Dolphin 6.2, Ray 3.6, Orca 2.1 Now In Works

Andrew Boon posted 9th of July 2008 in . 160 comments.

We've been doing some development on the "new versions" side and now it's time to start discussions about what's going to be added to the next set.

A few notes though...

1. We're still going to release one or two patches to the current set to ensure that bugs or security issues are timely fixed.

2. The new set will most definitely have a clear update instructions, so all your investments into "extensions" and deployment of current set will not go in vain.

3. NBT will not affect and will not be affected by the upcoming release.


As you may know 6.0 was all about new features, and 6.1 was all about making them work. Ok, 6.2 is going to be about making them work very well. So, it's all about stability.

Stability, in this case, means...

1. Broad bug-fixing and re-factoring (where needed)

2. "Improvement" features. Little (or not so little) tweaks to make systems work better (moderation, IP blocking/security, affiliate system, filters/kickers in Ray, a few visual things in Ray, etc).

3. Performance. Ok, you know what that means. Some Dolphin sites (particularly those under SmarPro license) are taking off and get very large users DBs, so performance tweaks are still needed.

4. Layout. The oh-so-flexible nature of Dolphin layout couldn't come at no price, so there's still need to fix spacings, fonts, styles here and there.


now we need some feedback and help from you again. Our techs will work on the 6.2/3.6/2.1 milestones lists in Trac and we really need assistance from Unity Pundits and Moderators to help us add bug reports to that lists. Feature suggestions can also be added, but PLEASE keep the "focus" in mind and be careful.

In your comments...

please submit a short list of 5 (!) things that you think are most important for the next version upgrade. This will help us plan ahead better.


We'll have to see the final "plan" to give the date, but we hope to get it ready before the BoonEx Birthday ;) .

Please login to post a comment.
First and most important will be the Quick Search Block from the Home Page.Let users add their own fields. There are many who needs it. For example add Country and City Search to be an option for people. There is one mod for that i already seen in most dating website, but Dolphin doesn't have it.
When user is filling the Join Form, after he selected his Country, another
City field will drop down under it, which will let him select his city or region. I know that for this you need a quite large see more geo database with cities around the world and you don't find it for free. But later you can add it as a mod for someone who wants it and to buy it. Or just integrate it into Quick Search, so that the user can add his own cities related to a country. This can be very useful and more appropriate mod for a community script like Dolphin.

2nd and also annoying, is that the user CAN add Articles. So everyone can spam it without any problem.

3rd would be the chat admin. The admin cannot moderate any chat room and has no controle over it, so all you have left is to hope he will leave.
On previous post, i wanted to say "let admins add their own fields in the Quick Search" (...) "so that the admin can add his own cities related to a country" not the users, sorry :)
In Builders/New Page I would like to be able to add horizontal rows as well as vertical columns.

In forums (via Admin) I would like to be able to transfer selected forum entries to chosen Groups.

In Chat I would really appreciate a Moderator facility

Shoutbox: via Admin, edit/delete comments (this is available as an free addon but should be a part of Dolphin.

For me the ability to add new pages and have a multi column ability was the missing 'ingredient' all in all Dolphin 'rocks' Congrats see more guy's
you already have the moderator back in chat in 6.1.2
My suggestion is power through the admin dolphin, enable and disable items, sitelinks stat.
It would also be good if in the user's profile showed the number of friends and numbers of scraps, I know that this detail is not the focus now, but users like to display the numbers and that would be good if it were not native of dolphin mods ... what to boonex would not be so difficult to enter this data to future versions.
1/ ray chat flood filter (kick user that flood posts at 4 lines in 3 seconds)
2/ ip look up, ban (list all accounts with same ip log last 2 ip's used by same member)
3/ admin sets access for moderator permissions ( so we can have different staff to do different functions, i.e. media moderators, profile/ forum and global moderators

4/ admin login i understand. but moderator login on different page is senseless to me. can we have moderator permissions linked to their user accounts?
Agree with 4th one.
Possibility to make users as moderators...and they get all moderator priviledges at the front need of logging at moderators page...even different moderator levels wud be gr8...
*page builder
*optional package install /orca /ray some dont need to install the full package.
*more functionality from the menu instead of just the horizontal, would like to see vertical options.

* allow comments by members only
* allow for the default memberships to be deleted the standard and promotional

well thats all i have
DosDawg again a thumbs down... lol ...just cant understand why...
Well i agree with ideas...optional install of ray and orca seems to be important...bcoz many use them just bcoz they cant take them out of dolphin...
you give thumbs down because you dont understand why?
but agree with ideas?

thumbs down for being silly
*optional package install /orca /ray some dont need to install the full package.
- I agree. Either let us use another forum such as vBulletin or phpBB or make Orca better.

* allow comments by members only
- Users should be able to set who can comment on their profiles. Public/Members/Friends only.
I don't have many demands :-)
So just Scrapbook functionality.
Top 3:
1. Categories for Pictures (both personal and public albums), and Videos so they can be more organized. Many people have requested this.

2. Privacy. Users should be able decide who is allowed to view their profile, comment on their profile, and see their birthdate. See Facebook/Myspace for examples of good implementation of privacy.

3. Ratings should be traced by user, not ip so we know who rated what and they can't vote multiple times.
That same AI ... what I wanted to expose a little more.
>>> personal albums.
>>> permissions to see your profile, "friends", "friends of friends", "all".

a little advanced but has orkut, is advanced.
>>> answer the scraps without the need to enter the profile of the user to answer the scrap.

>>> full of friends and scraps in the user's profile.
To give more detail about privacy
The user should be able to set permissions for:
- Profile
- Show birthday
- Allow profile comments
- Allow blog comments
- Other things I haven't thought of

Each of these can be set to:
- All
- Members Only
- Friends and Friends of Friends
- Friends Only
- No One (Self only)
Is it possible to add a mod that allows you to put in local time? I am based in Thailand and my server shows US time.
1)The profile photo should be a block. and should be able to make the block smaller. It takes up to much space on profiles.

