Dolphin 7.0.1 is coming soon

AntonLV posted 16th of March 2010 in News. 56 comments.

Boonex is close to releasing a new build of Dolphin 7.0 with a lot of fixes and improvements. Most of the tickets were closed and Boonex decided to install the demo version for test purposes. You may find it using the following link Also, you are free to download the development version of Dolphin 7 from the public SVN.

SVN: svn://
username: guest
password: guest

But, since it turned out that the download from the SVN is a little bit complicated for regular users, a separate archive was prepared (revision 13794 date 16.03.10) from SVN.

2. The SVN is updated on a regular basis several times a day. So, if there are errors in your installation you may need to wait and download a newer version a few hours later.

If you found some problems, feel free to discuss them in the Dolphin Betas And RCs forum with the other members. If a number of users have the same issue then you may post a bug report ticket in the Boonex Trac. It should be checked and the problem fixed by Boonex developers shortly. If you post the detailed description of the issue and the way it can be reproduced it will speed up the process.

Thank you in advance.

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any rough timescale for 7.01?
Nathan Paton
Judging from posts from BoonExers, and the opened to closed ticket ratio, I want to say somewhere around the end of March. Of course, we never really know what they're planning.
Some more problems with the Admin Panel using IE7... Members management, Languages settings... Problem with Blogs management still here... Less or no problem with Firefox.
Some more problems with the Admin Panel using IE7... Members management, Languages settings... Problem with Blogs management still here... Less or no problem with Firefox.
- Missing tab on member block on front page (bad css) see pic i uploaded to the site
- Still cannot embed video
- Still using tables - this is 2010 not 2000 - should use div + span
- still using inline style attributes
- W3C validation fails miserably - 161 Errors, 14 warning(s)
- CSS validation just as bad (the custom java hacks do not degrade correctly)
- Also - The vertical scroll bar should be forced on, or the number of menu items in drop down menus reduced as when hovering over them on see more a short page the vertical scroll bar flicks on and off. This is as bad as using; a:hover {font-weight:bold}. It's just one of those things you do not do. Ok, so it's just a template thing, but to be quite honest, it looks like dog doo.

Aditionally (seeing as I'm ranting :) ) - no forums on demo to test + language not compiled. This is a poor show guys - should try to maintain professionalism at all times. Gives me the impression that the final version will be as half cooked as the demo.


PS - did your project manager review this before release

- Missing tab on member block on front page (bad css) see pic i uploaded to the site
- Still cannot embed video
- Still using tables - this is 2010 not 2000 - should use div + span
- still using inline style attributes
- W3C validation fails miserably - 161 Errors, 14 warning(s)
- CSS validation just as bad (the custom java hacks do not degrade correctly)
- Also - The vertical scroll bar should be forced on, or the number of menu items in drop down menus reduced as when hovering over them on see more a short page the vertical scroll bar flicks on and off. This is as bad as using; a:hover {font-weight:bold}. It's just one of those things you do not do. Ok, so it's just a template thing, but to be quite honest, it looks like crap)

Aditionally (seeing as I'm ranting :) ) - no forums on demo to test + language not compiled. This is a poor show guys - should try to maintain professionalism at all times. Gives me the impression that the final version will be as half cooked as the demo.


PS - did your project manager review this before release?

Come to think of it - why is there no default forum??? and why are the language files not automatically compiled??

There ya go - 2 more for the list.

LOL - End of march....

Stroll on...
I knew someone who insisted tables were a bad thing. That is until they were trying to do something that they just could not get things to line up the way they wanted. I did the same thing in a table in 2 minutes.

CSS can not yet duplicate everything a table can do.

I just don't get this table issue.
Div / Span are for markup. Tables are for tabular data. CSS is for layout. Tables are fine when used what they were intended for, otherwise they are just a hack, they should not be used for layout - that's the job of the CSS.

Tables were an early adaptation for controlling layout, as quite simply - they were all there was at the time. People adopted the use of grids to lay out web pages, it was a practice that was widely accepted, and at the time it was a revolution. But times have changed, see more and we now have CSS and web standards.

Now the general acceptance is that content should be contained within markup and css used to render it - that is - tell browsers / printers / phones / screen readers / braille machines / etc how to display it.

Using tables for layout is also bad for content linearisation and consequently also SEO, this is not to mention accessibility. Additionally, the use of tables also seems to encourage the use of inline style.

Admittedly there are quirks for IE that need to be addressed with utilizing Divs instead of tables, but these are all very well documented. There should be no issues getting things to line up in if these quirks are addressed.

In summary - if it looks like it should be in a excel sheet - stick it in a table - if not, don't. And if you want to improve your SEO / content linearisation, then skip tables all together and use Divs.


