Dolphin7 : Taking it to the next level

ydrargyros posted 10th of November 2009 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

Whether loved or hated, Dolphin 7 is sure to rumble the earth on it's coming. Either those who patiently wait for the RC or the ones who impatiently (understandably or not) nug about it, still conclude and agree on one simple thing... Dolphin 7 won't be here to be abandoned or keep a "low-profile" in the Social/Dating script industry, and surely isn't ignored by it's followers/haters.

We sure all do have ideas, from the minor aesthetic mods to possible security issues, from translation corrections to new Modules or logic transmutations.  Let's all just brainstorm in here, for a better software, and many-many happy users for our sites

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Already thinking about D8-suggestions? LOL

One of the features I miss is the ability to easily create and manage dependent fields. Thankfully, there is AntonLV's "Self-manageable DF" which he will hopefully upgrade soon.

Example: You create custom field, "Favorite Color". User selects choice from a drop-down list, or, if his "color" is not on said drop-down list, user inputs his own, which is also automatically added to the list (and which in turn is nicely reordered see more alphabetically).

Then, there is the "people you might know/might want to know" and "friend's activity" features (also offered as mods for D6) with the enhancement that admins could further tie to their dependent fields (i.e., suggest friends not only by degree of relationship--friends of friends--but also by "Favorite Color"-type of profile dependent fields.
1)Self Managed dependent fields, totally agree, would also like to see them linked together, you choose a country and you get a nice list of cities to choose from!

2)People you may know, totally agree, maybe we could re-write the way it works to use the matchmaking functions, so it would be easier to make a suggestion based on colour or anything.

3)The way D7 is developed, seing separately the Wall, Images,Sites,Videos,Sounds , it would be a hard thing to do, because we'd have to tweak each see more of them separately to add up in a single function that will bring the activities to the user.Wall should unite all these into one section, it already has the feature of activities.
Actually, for item 3, we do have the Spy feature, no?
Yes but does it seem as useful or as simple as the the Walls same feature? I think not. The main and most debatable objection i have with the way D7 get's developed is that i need the users to be easily able to do everything... but only in one way! That should help a site and a community be more learnable, understandable and operable!
Now uploading an avatar is a different procedure than uploading a photo, posting a video on a wall also has a different procedure than using the Video module directly.

I see more have another suggestion also:
4)Embed video populates fields from the Youtube page, why not have Sites do the same thing for sites?
5) A nice "Flash Game Module" would be appreciated i guess!
I'm kinda out...any more ideas?
How about OpenSocial integration instead of the flash module? Opening the door to OpenSocial apps would give you that and more....
i'm really against flash-full modules instead of flash-utilising modules. See now the youtube module can have metatags, keywords and a nice content! remember the Rayz youtube? empty of any of this!
as for OpenID-OpenSocial,Google Wave,Facebook Connect's time we all had a nice conversation bout them cause it's the future!
OpenSocial then it is... and how bout this one! It's own API...
I liked once the idea og Google Wave when i first saw the video. And i came up with one single idea on it...unite all dolphins!!!
We at last got RC! I'll get started on most of these!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.