2:)ip look up, ban (list all accounts with same ip log last 2 ip's used by same member)

3 :) Video
*Nicer interface for video player (not so blocky, more elegance)
*categories for videos
*ability to put youtube vid instead of uploading your own and then youtube vid gets embedded instead of dolphin player, with same comment functionality and the rest..

4:) Better see more spam protection, IE let members report spam and if more than X amount of members report a spammer then they get put into quarantine Automagicly.

Love you work guys and gals!
4) What sections should be covered by SPAM spy? If it is needing in blog, should be admin get link on post? Should admin separate section for checking spam request? Does need deleting of SPAM users automatically?
My reply to 1)
We can make this block available to move in admin (builders), but we will need to place here 2 block - for usual profile and for couple. What you mean smaller? as default dimension of profile image is 340*340, if block will smaller here will problems in design. or you want overflow:hidden? :)
Try to offer better solution
I also need the youtube thingie badly :(
When you upload a video there should be an option like:
Upload from external server like youtube:
Enter youtube video url:

And it should display the embedded youtube code
1) Publish bug fix or improvement as soon as known with a short description of the problem, a short description of the solution and the code of the fix/improvement
rather than collect that staff and publish hudge upgrade patches that could content 80% of code that is related to features not used by some of your "clients".

2) same like 1)

3) same like 2)

4) same like 3)

5) Create a searchable repository for these fixes/improvement

fix couples profiles to show only primary photo like singles, not two photos for a couple.
Nice suggestion, I agree ...
here many couples, and all who want can set thumb for a couple, from same page where we set thumb for own (main) profile
Desperately needed: file upload in Orca and groups!
1. Captcha for guestbook and comments side wide!!
2. Page builder
3. Possiblity to add "actions" to membership levels. This means, specifying which features
memberships are allowed, at the moment its only the standard rules
4. Fix the polls as my post "All polls - SOLVED" said but with pagination
5. Pagination on contacts side and everywhere where you could need it!

Just my ideas ;)

1. Only members are allowed to give some comments on videos/music and profile.
2. Merge the profile and photo album.
3. Allow multiple uploads of pictures so that it is not annoying for some beginners. .

Thats all my suggestion :) . . not a demand,. hehehe *cheers*
"New comments notify" in member.php,I ithink it is simple and must have, Option to be notified by email when new comment is notified will be a gem.

Comments by everyone or friends only

Option that admin can decide wheather to show age or DOB on profile age,Showing DOB is security issue.

Uploading multiple photos in one go

Making profile visible to everyone or friends only

Email notification when added as a friend
multi friend invite/import address book from msn yahoo hotmail gmail facebook myspace
Someone who joins with that invitation as automatically added to friend list of person who sent invitation
yes guys thats really cool i never thought of that too, thanx
Make us able to change the upload video and music process to open more the mod range :-)
More stability, after for new fonction, as I already tell : we have mod, if people want this or this fonction, they have to buy it, you can't do every fonction for everybody
Here is my cents. Before doing it all. You guys should make critical patches out right now, cos they really are critical.

Current hackable remote bugs for 6.1.2

Look at:
If register_globals was enabled by hosting then it is problem of this hosting not Dolphin. Because from PHP 4.2 this option was disabled by default.
I have 2 sites running 6.1.2 and both were hacked today as well... not too happy about it.
Hi all
I believe private photos shoeld be a standard future in dolphin.

Please fix the IM issue in Ray Desktop - it's the only thing that doesnt work as it says 'LOADING' and nothing else.

Also if more financial features could be added. Also making the site more faster loading if possible.
Multi friend invite/import address book from msn yahoo hotmail gmail facebook myspace, someone who joins with that invitation as automatically added to friend list of person who sent invitation, email notification when added as a friend.

Categories for Pictures, Videos and Photos (both personal and public albums) so they can be more organized.

Site Stats Builder, active items/all items, plus be able to add new item and change the order easy. (Like Navigation Menu Builder)

Allow member to see more set private photos(should be a standard future in dolphin).

Publish bug fix or improvement as soon as known with a short description of the problem in member area.
1) Improve/simplify photo uploading functionality. Users should be able to browse/select multiple photo and upload once.

2) Users ability to create photo categories/album (private and public). Same with video and music.

3) Automatic email notification when user's friend receives comments, added new photos, blogs, forum or any updates, etc.

4) Improve "invite a friend" link/module.

5) User's activity/reward points system.
1. multiple photo upload
2. photos put into groups / albums
3. captcha on comments / posts
4. moderators connected to profiles ( no seperate login )
5. multiple friend invitation from other social networking sites
6. Private or public profiles (privacy must)
7. better administration of orca
8. Report, abuse options ( already there but you dont get any input why from the person)
9. enable / disable site stats
10. Disable anyone adding articles

Thankyou for an already great script.
1. Multi-Server Load Balancing Plugin Store / Convert video /music / images / database on an Unlimited Number of Servers

video /music / images / database queries Conversion is a CPU / Memory resource-intensive process. Video Streaming is a Bandwidth / Hard-Disk drive resource-intensive process. Therefore, Scalability is crucial for a successful social community website.

I suggested a Plugin that allows you to:use unlimited servers for video /music / images / database conversion / storage.

Also see more documentation is needed. I read a service that you provided true HostToweb, but thats not the best solution!

2. Database cleaning, I came across a lot of unneeded queries that slow down your website when you have 10.000 + users using it.

3. Design Improvement. Redesign the home page, video and user profile are needed. I imagined Dolphin always as a slicked and web 2.0 designed script. Facebook has a nice design, the combination of those will make it the best of both worlds!
Very interesting request:

2) Can you specify this feature more? With examples?