Viva le web sémantique
Semantics is all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day the question is, how much time and effort are you going to invest into it, and how much time and effort do you expect your users to invest into it. Of course there are redundant uses of tables, but to restrict it to strictly tabular data only is to cater for a heck of a lot of extra work and complications for everyone who tries to modify things from the expert CSS work that works cross-browser in a particular setup.

Tables in select places see more are often the only reasonable way you can go with certain positioning issues if you want to be cross-browser compatible backward to older versions of IE, and not have to do separate style sheets for the said browsers. I'm all for no tables and semantic absolutism, but unfortunately the CSS support in certain browsers with large enough a market share just isn't quite up to notch yet.

If it's simplicity versus semantics, I choose simplicity. When the browsers' market share changes, and when semantics and simplicity go hand in hand, the call is a no-brainer. Until then, it's not as black and white as many would love to have it, and I am personally not interested in having my users to have to deal with hordes well-documented quirks, if there's a clear and straight-forward proven solution that everyone is familiar with, and that doesn't involve battling with quirks.
Why didn't you add Russian titles support in Friendly Links???????????????
Just look -
And what is that "dash" do there???
Oh, gushhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
@DeeEmm, RE: - Missing tab on member block on front page (bad css) see pic i uploaded to the site

It's not bad css, it's bad js I reported this problem 2 months ago, and no one is taking it seriously..... even though it affects every single Dolphin 7 site. I fixed this on my own site by modifying the js function that calculates the width of the dbTopMenu. Ther is more info in the ticket and 2 threads that it references.
Any bugs that Boonex does not feel like fixing, continue to be labeled as enhancements, or they are simply ignored.
Regarding web semantics...

I spend a lot of my job working with standards - Australian standards, British standards, European and international standards. They are there for a reason, an important one - commonality.

If everyone follows the standards - in our case browser manufacturers, web coders, designers, wysiwyg editors, software houses, everything is fine, life is easy, things work as they should.

If people do not follow the standards, then we end up with issues like Internet Explorer see more 6 (and 7 and 8), Netscape Navigator, code that does not work, proprietary code, code that cannot be read by site readers, the list goes on. There will not be one web coder here that does not cringe when you say Internet Explorer 6 - it is the biggest headache of the modern web - and all because it does not follow modern standards.

(2000 char limit)
If someone comes to your house, and installs a gas appliance - you are happy that they have followed (a mandated) standard - Generally they will need to be licensed to do this - the license demonstrates that they have an understanding of the knowledge and application of the standard.

With a website, there is unfortunately no obligation to do the same, except in one instance - to provide accessibility. Most countries / states have strict laws governing disabled persons - things like wheelchair see more access, disabled toilets, etc. The same actually applies to web sites as well, failure to comply is seen as a form of discrimination. There is actually a precedent in law with Maguire vs. SOCOG where SOCOG was fined $20,000 for non-compliance to accessibility provisions.

Maybe we can get a class action together against Dolphin, I'm sure the fines would be much higher - SOCOG was only one website - Dolphin is used on many many more. In this respect alone Boonex have an obligation to follow web standards - let alone for legal (accessibility) reasons. Ironically SOCOG - the "Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games." is in the same legal jurisdiction as Boonex - so the precedent directly applies.

So from web coders, I would expect more support for web standards, as, in part, it is a legal obligation. Web standards are not an idealist value, it's something we should all be pushing forwards

is there a fix for the chat? I have the problem with logged in users can not use the chat no matter what change I do. Everything runs perfect for admin and guests just not the users that are loged in :(
Jeesh - damn 2000 char limit.

HL - I accidentally deleted a nice wordy response to you whilst jumbling everything around to fit :(

Yes you are correct - the width element is actually generated by javascript (god only knows why) - my guess is that the issue it is trying to address is to stop the tab text from wrapping. BUT - this is not the correct way to do this - there are several CSS only solutions to this issue - some of them pretty basic too.

My opinion - it's a typical softie trait see more - over complication for the sake of it - just because you can do something - doesn't mean that you should. Remember K.I.S.S!!!

It's additional baggage like this that causes slow page loads. - why do you need to fix the width property after the page loads?? you know what it should be BEFORE you send the page to the browser - set it at this point if you need to set it at all. In fact in this case you do not even need to dynamically assign a width at all - the element can be made to expand to accommodate whatever text, and not wrap using CSS alone.

C'mon guys.

HL - you are also right that it applies to most of the site - every block with a tab in fact.

DeeEmm; agreed, everything should be up to the standard, which wasn't created to be optional, and is there for very solid reasons.

