Dolphin 6-to-7 Migration Pack

VictorT posted 18th of January 2010 in . 11 comments.

It is time to announce the official release of Dolphin 6-to-7 Migration Pack. It was available publicly for you all to give it a test drive too safely in your development area. Probably, some of you have tried that.

One of the last steps of the tests was migration of BoonEx.Us site. This site worked on Dolphin 6.1.6 version without any custom mods. We have performed several migration attempts fixing out bugs and omissions of the migration script.

The results of the final 6-to-7 migration are successful. The site with over 10000 of members, tones of videos, pictures, music, blogs, ads and all of the rest of contents is now working and performing greatly on Dolphin 7.0. You are welcome to check it out.

NOTE: The 6-to-7 migration script is designed so that it migrates only users database and site contents appropriately. Custom mods and templates are not transferable by this script, so you will have to re-develop and apply them separately.

Dolphin 6-to-7 Migration Pack comes with Dolphin 7 download package. Step by step migration instructions how to do it correctly are located in Trac documentation section.

If you are still have doubts in doing this migration by yourself then contact your Agent to arrange a help in that.

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Thanks Boonex n Victor T for the info. I was waiting for this. Great Job.
Is this migration working from 6.1.4 or just 6.1.6?
Actually, 6.1.5 and 6.1.6 patches were concerned with security issues and the changes were in a few files only.

So, it should work for these too. You can try it still safely without touching your live site. And if something goes wrong let us know.
Did my post get deleted from this now? HMmmm.... I'm thinking it did. Perhaps the censorship is gettin' pretty deep on here or maybe you just want to silence me.... I'll arrive at my own conclusion on this one.
Awesome! Glad to hear it is finally released! Keep up the great work :D
I successfully transferred all profiles, but pictures not only transfer some of them about 1100 after which the process stops without receiving any error message, I nearly 2,000 photos on the old site.

I have only one message to admin: profiles:

All profiles were transferred (10,687 items)
photos: Profile Photos is now Transferred
You should have appointed your email in the cron job settings. So, if the error happens it will be sent to your email. Please try again with this and let us know.

Also, I would suggest to do a search in Unity Forums for the resolution. Probably, the problem was raised before.
Migration does NOT carry over member levels. All my upgraded members are yelling at me that they are now standard members and they paid to be upgraded.

Hello Boonex? Whats the fix here?
Well, we are experiencing such kind of problem for the first time. We can try to help you if you would grant us the access to your site. Please send PM with all further details.
I tried to use Data Migration but I have the message : 'profile (queued)' and 'profiles: in process' forever. Could you help me? Very profiles were not transfered.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.