3) Need examples of design too. Variants like 'something' aren't acceptable.
hello to everyone, even from me some things: (simple improvements to Ray):
1) Ability to customize forms/modules of chat, (I believe that even just a file fla. Giving more customization options)
2) How can improve quality audio / video?
3) Im more fictional, now not much ... (If you're not chatting the messanger not work)
4) Automatic user exit from the chat rooms (now you can be present in several rooms simultaneously)
5) Option creating new rooms only for users with membership option, and see more not free for all as it is now...
6) when a user is chatting, research members online, appears as offline ...
An unsubscribe option for newsletters.
this is an opt in feature, you can not have people added to a newsletter unless they opt in. the mass mailer is not the newsletter, the mass mailer is so you can inform all members of critical news about the site service or upgrades, the newsletter they subscribe to, so as you publish a new letter only the ones that have opted in will get it.
In Builders/New Page I would like to be able to add horizontal rows as well as vertical columns.

Categories for Pictures (both personal and public albums), and Videos so they can be more organized.

When registering a couple would be great if users could associate their normal profile to their couples profile
1. Query Caching:
2. Template caching options are useful for speeding up response times when assembling elements of a template on a page that is based on the template or dynamically assembling a Portal Template for items.
3. Database Caching: Source
Well there are so many things one can ad to develop a multi purpose framework.

1. Moderators and admin able to upload photos etc to profiles
2. Abuse options - enable or request input from the accused person
3. Option to select which site stats to be displayed
4. Most important - A multilevel membership application option before completing the application form - Some members need access to site but don't want to risk being exposed. Must also have a different set of application form fields and see more must also have the option to enable or disable being found by the search option.

Anyway.... Keep up the good work
"Registration by invitation only" feature more improved. Because the user can type in his browser directly ANY ID, even if does'nt exists he can join the site, and this makes it useless. whatever ID you type in your browser you can still join. Test and try something like . That means the user with id 99999 invited you. You can type even 999999999, and you can still join, even if user with id 999999 doesn't exist.
if that is the case, that is a bug to be fixed. thumbs up
an IQ test to see if your smart enough to download and install Dolphin the script?

humor guys
WHAT???? I have to have an IQ to do the Dolphin thang? laughn
Lol, good point. :D
1 thumb up from me

I'm happy for this news about the new version .. But I wish see this feature in next version

1- email alerts as like .. friend request ... friends birthday .... new comment in profile, video , audio and photo ... etc
it's important feature please look for this

2- fast information when the visitor move over the member picture
as like Smart Communicator By AntonLV

3- skins for the profiles .. the members can change it in any time see more by the account as like Hi5 Site + contorl panel in admin for add the skins by the admin

4- Acitivites Feed Pack in member account page as like the mod
Or Hi5 Site

5- Invite friends from free emails as like this mod
and add it when the member regesiter as like Hi5 , myspace, facebook and all community sites

6- add yahoo, Msn and Gmail accounts in IM and Desktop messenger
it's great for the members and give the members for use it
please look for this feature

7- upload photo in join it's important too

8- make new moderator system for the chat .. as like the admin can add new moderator account for the chat can make block and kick for the members .. not from the dolphin cpanel

9- make the link for the blogs as like this
it's important elso

10- stats in admin for the visitors and every country as like
USA = 50 members 10 visitor in this day or month
itally= 30 vmembers 5 visitor in this day or month

11- make application system as like facbook and Hi5 sites
for add games online or programes online

this is my ideas about the new feature I wish look it and make some things

thank you boonex team for your hard works :)

best regards
moderators who can ban users and delete photos ...
Oh well, I guess an admin & user manual are too much to ask for. After all, if you have enough bells and whistles, it doesn't matter if everything works, you just point them to another neat item elsewhere and they will forget about the problem they were having at first.
1. It will be nice to have a section inside Admin with different RSS feeds to choose from and enable them on the site

2. To create an email option for users, if they want to have something like - for those who want this function

3. To have more interaction from Admin with the Front, in terms of redesign appearence

4. To develop a small application for users, to be downloaded and used from the desktop, in order to keep contact with their account and things on the see more site

5. For the paid membership sites, to include an option for highlighting the payment day to the users, by sending them an automatically reminder email

6. Also, for the paid membership sites, to include an option for SMS subscription through a list of operators from their location

7. To include a geolocation script that allows the users to see who is near them

8. For the RSS part I mentioned before, to include an option to autoselect RSS feeds based on the geolocation of the users, based somehow on the AdSense model

9. To include in the chat application the option of environment change (like in Yahoo Messenger)

10. To analyze a little bit the facilities from other scripts (i.e. AbleSpace 1.0 or AbleDating 2.4) and get inspired for some nice widgets, like 3D Chat

11. An option into the Admin area, to highlight the IP's per user and filter same accounts based on IP as a warning for the Admin, with a status changing to normal in case there are 2 or more coming from the same IP

12. Continuing the previous idea, you can add an account maturity analyzer, to see the status of activity for accounts, and in case of dead accounts for more than a defined period of time, to send automatically / manually an alert to the user with a deadline, and in case of no response to suspend the account immediately (as a measure to free up the database)

I hope that maybe some of the up-mentioned things will be usefull :)

Regards and best wishes to all Boonex Community !
In smart-pro we must be able to insert adsense or any other codes into IM.
I would like to add 3 more points :)

13. A shopping chart script included for those who want to combine the community site with a shopping option for members (books, dvd's, etc)

14. Also, continuing the above idea, to include an option, similar with the send kisses, to send flowers or other gifts between members - in this way the site will gather some revenues from the in-site transactions

15. In the Admin panel, to include options for integrating other scripts from different vendors, similar see more with Ray and Orca

That all for now :)

Regards !

I hope that in the next Dolphin updates there will be an option where profiles can be customized by members similar to friendster where you can edits the css and it also gives the chance for other programmers and designers to make their own designs which means there will be millions of pre-made profiles available in the net and ita also a good advertising stint for Dolphin hehehehehe. One more thing as what I have read above in the earlier post I also like the integrated shopping page where see more it will be similar to ebay or other online auction store so my members can sell or auction their products.

