Darren Powless Passed Away

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of February 2011 in Boonex News. 88 comments.

A note from Troy (martinboi) arrived yesterday with sad news - Darren Powless (mrpowless) passed away. We don't know any details, but unfortunately we know that it is true.


Coincidentally, the latest Blogs post here at Unity was from him and according to the date it seems that it was posted not long before he passed.


Darren was one of the most active, helpful and friendly members of our community. He helped us with tutorials, actively participated in Forums, offered great products (both free and paid) via Market and he has always been humble, co-operative and professional. He was the best example of a perfect community member and we feel a great loss. He was one of us.


Such tragic news is not something unheard of. People die and we have many people here. And still - it's heartbreaking to look at the smile of the man that was "here" a few days ago and looked at the same direction, worked with us... and all of sudden he's no more.


Rest in peace, Darren.







Darren left a beautiful wife, a son and a daughter. There is nothing that could possibly make up for their loss, but we would like to help and we ask you to help them at least with the financial side. If you could make a donation, please send the money to Darren's paypal address at darrenpowless@gmail.com.


Additionally, if you plan to be buying any BoonEx license, please consider doing it today. We'll be donating all proceeds of today's (24th of February) sales to Darren's family, along with our own donation.


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he was only 38 why is life not fair , sorry to here this sad news. i just saw his last blog post just 5 days ago. seems to only happen to good people.
This is so sad to read

another greate developer who Passed Away

I don't have nothing more to say I'm going to cry
why you guys are posting this all the time and make us feel bad we love hem and wee will miss hem

Rest in peace mrpowless
Andrew Boon
I wish we didn't have to post this. Unity is growing - almost 100,000 members already and it inevitable that things like that would happen. Life, of course, goes on and we are stronger than ever, but sometimes we have to acknowledge those who are not with us anymore.
My condolences to his family & to his friends on this vast loss. I'd only been talking w/ him for a brief time about a mod, he was as helpful and nice to talk to as he was in his tutorials. So sad. :(
Wow this community and his family have suffered a great loss. Rest in Peace my friend...((((hugs))) and prayers to his family and friends.
you will surely be missed. wow is all i can say bro. troy and mrs powless our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

MrP we love you man!!@!!! !!
I echo DosDawg's message - thanks for all of the help you offered darren - R.I.P mate
I just exchanged emails with him yesterday. We were discussing a couple of ideas for Dolphin and he was going to do some research into an suggestion I threw his way. I was so looking forward to working with him, and to think that we almost started on a another project not 30 days ago. Wow.

He lived only an hour away from me.

God Rest His Soul In Peace (Amen). May God also give his family the patience and strength during this trying time (Amen)
Nathan Paton
This was brought to my attention yesterday, but I didn't want to publish anything until contact could be made with his family in order to verify that he has indeed passed away.

I give my condolences to Darren's family and wish them the best through these difficult times. It's never easy losing someone so suddenly. Darren's contributions to this software and the community around it were numerous, and he had provided excellent service to his clients.
I dont know what to write, but just to express my condolence, Its here.

I think we all can make a joint contribution and maybe send his family a cheque in the local currency, since many of us do not use paypal.
Do we have some contact email or number of anyone from his family, if yes, do provide one to me in my inbox too.
This is truely sad news. My condolences to his family.

He has helped me once or twice and for that, I am greatful.
This is very sad news. He was one of the classiest members here and he will be terribly missed by all who knew him / knew of him.

Wow, what a terrible piece of news.
Very sad new indeed !!! R.I.P dude....
Rest in peace Darren. You will be greatly missed.

My prayers are with you and your family..

Im at a loss of words....

Rest in peace Darren. My condolences to the family and others. Darren will be missed.
I am very sorry to hear of this..my condolences go out to his family and friends.

.I wanted to purchase a 60 day add free licence today but do not see the link, is is just now only the $100.00 ad free link available? (since you are donating it to his young family)
Andrew Boon
It's only the $99 permanent license now, but you can submit a ticket to Support and we'd arrange a discount for today's order.
This is very sad news...