To pick up from your example of the gas appliance, and to tie it up with what I'm on about, imagine this scenario:

50% of houses on the current market have not been built to work properly with standard gas appliances. You are a gas appliance manufacturer, and have loads of retailers and workshops who buy the goods from you and take care of installing the said appliances. see more Can you, as the appliance manufacturer, just make your appliances to the standard only, and then quote the standard and tell the retailers and workshops to tweak it up from there onward? That would obviously pose a major problem, and cause countless headaches for everyone. People less aware of the standards would blame you for producing faulty appliances that don't work in your house, and retailers would blame you for not providing an appliance that's easy to fit in. With all your love for the standards and understanding of their importance, you would be quite inclined to provide solutions that stray from the ideal as little as possible, while working without a hitch across the current houses on the market.

My attempt towards a solution is launching a massive multi-level campaign to bring down the amount of "bad houses" (bad browsers), starting up in the course of April / May at -> -- just a splash page at the moment. Anyone interested in participating in the effort is welcome to contact me for more information. I intend to see through a global rally of web developers united in furthering an environment where web technologies can be deployed the way they were intended, without having to put up with all this crap (thanks Microsoft). Rally on far and wide and loud as long as IE6 and IE7 are marginalized, both mass media and grassroots level.

2000 characters....
ANTON: Here's what you said about the disappearing dbTopMenu items in a PM dated 28.12.2009


Looks like FF displays the content differently when zoom is used.
OK. We will investigate the issue and fix it.

Best Regards
Anton Lesnikov
AQB Soft
The problem involves the dbTopMenuLoad function in inc/js/functions.js
P.S. I have personally lost a figure somewhere in the five digits over the last decade because of certain browsers and their shitty standards compliance that has provided countless extra hours of dev work, and have very little sympathy at this point for pussyfooting around the idiotism that has led the web to where it is now.

As such, I intend to take every measure within my power to bring it all down, as soon as I have my desk a bit more clear and the finance department sufficiently set up, see more which will both be happening momentarily. I don't care if it's Microsoft or Masters of the Universe. If they don't make sense, they need to adapt or perish. Anyone with sympathy for the cause; please hop onboard, and let's bring it on.
@ "Looks like FF displays the content differently when zoom is used."

Has nothing to do with zoom - zoom has no effect on how it is rendered. probably more to do with not testing in all browsers.

ahhhh - web standards - got to love 'em

@Code Satori - education is the simple solution - most folk do not know the issues associate with IE6/7 - and some web-devs too it would seem.
Yes sir, education is the answer. But all that edu needs to be put out there, the propaganda machine needs to be booming. Our StopIE7 site will be a dual campaign and education site, a fair attempt to cover the problems and solutions under a single site as far as possible, connecting the best of the scattered IE resources out there. I'm looking for editors to come onboard, so if anyone here is interested, please PM in.

Thanks for that link, I'll need to go over those sites with a bit more time see more and in more detail. At a quick glance, some of them are rather on the slim side, and a dead one or two in the list too -- not exactly in the league I'd like to see them in. I'm looking at a comprehensive education / campaign / solution resource / problem demo / news syndication / blogs / discussion groups portal, well-maintained and with an active userbase that keeps the wheels rolling and the message spreading. A good deal of the campaign branding and infrastructure is already covered. Anyway, until late April / May for the launch.
One of the best ways is to get people to integrate a warning on their site that display only to IE6 users warning them to upgrade - I already have a mod for D6 for this, and the nice guys here at Boonex have thoughtfully included something similar in D7 - perhaps this should be updated to include IE7 too?
@DM RE: "Has nothing to do with zoom - zoom has no effect on how it is rendered. probably more to do with not testing in all browsers. "

Then how do you explain the dbTopMenu rightmost item appearing and disappearing as you zoom in and out?
Houston; I'd guesstimate the container might have overflow:hidden or somesuch properties, and things don't scale up in harmony when you zoom.

DeeEmm; Excellent point! --- will go and integrate a little browser edu notification box into my own wares right away. 6 & 7 need to go down... Any more practical ideas on how to further this, please post'em in.
new bug - zoom. - Archive -
Do you have updated search fonctionnality for ajax search Country => Region => Department ?
this is necessary for french market ...
@HL - it doesn't on my browser - it never appears.

@code satori - you could go buy the mod I have in the marketplace - lol
DeeEmm; going into my own software and free redistribution therein, not into a Dolphin site or any other single location. Otherwise, appreciate the offer, but I'm too far gone down the DIY tunnel to buy mods 99% of the time...