God Bless.
see more1 - Ability to create subcategories for orca, groups, articles etc.
2 - Ability to translate Email templates to different languages.
3 - Ability to write title, description to group gallery and group home needs some visual improvements.
4 - You can specify some criteria for RSS news section. For example if user change language from English to German
read this RSS, if user change language from German to Russian display this RSS something like that.
5 - Sure we need video music photo categories.
Plz specify 2 point - imagine next situation:
User with Spanish language make action with sending email template to user with Russian language. So in what language Russian user should get message? Note that in 6.1 users can't choose language for their profile.

3 - need detailed example of "visual improvements" for groups.
Ray widgets languages should automatically load corresponding to user's language like Orca if language already present in lang folder.



1-Would be great
2-3 I think this is already exists.
4-probably would be good
a mod for uploading and sharing presentations of power point, word, excel, PDF etc.. something like the current video feature but for documents.. you know something like the, feature , provided by
I wish to:

1) have more attention to multi language implementation: now there are a lot of fixed strings inside php code not managed by key language;
2) choose the membership level given to members at their first registration: this is to have the chance to have different promotional levels in different periods;
3) have a pre configured matching profile fields like meetic or similar;
4) block backgrounds view untill moderator approval;
5) have a better upgrade procedure, with a single script, see more automatic and save.

1) We are constantly keeping an eye on it.
3) Plz specify exactly what do you mean (with example).
4) Present system allows to make so.
5) Yes, we want to get magic wand too :-)
3) Now you have a preconfigured join form with few fields for matching (looking for, city, and so on). It could be nice to have already configurated more field for matching like phisical description (hair, eyes, tall, body size, etc...), way of life (smoke, no smoke, etc...), hobbies (cinema, music, etc...) and so on
4) Now the backgorund is online even if the admin don't approve it. That is not good to check the content of the site.
-- A member may have its own newsletter html.
-- Builder lack function audio - video in the bar tools
-- Commentary Video
-- Sent an audio kisses a friend (s)
-- Function admin change the plan arrier

1: Greater modeartor functionality
2: Improve builders, you cant change every single page
3: Admin Panel: Ban IP
4: Privacy, Users should be able to block people from contacting them via messaging, and also block people from viewing there profiles
5: Installation, more granular, select options to be installed as some dont need the whole package.


1: Ability to block someone from viewing your video feed.
2: IP BAN function
3: Greater admin controls, delete rooms / moderate see more etc / invisible mode, so admin cant be seen in chat
4: General asthetics, make the cam blocks more rounded and professional looking, it all looks a bit clunky at the moment.
5: Default room creating, when first launched the chat should have a room, it currently doesnt.

Im sure I could think of 100's more little things, but these are the nuts and bolts.
I am back with some more suggestions:

16. When a community member unsubscribe, the system to send him an email on the registered email thanking him for his presence and asking him to answer a short poll in order to identify reasons of leave

17. At the begining of the subscription process, to have like a profiler of customer interest, where the future community member is selecting areas of interest - the idea behind this profiler is to create an engine that sends specific Ads (like AdSense) see more based on predicted customer perference (these Ads can be personalized RSS feeds or banners)

18. To include in the mail section the option for voice / video mail

19. To introduce a tracking points system for the members, where based on a predefined or specific matrix, they can accumulate or loose points - and also to consider a conversion between points and money value (in this way, based on writing in Forum, Blogging, posting interesting A/V material, they can even pay for there subscription or win real money as contributors)

20. In order to expand the Boonex Community, you can think at a system for generating a sub-site into the master site (where the member belongs to) - so practically you give the freedom to the users to generate their own community and start using it under the master site umbrella - in this way you can think at a pyramid system of sharing profits between the master site and sub-sites (if you need more info about this last issue, we can discuss in detail)

If I will have new ideas, I will come back and post them.

Greetings all !
see more1. Age instead of date of birth in profile view
2. Deprecated events should automatically disappear from homepage and events page
3. Date in "my contacs" should be dd/mm/yyy
4. When answering a members' mail, original mail should be shown
5. Members' name should be mentioned on homepage in "topmembers" and "leaders"
6. On the "search profiles" page, members should list alphabetically
7. Latest feedback should always be shown on homepage, not randomnly
Add a payment option where admin can insert own options instead of standard paypal and other creditcard options.
Just add an option which mentions a bankaccount number for members to make money transfer through (online) banking.
Thank you for your great job guys.

For the next big release, I think that it's Orca which needs most of the improvements. Here is the top5 :

1 - Orca looks really sad. A really nice template made by a professional would be great.

2 - Add a function "Follow this thread" to receive email alerts when someone post in the topic.

3 - Possibility to expand all forums

4 - Add moderators in Orca (with basic functions, just lock/move topics).

5 - Why not organizing "Pizza Bugs see more and Fun" as it's done for Joomla to find most of the bugs in only one week-end?

I’m I the only one that is concerned about the performances of Dolphin?

What is a site packed with feature without performance?

Imagine your community reaching 10.000 users continue logged in, without performance and continuable to your users? I can imagine you guys crying in your rooms and pushing every minute a support ticket towards Boonex.

I don’t get your guys. Truly.

Some of you guys don’t even know how to install Dolphin and some of you guys are myspace / facebook addicted.

My see more apologizes if I offended someone.

Ps. I just opened my heart 

Kind Regards,
ummm.. first things first... a patch to combat the recent Dolphin hackings
Put your register globals to Off and it's done...
Details about it you can see here
First of all make it social community site...atleast basic function like when u invite friend and when he joined he should be added in your firend list
secondly:user could able to delete comments..
Not sure if this is a possibility with the script/php or htaccess or what but you guys certainly know programming.

