Desktop 7.0 installation experience

IgorL posted 4th of January 2010 in Community Voice. 18 comments.

Well, I would like to share my experience in brand new Desktop installation for Dolphin 7.0

First of all, I want to make you all happy now because Desktop has become a platform-independent application based on Adobe AIR. So, you can download Adobe Air installation compatible with your platform and it will be automatically used by your system during Desktop installation. Here's where you can get the installer:

Ok, so, navigate to the Administration pane of your site, then Tools -> Modules -> choose Desktop -> Install (it will need some additional modules, so install them too, if you haven't already done so).

Ok, now navigate to the home page of your site, you will see the "Desktop App" link in the "Download" box. Download the installer on your local computer and just install it. Its link will appear on your OS Desktop for better access.
I have done it myself, and believe me it works like a watch :-)

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I have tried a few times to install the Desktop module with no success. The error I get is below:

"Installation of: Desktop Failed
-- Getting Desktop downloadable from An error occured. Contact with module's vendor"

This was a brand new install and not an upgrade.
I downloaded it ok..installed air and desktop... When I click on desktop to start it.. All I get opening is an empty box....
hey he said it works like a watch but never said it was a rolex. well try it in a few and let you know how it goes.
Well, it worked for me, only I had to add download block on my front page. I may have removed that download block before but don't remember if I did or not.
For me it does not work. I get no error cannot connect server.
You must have not succeeded in downloading Desktop

yes, the empty box that you see is exactly what it's supposed to look like when there are no visitors on your site

direct connection to your Dolphin server should be allowed in your local proxy/firewall
d7.0.0 looks nice but it still has a lot of bugs such as

Data migration say profile queued is process

embedding video dose not work an i cant approve the video in admin

my license key dose not register with boonex

there all so needs to be a upgrade patch for 6.1.6
over all 7.0.0 is good but i need a lot of fixs before i would upgrade
I have just done a fresh install and there are heaps of files missing??

see more flash/modules/board/files;
see moreИгорь, здравствуйте. Есть ли у Вас версия ДЕЛЬФИН (для сайта знакомств) на русском языке? Если нет, то как лучше перевести? Уж очень мне понравилась эта платформа. Если Вас не затруднит, то ответьте пожалуйста на мой адрес: Спасибо.
С Уважением Юрий Пашков. (Санкт-Петербург)
my module worked perfect...
My problem is not downloading the desktop agent from the site but installing the module from within dophin from the list of modules. Did anyone else have this problem?

"Ok, so, navigate to the Administration pane of your site, then Tools -> Modules -> choose Desktop -> Install (it will need some additional modules, so install them too, if you haven't already done so)." <==== this was the problem I was having. All dependencies were install and I did not receive an error stating see more more needed to be installed.
Tuto Desktop Dolphin 7
my desktop have after login giust mesaqge loading,
I dont understand why it fails when I install the desktop module. No one else is having this issue? Where is D7 pulling the desktop module from? Not the agent but the module?
Having the same problem, only 3 things have installed from modules the others always seem to lead back to the :
Failed -- Recompiling global paramaters: An error occured. Contact with module's vendor


Although there was some problems installing adobeair i found an article on that: (for linux /fadora/centos 5.x)

that worked in stalling adobe air 2.x However when i go to install see more a module (any module except for 3 and i've tried them all in turn) i still get :
Failed -- Recompiling global paramaters: An error occured. Contact with module's vendor

checked all the files against several downloads, all the files are proper.
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