Don't you think these sorts of mods should be available for free as a public service though? Education is the key as you noted, and the wider the availability, the more we all stand to gain in the fight against the machine.
Dolphin 7.0.1 is coming
and i still have problems with the 7
@houseperu - 7.0.1 will solve all of your problems - Just ask Anton. :)

@CodeSatori - Should it be free?. Perhaps. But I already give too much away for free. I do, however make a point of banging on about how bad IE is as often as I can. So, in a way, I feel justified that I can charge a little for it. - In reality, If people want to invest a little time, they can easily work out how to do this themselves, if they want to invest a little more time, they can even make it look elegant, or perhaps see more even make it standards compliant, or they can just save themselves a few hours, spend a few bucks, and use the mod.

What to serve it to test the version - to report problems - if you do not take into account
@DeeEmm; I certainly won't debate you on your right to charge for whatever work you publish. =) But for an idea for future reference, I'd like to suggest to consider releasing for free such code and modifications that are 1) of substantial shared benefit, 2) of little commercial value, and 3) didn't take too much of your time.

@houseperu; I think that's the general idea there, 7.0.1 is coming precisely BECAUSE you have problems with 7.0.0. =)
Anton is a great asset to the Boonex Dolphin Minded team....assisting in empowering vital information to the sheep being slaughtered.Charles william Kent.Hancock.Price
Anton is a great asset to the Boonex Dolphin Minded team....assisting in empowering vital information to the sheep being slaughtered.Charles william Kent.Hancock.Price
Anton is a great asset to the Boonex Dolphin Minded team....assisting in empowering vital information to the sheep being slaughtered.Charles William Kent.Hancock.Price
so will the ie7 issues be fixed or not?..if not, i'm moving to social engine
I just hope the release of 7.0.1 turns out better than their demo and the way it installed on my test site. I posted just some of the issues in the Forum already as requested. If not, I think I will just fix the things needed in my current site without taking the risk :)
Please Anton... Could you fix the critical problem of Cupid mails beeing sent as soon as a new member is joining the site and still having Unconfirmed status ???
Cupid mails has to be sent as soon but not before the new member is approved and having Active status...
Thanks a lot ;-)
Hello Michel

Did you create a ticket in the Trac?
Hello Anton

Just wondering if this upcoming release of D7 will have resolved the huge issues with IE8? The majority of my members typically use Internet Explorer as their first choice.
Why use IE? You know how useless it is so why keep on using it? This is 2010.

Seems like some of us are too quick to criticise and too slow to praise....been around for too long to accept the illusion of "perfect".

Dee Emm: if you can do better then do it. Stop your witless babble - as if PHP and CSS were ambrosia. LOL!
so what u saying?...we only allow members that use firefox, well there goes 80% or the worlds internet

for the money i am paying i expect it to work on the most common browser
@Bigmeet; Why use IE? That's a good question there. I don't think you find too many developers here using it. Go ask those who do and still visit your site.

IE7 / IE8 compatibility is not really negotiable with the current browser market shares. You have a bit more slack when it comes to admin-only areas, but user front-end should be IE7 compatible.
deansyme: Check out and see what is the most popular browser. Goodbye IE, hello Chrome......:-))

Agree, that websites should cater for all browsers.

Anyway, back to the original topic, I look forward to D 7.0.1.
@BigMeet; Those statistics would obviously be parsed from the w3schools access logs... I only wish Firefox had a 50% market share.

Internet Explorer (54.50%;)
Mozilla Firefox (30.96%;)
Google Chrome (5.61%)
Safari (5.27%)
Opera (2.10%)
Other (1.78%)
wäre nett wenn boonex mal deutsch könnte damit man euch zusammenscheissen kann für so ein schrott script. 3 jahre updates für 999 dollar, lächerlich.
I guess the upgrade is pretty straightforward? We have to launch in two weeks so we're using 7.0. Or is 7.01 days from being ready?
Is the upgrade easy? When is the release due? We have to launch in two weeks but if the upgrade is coming in days we will wait.

While I can totally appreciate that Internet Explorer is losing major ground due to its many issues, it cannot be helped if the majority of my members are still using it.

And the fact that my members actually pay their hard earned money to use my site does not give me the right to take away their free choice and force them into using a browser not of their choosing. At the end of the day the customer is right and this software SHOULD work with ALL browsers of significance no matter see more how crap they are.

If they want to use IE then I say let them. I am fighting an uphill battle at the moment with trying to keep my members happy as they are constantly struggling with issues of slowness and freezing up of my site while using Internet Explorer.

The previous version of D6 seemed to not have any issues with IE so why should it start now with D7?

Try reversing the positions and imagine if you had paid to use a site only to find that it ran like a dog in Chrome or Firefox and you were told by admin that your site works best with Internet Explorer. Would you stick around, let alone pay to use the site or would you go to a competitor who does not have these issues?

why D7 does not support recurring payments. ---- How to manage sites - without this feature
"Coming Soon"....... Can you please explain the sense of "coming soon"? How many months?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.