I think it would be nice if say a site was set to paid membership instead of free and a member had to join the site before being allowed to view say a movie, and audio, or gallery photo, if there was some way to actually enforce this.

What I mean is even if the membership deny's them the ability to view a movie for example, all I really need to do is type see more or even

This can be done with ray audio mp3 and music as well as in the media directory for sharingImages. Profile photos, events, and classifieds at least rename photos to some odd file name like photo_1194537512.jpg which makes it a little more difficult to guess.

I know most aren't going to be able to guess, but when uploaded files are numbered in consecutive order ie 1.flv 2.flv 3.flv, etc. it's pretty easy to run through the list and view them anyway even though the site is saying that I need to register to view.

So if this could be possible this would be a very nice improvement.

The ability to change the sites email and site title within the admin panel, some how database integration or something.

Additional ip logging and banning. Although the die hards will just change there ip's and ip's do change per host per x/months anyway. But it does offer a small bit of monitoring.

I like the iq thought!! Can we have that in 26 different languages too? No probably not.

More informative instructions, tips, guides, etc for all, especially new folks. A nice set of email addresses for the boonex company would be nice. What kind of issues should be sent to what address and where to actually find these and submit them. An online update/tracker would be really nice.

By all means I'm not complaining. This script in my opinion is far superior to most I've seen. It does require a little more power and configuration that others but that's expected for something this unique. Maybe a list of php values would also be helpful or how to compile php for optimal results.
fix orca to work whit php 5.x
1. Sitemap.xml
2. Page builder
3. Who is looking for a partner
4. one template in different colours
I would like to see:
1. The ability to upload different file types like pdf, doc, xls, zips, etc. and other non video/audio formats

2. The ability for group members to post video and audio content directly to groups and the content be restricted only to the group members.

3.Add security features to Ray White Board module. It would be nice to be able to setup a Whiteboard session (similar to a IM or video chat session) and be able to restrict who can acess the content (maybe even groups or see more rooms like video chat).
4. Add template overlays to White boards (so a user can use a picture as a overlay and draw on top of it)

5. Add a save feature to white boards.

6. The ability to pass-thru dolphin users to external web sites securely (pass thru their session credentials). Would allow members to authenitcate to other sites using thier dophin site user ID and password

Add pages in orca topics. Please!
Fixes Required:

Orca -

- Fix page breaks in Orca so when you double space (hit enter twice) you actually get a double space between lines.

Dolphin -

- When signing up and entering birthdate, if you dont use the year function first when using the calendar it disables and stays on 1996. You have to change year before month. Simple drop down boxes would be better.

In Internet Explorer 7 the homepage flash image rotator doesnt always work. Images drop to bottom right corner of that see more area.

New Features I would like -

- Dolphin

- Lost Passwords Feature.

- Ability to add an extra hidden payment level accessible only via a private link. So I can send out an email or promotion with a private link special offer. Only people who receive the link get to subscribe at that special price. Regular members upgrading their membership wouldnt see that special price.

- Make Member Login link direct to member.php instead of brining up a log-in box which currently doesnt work on my site.

- Overall less bells and whistles. Make stability number one and bells and whistles number two priority.

- Change the link to Orca to forum or something else. So when you access my forums you might go to not

- Orca

- Add ability to edit post headings. Currently you can only edit the post itself.

- Add ability to move individual Forums up or down. At the moment you can only move forum groups up or down.

- I would like to see an Orca that you can install on its own that has ability to take payments integrated with it. Right now I have to install Dolphin as the payment wrapper for Orca. If I could take payment just in Orca that would be great.

- Boonex

- I'd like to see more active participation in the forums from Boonex staff. Would probably reduce number of support emails.

- Stop recommending Host For Web so much. Host For Web dont like Dolphin on their shared servers and are happy to tell people that, so why recommend them.

- Also Host For Web have a policy of locking out permissions when Boonex staff access the site to help their customers at the same time as someone from another IP.

-Also Host For Web have a PHP location different from the default location used in the Install process making install complicated.

- Also Host For Web appear to have their servers set up to in such a way as to make them vulnerable to hackers. Please see the many forum posts regarding this.

- Instead of recommending Host For Web find a host that is happy to host Dolphin or set up a system yourself. Or have a recommended hosts page with a list of recommended hosts.


- I have to say that Orca is the best looking forum software around. I love it. Please keep updating it and making it better.

make the profiles transparent when a user uploads a profile background image.

as it is now you only see 1/4 of an inch around the edges of the profile.
That would be a nice feature! Isn't it just a css function to be enabled?
I Think that a more secure version must be first things at a new version. We have enoch possibilitys to our members (Oke photo albums into galleries is must) but close security wholes...........
● A shopping mart., where users can shop 3 stuffs.
● Earning system. like points, money with admin, Its own inbuit payment system.. where users can manage their money and cashout with any payment system.
● Music mixer for editing, joining tracks etc for Ray widgets.
● more payment systems
● adding Video/Audio/text Ads to Ray widgets
● Cooler skins for widgets and pages

dats it 4 now..

6) "Time period in minutes within which a member is considered to be online" should be valid also when an user is in Ray Chat or IM. Now, if a members do not navigate the site disappears from online users list and web presence;
7) Ray Chat and IM should remember users settings like char size, color, etc...
8) add "last user logon" list.


9) if only left (or right) banner is actived, pages should center the content including only that banner size, now it centers with both (left and right) size even if one of them is not present.

Andrew Boon

We're now working on the list, and will update TRAC shortly.
One thing I really would like to see implemented is.... When a user of MYSITE clicks a link that takes them OFF of MYSITE that it opens that link in a new window(or tab). Opening links in my window in sense they are leaving my site. Keeping members and potential members on MYSITE is crucial.
Yes, I have added the code to the script to do this, but I think it should be standard practice to open links that take people off of MYSITE not a user added feature.
or at least give a radio button in admn see more to turn the feature on/off
How could forget such details!
Firstly congratulations boonex to give the opportunity for us, simple people, we have a system as good and complete and easy manipulation, it is clear that suggestions can never be enough.

