields I added are now showing up as blank.
I compiled the language file and still no go...its still blank...

Double check that:
- the database still has the information for those fields in the Profiles table.
- any predefined values you created are still there.
- the profile fields are still linked to the predefined values.
- the strings and keys are still within your language settings.

If the answer is yes to all of those then it could be a need to recompile your language files, your modules too. Then it wouldn't hurt to clear the cache.

If you can clear the cache from the admin then see more great but if you have the same problem as I did and it won't let you do it then you may have to do it manually via FTP or Cpanel file manager. If that's the case then make sure you do not delete the .htaccess files.

Hope this works. It did for me.
for those having problems with third party modules - so did i after the upgrade as it kept giving a 404 not found error.

try disabling permalinks for those modules in admin - if that works and you can now see the modules in the front end, copy over the rewrite information relevant to those modules in the htaccess file.

just one solution worth trying as it worked for me
please help me to understand it. i tried my best but honestly couldn't understand how to do it
step 3: Run the following script: . It will show the list of available updates.

rest of the guide is quite easy to follow but point # 3 is little hard for me to understand
wow, thnx to Andrew and all the developpers! Great job, guys! ;-)

I already installed 7.0.1. Works smoothly! The only thing I realized until now is that in contrast to 7.0, "ffmpeg" converts now only .flv files propperly. If I try e.g. an .avi file, these fail with a comment of "ffmpeg" I get sent via the cron job: [libfaac @ 0x8e72b30]libfaac doesn't support this output format!
In 7.0 that was no problem. Both versions run on the same dedicated server with adequate cronjobs....
Here see more is a link to the output of "ffmpeg" in the german dolphin forum:
Why does it take so long for 7.0.2?
After the upgrade, one of my members pointed out a new bug. It wasn't there am I laughing?

If you hit the People > Online tabs, then change the number of people viewed per page, it takes you to your own profile page.

Haven't been able to check it on as there hasn't been enough people online. Anyone else experiencing this?
Nathan Paton
@RoopJeans: navigate to to run the installation script. It's the same as when installing the script, only this time, a new directory.

@nurke: apologies if you cannot have two updates in one day.
the flaw in the message system where members cannot delete messages from Trash.
have not been on corigé dolphin7.0.1
New Installation to a new site

when they click the little icon for the admin panel they get


Database query error
I am not sure if I should install this or not. Seems like half the people it went fine and half it blew up. I just finally got my site up for testing. I don't want it to blow up again. I like a few of the fixes, but it appears the timezone fix is not in there, which is high priority for me. After spending 6 months on this, I am about ready to find another system and rebuild the whole site.
Nathan Paton
You guys need to start opening actual topics in the forums, because you will never get proper support (or support at all) in this blog post.
Reading all the comments here, it seems to me that upgrading to 7.0.1 is more trouble than it's worth! That is a shame (Dolphin is good) and I hope someone proves me wrong.
@Leonid + Alex

RE copying fixes to fix installer issues.

Not very professional guys - please fix the issues with your update script

any help please?
please help me to understand it. i tried my best but honestly couldn't understand how to do it
step 3: Run the following script: . It will show the list of available updates.

rest of the guide is quite easy to follow but point # 3 is little hard for me to understand
updated via softacular and now have problems.

I get this error message when installing modules both BOONEX and 3rd party!....??

"Installation of: (module name) failed -- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script"

I have 3 sripts been working on as developements before release. Update has messed them all up. Tried deleting scripts and re-installing clean using latest version 7.0.1 without the update. Same thing!
Softacular see more will not install 7.0 so Im stuck with a version that will not work at the moment.
superb worked fine. thx to boonex!

Well I have issuesw with this, firstly the join page does not show but a bunch of errors, secoundly my template has gone funny as in it was rounded know its stright edges.

The problem I did have with the erros showing in admin from clicking certain items has gone, someone advise on this.
Woot just completed the update and it all went smooth. Those having problems you really need to ensure that you don't have any custom changes that may interfere. I had to manually update all the update files to include my changes and there was no issue.
Mauriceano: i have sites that have no custom pages or 3rd Party mods and 7.0.1 screwed them up too. If an upgrade does'nt work with mods then what is the point of (1) the upgrade and (2) Boonex Market and the good developers therein?! ;-))
1.upgrade went smooth no errors
2.there's some work that needs to be done again (template)
3.keep up the good work
Thank You :)
Nice and easy.... just glad I kept track of the custom changes and edits I had made, as they (obviously) had to be done manually again.

I'm loving the bug fixes!! Big thumbs up- this type of update, in my opinion, is what was (and still is) needed.
Hi Dolphins,
we installed the new complete Download "Dolphin 7.0.1" Version from this thread. After the Installation in the Backend i read "Dolphin 7.0 - Update to 7.0.1"...????? Please can anyone tell me which dolphin version is installed on our server? Thanks in advanced..

Best wishes
I have a question: why is the path for downloading 7.0.1 the same as the path for downloading 7.0.0?

Nathan Paton
@DosDawg: Both an upgrade and full release of Dolphin 7.0.1 is being distributed. Because of this, the download link for Dolphin 7.0 now downloads the latest release, Dolphin 7.0.1, instead of the older release, Dolphin 7.0.0. It is the same for Dolphin 6.1, and has always been this way. It only makes sense. The only issue is, the download page still shows the older version, which needs updating.
Ive have installed the new release 7.0.1 and found it was still full of bugs which you can see some in the forums its not a very stable release my advice would be to stay on 7.0 till all the problems have been ironed out and a better stable release of 7.0.1 or wait till 7.0.2 is released im sure there are lots of people using it without problems but the problems we were experiencing out weighed the benefits from upgrading so we downgraded back to 7.0 look forward to a stable release of 7.0.1 as see more there is some great upgrades in it

Great Works Guys
Nathan Paton
@Scarletn: periods, please.
Just ran upgrade, and got this issue on the post step about the Profiler Module;

Installation of: Profiler Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script

Went from 7.0 to 7.1
After update install I tried to upload a video and I got this error... Anyone know the fix to this?
Warning: popen() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/loungelo/public_html/loungelol/flash/modules/video/inc/ on line 201

When I went to the line this is what I have...

199 function convertVideoFile($sFile, $sCommand)
200 {
201 popen($sCommand, "r");
202 return file_exists($sFile) && filesize($sFile) > 0;

Thanks in advance
AM running Dolphin 7.0.0. Copied all contents of the update patch into my website directory. I then tried to upgrade and once i went to and it said none of the updates could be installed. Whats up?
AM running Dolphin 7.0.0. Copied all contents of the update patch into my website directory. I then tried to upgrade and once i went to and it said none of the updates could be installed. Whats up?
Nathan Paton
It's time for caps lock.


Thank you.
D7.0.0 - no bugs

D7.0.1 - bugs - which may explain the bug

- People Search and click on extended - bug

- not connected - People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - bug - Profile not available for view

and - connected - People Search and click on Per page: 15 - or page 2 - bug - your profile

for - People Search and click on extended -

D7 - css.general



D7.O.1 see more - css.general



why did you add - height:90px;
new installation - D7.0.0 - no bugs - D7.0.1 - bug -----

builder- Fields builder - ( join form - edit profile - or - view profile )

I mounted the block : Height

System Name: Height - Caption: Height - I click save - I can not save - I have this error message

System name used for database. It must begin with a latin letter and contain only latin letters, numbers or underscores.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.