Dolphin 7.0.5 Released.

Andrew Boon posted 9th of February 2011 in Boonex News. 46 comments.

What was expected to be a minor service update actually turned out to be a significant bunch of improvements and fixes. We highly recommend upgrading your sites to 7.0.5 and with any luck we hope it's the last one of the 7.0.x family.



- Facebook module rewritten

- Video recording is fixed, quality improved

- Auto-reconnect for MySQL connections

- No more wrapped columns in Page builders

- Page builder problems in Safari and Chrome fixed

- Pagination in albums fixed

- Date format was unified across the site (except for the DOB)

- 3rd-party plugins updated to the latest versions

- More speed optimisations

- Some security fixes

- Other bugfixes



Speed and security improvements in this one are very worthy and should easily justify your time expenditures for the upgrade process.



Update instructions -

Download -

Processed tickets -




short: RTFM, please.

genteel: All too often, after new version release we get complaint and "bug-reports" that stem from lack of attention to upgrade and installation instructions. Would you please be so kind as to read the update instructions and follow them? Thank you so much for understanding.


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Well done guys! Cheers.
good work
D team

awesome! upgrading....
Awesome..another milestone achieved,..congrats Boonex !!!
Upgrade, looking good! Now re-applying my code mods.....

Good work Boonex!!
Good Job Boonex. Been using it for some time now and this is the smoothest update i have ever done. Thanks.
No problem upgrading. Just remember if you hava other templates installed and use those as default, remember to put UNI as default before upgrading. Also regarding languages if you use oyher than EN as standard remember to put en as standard before upgrading
I don´t know if you guys have experienced a problem which I now have after upgrading to 7.0.5. When I click on "profile" i´m getting a blank page.
Lets say my username is "myusername" When I go to - (blank page)
Any ideas?
I found a anty spam modul for commentar and co myabe is a way to intergerd this in Dolphin
Thank you, we will consider it in future versions
I`m losing something or .. I can`t find the /upgrade/ folder...
Please make sure that you downloaded upgrade pack from this page:
but not just new version.
Great Job...
Let this D7 live a 5 more year with upgradations
Let D8 be a different release...

we need a social network to save us from our social networks...
seriously :)
Whoooooooo Hoooooooo.... Now to see who will take my latest Job offer for the 7.0.5 upgrade and then some... Great Job Boonex team
how do i update from 7.0.2 to 7.0.5
You have to first upgrade to 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 to 7.0.5
@DonCortex You will need to upgrade 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 the to 7.0.4 and lastly 7.0.5
I hope this is last in the series as it is really creating a lot of issues and time consuming if the sites are moded. Since we need to redo the whole again .

Don't hold your breath Magic, we been doing this for years now, don't think they will change their
Sufferin succotash! I'm going to do this one because I really need an improvement on the video quality. Having said that, making updates like this is an extreme event for me because of all my modifications. I do hope it turns out to be worth it. I will say thanks for continuing your efforts, at least we are still moving forward...
where the heck is this upgrade folder you keep talking about ..... nowhere to be seen.... i uploaded the files like it said and all that happened it messed up my 7.04 install and so i figured i would just do totally new install wit 7.05 already and when i went to install the modules with 7.05 it tells me ALL my modules failed the install becuz they are not compatible with my current version so now what to do .........
Please make sure that you downloaded upgrade pack from this page:
but not just new version.
i can see where some people are may get confused with the upgrade. in this article Andrew put the download link to a full fresh install version, instead of the upgrade pack, so some people are going and downloading the fresh one and uploading those files. Might want to make that a little more clear.
Andrew put link to upgrade instruction - and upgrade instructions has the link to upgrade patch.
It was done because many people are applying upgrade patch without reading instructions - and many problems arise because of this.

Also we've just update Dolphin download page and have placed link to upgrade instructions just below Dolphin download link, before this link was on right where all other links were located and was not clearly visible! Hope it will solve the problem!
that's what i tried to do ... directly from that upgrade link and it mangled my 7.04 install .. so what am i supposed to do now ... re-install 7.04 and run the upgrade that has NO folder called upgrade ...i will pay someone a million dollars if the y can me show the upgrade folder in that zip file ...obviously you can't upload something that isn't there for crying out loud i said i even tried doing a fresh install of 7.05 which didn't work EITHER ..JUST GET THIS LAME ERROR

Installation see more of: Ads Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script which is a bone stock install ???

helpo me b4 i pul lthe rest of my hair out
Like AlexT Said Make sure you have downloaded the 7.0.4 to 7.0.5 upgrade Patch and removed the .htaccess file from /public_html/upgrade or /public_html/dolphin*/upgrade. Then goto If you've just uploaded 7.0.5 Then you may have to start again. you could try re-uploading 7.0.4 and hope that it will not break your site but this isn't a smart move and i'm sure Boonex would say it's better to do a clean installation.

* Replace dolphin with your dir (eg. site)
in case you missed that post ... like i said out of frustration it was already screwed up so i figured i would just delete everything and do a fresh install of 7.05 and NONE of of the standard modules worked @ all giving that error ...

Installation of: Ads Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script

so now what .... delete it all AGAIN ............ and install 7.04 AGAIN .... and then patch again ... with poossibly see more the same results ??? how doi know it will not do the same thing AGAIN ... follow ?
upgrade went well...thankfully....
upgrade sounds like an epic battle!
however dolphin works more better than joomla + jomsocial or other plugin... more stable, more reliable! i'm very happy!

update easily completed! all the old 7.0.4 modules from thirdy party works without any changes!
Great update... the site is flying now! Keep up the good work.
Everything alright, Good work.
Upgrade from 7.04 to 7.05 was a breeze no problems found, excellent patch, well done guys!!
Okay time has come to upgrade...Holding breath..feeling heart beat going crazy....praying that things go smoothly....

Time to finish the last step....

All I can say is "BRAVO" Boonex Team!! The smoothest upgrade so far!!
Just completed the upgrade on my duplicate test site, this has got to be the smoothest upgrade yet! Going to hit production now, I don't suspect I'll have any issues. Thank you Boonex for making this as painless as possible - I have a heavily modded site and so far everything is still working!
Smooth install. Great job guys.
Finally got around to upgrading. Seemed to go smoothly but the true test is about to start. Will let you know what my members think in a few days time. Hopefully all will go well.
I have make a new fris install 7.05 with data migration . Only the photo's is not working (photos: All photos were transferred but i don't see the photo's. What can i do.
zaanen28 you need to take this question to the forums hon. You will get help there, this really not a place that people will see regularly to help you.
I really need help here...
I don´t know if you guys have experienced a problem which I now have after upgrading to 7.0.5. When I click on "profile" i´m getting a blank page.
Lets say my username is "myusername" When I go to - (blank page)
Any ideas?

Someone pleeeease help me...
There is a bug. If a member profile is deleted then the send messages are still at the database and shown at the menu inbox but it shows own receipent avatar and no message.
I did delete those messages in SQL and now they are gone.
A deleted member profile only the received emails are deleted at sql and not the ones sended.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.