1) By clicking on a profile you can see a block, EX: block with some friends that profile, and that unit you can click on a link friends, that leads you to all friends of this profile, "The same should be for friends in common, realize that there is any link "

Relationship see more With the statistics, already mentioned above! In blocks that appear when you visit a profile, should always have the total EX:
Friends (87)
GUestbook (XX)
Groups (XX)
Pictures Gallery (XX)
Wiews this profile (xxx)
And so on.
Not forgetting also the service of other members unity, the issue of privacy in profile, who sees or not, the scraps, photos and other items.
and also the creation of photo books by category.

And for the events, a hint the possibility of including a gallery of photos after the end of this event.

For those who use dolphin adfree, boonex should create a tool for manipulation of banners for plugins videos, Mplayer and others, equal to the banners boonex free version, this module does not need to be free! but it has a price affordable.

Boonex, hope you get good work!
Please fix the date format setting...when you change it through the admin panel, it doesn't work on the site.
1) Multi Photo Upload
2) Photo Albums
3) Invite Friends (MSN, Yahoo, Google, etc.)
4) File Size (bytes) Control from Admin (Photo, Music, etc.)
5) Better Content Editor for Blog, Articles, (Basically anywhere Text/Pics are entered/Edited) ie; Ability to do Rich text and in place pics, and then load upload the whole thing instead of having the user upload and specify pic url's, etc.
I think this is good

counter for topics in orca and in other places too - I need to know if anyone read the topics ...
Page builder
Captcha for comments
Orca - that I can switch groups
well i think dolphin is a great script and the things that are missing are on the only thing i can not get which is a NETWORKING MUST if boonex want anyone to make this scipt really big is a apps page like myspace and other big networking sites i tryed so many doplphin installers and coders to do this but they say it is to hard because boonex strip the html code now i dont no how true this is but if it is it be nice to stop this so i can expand my site the way i want with out being see more held back and if anyone reads this from boonex or anyone who thinks they can do it email me at
well i think dolphin is a great script and the things that are missing are on the only thing i can not get which is a NETWORKING MUST if boonex want anyone to make this scipt really big is a apps page like myspace and other big networking sites i tryed so many doplphin installers and coders to do this but they say it is to hard because boonex strip the html code now i dont no how true this is but if it is it be nice to stop this so i can expand my site the way i want with out being see more held back and if anyone reads this from boonex or anyone who thinks they can do it email me at
A social networking site mostly depends on ads to generate revenues. We have a failrly strong ethnic community on Gogol ( but need more tools to attract advertisers. Secondly, we need to look at factors that improve stickiness and persistence of members. With that in mind, here are my top 5.

1. Ad Friendliness - Allow much more flexible options (visual editor?) for placing ads anywhere on site - banners, right, left, inside the page columns, full page displays, pre and post see more roll video ads etc. Ideally, this should integrate or be compatible with ad servers such as openx. Once the sites make money, dolphin communities will flourish.

2. Newsfeed - A continuous, personalized news feed on all logins, similar to Facebook or Linkedin. This could for now just be a quick report of new friends joining, friends who connected with others, activities pursued by members in my network, etc.

3. Applications - As mentioned by some here - ability for members to add applications and generate greater value is essential for viral growth of the network. Support for such apps, including publication of API's is important.

4. Mobile Integration - the world is moving towards handhelp devices, where all the IT development will be over the next 5-10 years. In developing economies (Asia), people spend a whole lot more time tinkering with cell phones than they do with computers. Ability to login to the network through their mobiles devices easily and checking status of friends/sending quick messages etc are must haves to differentiate Dolphin networks in the 21st century. I think Friendster or Hi5 was one of the first to recently announce mobile support.

5. Integrate Other Community Profiles - with 200M users in Myspace and an increasing number on Facebook, it is obvious that to get attention span from their users to try out our network, we must make things easier for them. Now, some of these commities are allowing member profiles to be shown on other websites through API integration. One of the problems we've noticed on our site is that more members sign up but few do an Edit profile to provide interesting details about themselves. If my members can have the option to publish their Myspace profiles already created, its less work for them!

I request Boonex to think more deeply along these lines and provide a lasting product for the community. In addition, Boonex could consider starting an ad inventory service from which we could display ads exclusively on Dolphin sites, on a mutually beneficial revenue sharing basis.

Best Regards,

Features Required in the New Version of Orca

1- A complete Seperate Profile System. users need to change pass, other stuff, look at profile system for simplicity.

2- Layout changes must be maded easy, u cant upload the styles when you install the current orca.

3- Stats, Total users, total guests, people want to see how many users and guests are online now. how can u know that how many peole have registered in your forum. again check stats system for simple stats and see more most requried ones.

4- again layout must be easy to add ads in forum.

5- option of making groups always open. or want the groups to be like forums. and also describtion can be more then one line, currently only one line is maximum showing. along with other options.

6- Editing, Moving, Deleting, posts must be maded more easy, or make small buttons for it under every post not above. check how they do it for simplicity.

7- for future releases make few admin options, like baning users, ips etc. who is online etc other then that, the forums are GREAT. i mean you cant run a forum without an admin and mods. so make user groups too in, and for the whole admin panel area please check how forum area is. fluxbb is fast light extensible forum software. but it only lacks ajax. if this forum reach the reqired area it could blow up the competation.

