Dolphin 6.1.1 & RMS 3.5.1
So, I think I finally have RMS 3.5.1 working on my server. My only problem now is that my Ray widgets do not load. This happens with Adfree & Free 6.1.1 version. I really want to get my sites up and running. At this moment I wish I was an expert coder

The only reason boonex has 10000 and 10080 in the base, is they were running 3.1 and 3.5 (like we are ) on the same servers, and you cannot run 2 versions on the same server using the same ports.
You need to be sure to configure the files in each of the widgets webapps dir correctly, and it must contain the host ip:port
I guess i'm just going to pay for installation. This is to much headache for a non coder.