I will have more suggestions when i remember them. Orca can be a Great Software only if the developers wants to.

there are few bugs like when you change the forum name, the url of that forum dosent changes.
1. NEED CATEGORIES!! for photo, videos and music
2. Need better template modification features
3. Need clearer instructions and better add on management thru boonex
4. Need more interactive features for users to engage other users
Don't forget that the Events Calender needs to be updated to include:

1. Recurring events, and floating events, as well as one time events
2. User programmable color coded event category filter for events such as business events or social events, etc.
3. User programmable location selection ffilter for fields like home, office, cities, states, etc. (now we only have country)
4. Ability to set time for events to display. For Example; Show no past events before 2006 and no future events after see more 2009. Auto drop off.
5. Provide miniature calender widget for every page.

The current calender is very weak on these issues.

With this fantastic level of community support Dolphin, Orca, and Ray will soon be the one to follow. Keep up the good work!
Make a "real" couples site... like dolphin 5.6 was. Profiles showed "couples" like 32y/o male-27y/o female... 6.1 shows the same profile as 32 y/o male. Females have no age nor birthdays, nor are they even females... unless its a single female. Dolphin stripped all the couples features from 5.6 years ago and still have nothing but a doubler on profile fields, which has nothing to do with couples. It just makes it seem like youre seeing double vision on some profiles. This makes see more dolphin a non-community site, because communities actually have married couples in real life. There are no communities where everyone is young and single. My site has 598 couples, 7 single males and 10 single females on it.
As a webmaster i would like to see a section for members to create their own profile page like myspace allows. I have purchased a mod that works but messes with my dolphin menu, and is time consuming to install and get to work right. Also custom blocks would be great!
can you please put invite friend in a different menu rather than on the top... this is because if your site is "join by invitation only" a guest can invite theirself with the "invite a friend" at the top.

Many thanks

p.s. maybe a place to put it is in "my account"?

2. Make members searchable by email add?
1. Ability to use custom CSS on profiles
2. Ray Shoutbox gets messed up when inserting images.
3. Would like to be able to pic and choose which types of codes can be used with the shoutbox.

More when I remember them.
I think we need more SEO!

on videopage, photopage & musicpage

keywords = the videokeywords
discription = the videodiscription
I gotta say this again. Fix the basics first befor eyou add any improvements.

1. Would be formatting in Orca - fix th eline breaks issue and the fact that everytime you edit something else changes.

2. Fix the flash loader on homepage.. It doesnt work in IE7

3. Fix the bug/trac section of your website so we can post bugs and tickets direct. Its all page not found and 404 errors.
1.quick search should be easier to modify so that you can make it site for a music site search for artists or producers etc.

2.i understand the need for others to make money but a more defined user manual would be nice also.
1. A quick search that is more easily modified to tailor to the type of site or community you are forming. for example: a music site where you can search for a singer , rapper, producer, etc.
1. I would like to see any fix that increases the compatibility with IE browser formatting, particularly with width and columns.

2. I would like to have a feature that functions like 'six degrees of separation'. That is, if I know you, and you know Fred, and Fred knows Mary (or Mary works in the same company as Fred), how can I get an introduction to Mary.

3. Any feature that permits or improves exchanging of links to other profiles.
1. I would like to see any fix that increases the compatibility with IE browser formatting, particularly with width and columns.

2. I would like to have a feature that functions like 'six degrees of separation'. That is, if I know you, and you know Fred, and Fred knows Mary (or Mary works in the same company as Fred), how can I get an introduction to Mary.

3. Any feature that permits or improves exchanging of links to other profiles.

4. I would like a feature that would permit me to install see more Dolphin on more than one domain, using the same mysql database. That is, when the install is being done, I want the option to designate a database, but not actually install it so that it does not clobber the existing one. That is, and can use the same database, or and can use the same database with a different license.
1. I would like to see any fix that increases the compatibility with IE browser formatting, particularly with width and columns.

2. I would like to have a feature that functions like 'six degrees of separation'. That is, if I know you, and you know Fred, and Fred knows Mary (or Mary works in the same company as Fred), how can I get an introduction to Mary.

3. Any feature that permits or improves exchanging of links to other profiles.

4. I would like a feature that would permit me to install see more Dolphin on more than one domain, using the same mysql database. That is, when the install is being done, I want the option to designate a database, but not actually install it so that it does not clobber the existing one. That is, and can use the same database, or and can use the same database with a different license.

5. I can not think of a good reason why the search link is deactivated at the drop down menu on the search results page. When a search is completed from the search page, there is no way to do another search. Even the search link is not active. I would like a search widget to be at the top of the block so that I can modify the search, or at least a live, active link to return to the the search page so that I can search again with a different criteria.
1-one photo/one gallery for couples, with a couple Icon when picture is not uploaded.

2- Privacy, the ability to share pictures/videos with friends only,

3- would like to be able to add fields in the Quick search, such as zip code.

4- I would like to be able to add horizontal rows as well as vertical columns In Builders

5- Ban IP

Thanks for an already GREAT script!
Please, please add a function to personalized profiles, is the big thing for dolphin.
Nothing more for now
Hi there,

I use the Ray Chat Module, and have a lot of users who have requested a very importen function. The ability to block another profile for viewing cam and audio ind the chat. As a community i growing it's nearly imposible not to get users that i would call "anoying". Or there can be conflicts between people and they just want to be online but want to be left alone by certen people. There for i'll make the request for af "block user" function for the profiles in the see more chat rum.

Another thing that would be nice is that you can chose that when you are in a private chat, that you only are showing your cam to the person your talking to instead of all users.

Also when you leave a room, then the users that are listening and viewing should not be able to continue to do this even that your not in the room.

and it would be nice to configure it so when a room, thats not made by an admin is left and there are 0 users in it, it should delete it self or the options for normal users to create a room thats not "vieweble" be is "invite only", so you can invite the users into that room without everyone sees it.

Then i have also experinced that when you have a privat chat with one or more people, the webcam and audio can "go away" when you return to a room, and you then have to start the private chat again, maximize the webcam, return to room, and then close the private chat.

Kind regards
\Thomas Hansen chat4ever
you have ever tried in a/v chat to ban and unban, and kick and unkick the user ?

i think, we can ban and kick, but cant unban end unkick when the user its not in chat....
For me to be honest, Dolphin has been a pleasure to work with, I keep coming back to Dolphin everytime. However, a few small things that I have asked for in previous releases, and hopefulyl we can get them in this one.

1 - Categorize Videos, Photos, and Music
2 - Member Photo Albums
3 - Admin ability to add fields to Quick Search
4 - More flexibility with Page Builder
5 - last but not least - more Templates

You guys are doing awesome work....
see moreOne with i would love to see is been able to bring down the server load and use of the GD library as this is wat is tiping the
load of most simple hosting servers where as it is to like in annabels case it was not the hosts fault thay mostly had to upload
the GD library to make this scrpit better as i have 3 members one not many images and the crached the site and i hosted many other sites like this E107 PHPnuke(BIG AND HEAVY but worked ok) php izabi all worked ok but this after 3 users died.
I lost track of updates at 6.003 It would be nice to have an import/export feature meaning:
We can install the new version and import users and data from old dolphin.
I am trying to upgrade now... is there any easy way to do that?
2-Not sure if this is in current version... Admin moderation of comments posted by users.
1. Private/Public/Porn photo and video categories. Allow users to decide who can view these
2. Picture type moderation (face/porn/normal/car/pet/e.g. :)
3. Moderation in shoutbox, chat
4. Gay version, more sexual orientation, not only man and women
5. volunteer user moderation (e.g. 10 user has to says the same for a picture or profile)
My top of the list would be
1) mobile integration (I'm making more money with mobile users, than with the mass clicking on google or affiliate ads)give us something like
2) Event need to be reshape with lot of more possibilities, specially the user side
Better options for the moderators so that we can have separate moderators for chat and forums, that way someone can be assigned to a particular chat room or forum to control it
I agree with shaneed : when user choose a country let user choose a region and when he choose a region (ajax dropdowlist) create a third optional dropdownlist for city
Can Boonex 6.2 be able to create multi sub-category level in Classifed category?
Add that only member with photos can be feature member
1. Option for users to choose time-zone

2. Bigger new mail/friend request notification

3. Orca forums/trees should be able to be open by default

4. Get rid of the need for f_open, many hostings companies don't support it and it makes my groups look ridiculous.

5. A tool/feature in Orca to view 'all new posts', should be simple enough to implement.

Cheers guys!
My 5 things would be:
1. Add youtube option during video upload so that youtube videos can be directly embedded.
2. Add recaptcha plugin support
3. Change the Ray video player and make it look more stylish like video player
4. Support Pre-Post and in video ads inside the video player
5. Improve "invite friends" by allowing to use some plugin like so that it will be much easier to make your site popular

Thats all for now :)
may we have the new version soon!
The fields in the browse.php should be included in the field builder like the search field for easy selection of the desire fields.

The multiple selections, checkbox or radio buttons should be allowed to deselect.

The multiple selection fields should work better for fields that have a very long list. The multiple selection box is not working for me and I think it is because my list is very long. It is however working for my field that has a short list.

The page titles for orca, ray, and see more all the pages for that matter should be able to easily change the page titles, even keywords and descriptions for the page.

The forum should allow members to have a separate nickname to post anonimously in some cases when necessary.

Should allow for easy upgrade from previous versions.

Should be able to change text, link colors separately from each other. For example, the links that takes over from the join/log in links on the top right is connected with the classified links and is hard to choose a color for the text when you have two different background color.
I hope you include a friends request and not just befriend.
It would be great if:

Only admin could post articles and NOT members as this is makes it into a spammers paradise

Admin could choose what they want to appear in the site stats

There was a chat room stat in the site stats so members can see if there is anyone in there without actually having to go in there.......I'm sure that dolphin 5.x had this.

We could have a template builder to change colours and shapes of boxes, borders, headers, footers etc etc instead of having to through the CSS

We see more could have a different page builder for the home page before and after log in for the more sensitive sites

The gallery photos could appear in folders for each member with thumbnails on the folder as a taster of what's inside
1 . members could import contacts MSN, Yahoo, facebook, gmail ...
2 . blog better: eg
with a better customization, ease of video links (youtube, dailymotion)., for img
3 . make parts of their profile private visible only by friends
4 . possibility send a voice message or video message to a member
5 . administration :
administer the possibility some options of site could be paid and integrate a system paying by SMS
6 . location of the member on google map see more or another system maps ...
sorry i have other idea ...
7 - possibility to administrate default Font size of ray chat
(11 is very small, members must always change it at beginning )
8 - best design (just a little better ;-) show facebook size and face font)
9 - add comment only by members
just suggestion : )
Best regards for all staff of boonex : )
an area where members can post private photos and videos which contain nude adult content and is protected with a private photo/video password in which that password can be requested by an interested member
These are in no particular order,

1. Email notifications for comments (on photos, music, videos), forum posts, blog replies, etc.

2. User defined categories for gallery pictures

3. Admin defined categories for user videos and music.

4. Have only logged in users be allowed to leave blog comments (open to spam).

5. Admin setting to have Forum categories expanded by default.

6. Admin configurable moderator capabilities.

When can we expect this release?
very important things ...
- An option to compel a member to put a picture at the end of his registration
- Option multiple check box must go to the line for each choice
- When a member put a photo the site's name is written above or in small logo
- An option to display the number of visiting their profile

thx a lot
yeah as some people have already mentioned a point system would be a great option to add in the next version of Dolphin
Just fixing the Quick Search to allow admin to edit/change the fields, and show up on the home page.

1. Require Photo on Register,
2. Activities feed like facebook etc or
3. RSS Feed from same.
I would like to see the ability to post a mircosoft excel (or other similar) spreadsheet as an article. We can post word documents, why not spreadsheets?
can any one help me by saying the video uploading path and the function where this task is performing in dolphin ?
it is very urgent. Please help me
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.