Darren was great man and a great programmer. He will be deeply missed.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
Good Lord. He was the same age as me :(

Sometimes we do not understand how or why things turn out the way they do.. All we know is that there is a reason. Darren did not think twice to help anyone here at Unity. My condolences go out to his family and friends for their loss. You will be missed Darren.
My condolences go out to Darren's family, he was a very kind and understanding person that was willing to help anyone he could without thinking twice about it; Darren you will be missed by everyone who had the pleasure of getting to know you. God Bless You and Rest in Peace...
Truly terrible news. My condolences to Darren's family. It would be hard to find a single member of this community, that hasn't been helped in some way by Mr Powless.
I'm sorry hear such a tragic news. May he rest in peace.
Sad to miss him, my deepest condolences...
his presense was so much helpful.
Thank you andrew for honoring a missing person and making Boonex Unity meaningful
Sorry to hear this, my condolences to his family.
Rest in peace, Darren. Condolences to his family
Oh no:(
Also my Condolences to his family
It's such a tragedy as he's helped sooo many people with not only developing free/paid modules but also helped with installations, project ideas, fixing up websites etc.
My condolences go out to his family.

Rest In Peace Darren

Bad bad news :-(
I don't forget the friendly & helpful advices you give me and you also give to all the UNITY community.
Rest in peace Darren. Condolences to his family.
A great loss for us all - Sincere condolences to his family and all his relatives
Rest in peace Darren. My condolences to the family and others.
What can I say more, its sad.
Our condolences to Darren's family

I can only offer you our deepest sympathy and all our prayers are with you.

To Every Thing There is a Season - Ecclesiastes 3. 1-8

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a see more time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

What a great guy will be sadly missed
Rest in peace my friend.
he has helped me in few things in past, what a great man he was.

may god bless his family.
Toutes mes condolences a la famille de ma part.
C'est très triste

All my condolences to the family from me.
It's very sad
Words seem inadequate at times like this. My condolences to Darren's family; you have my deepest sympathies on the death of your love one.
This is Sad just last week I requested a module Build from him he replied Promptly and I was excited when he said that the custom module was definitely a do-able project. His quoted price was very reasonable I was excited to start working with someone who seem helpful and dedicated. I'm sad this morning to see this post. I have a 60 Day License right now I will purchase the permanent one today so his family get a donation.
My condolences to his family & to his friends
I have hired him just a few days ago for the upgrades of our sites. Good Professional. Great loss.
My condolences to his family.
My condolences to Darren's family. He helped this community a lot and he will be missed.
My condelences to his family!

He was a great person and really helpfull in so many matters.

Rest in peace!
This is terrible news. He was such a nice and helpful person, in addition to being a hard worker. Some of you might enjoy reading comments left by people over the years who he had a positive impact on:

Darren and I have been working together since April of 2010. He was converting my 11 year old dating site with 30K members to dolphin and we spoke several times a week. This was a large project for him and we were within weeks of switching the members to the new server and system.

Darren knew dolphin backwards and forwards and enjoyed the challenge our project gave him. He was fun to work with and had a great attitude about our project and life in general. We had a long talk the day before see more he passed.

I hope that Nicki and Troy and those that loved him will celebrate his life and will continue to see Darren in the eyes of Kylie and Devin.

I will miss you Darren - thank you for your friendship and expertise.

Keep an eye on us as we finish this project - our grand opening will be in honor of you.

Very very sad news.

accept my sympathy
May God Bless your family and friends who are dealing with this sadness. You are with God my friend. Please pray for us all. I only remember him through his goodness and helping other. So sorry to hear this.
Been away for a family funeral so i've only just spotted this in the news feed.
That is really sad. Darren was one of the first people i saw on the early versions of the forum/comment section years back when i joined.
Intelligent, helpful and very pleasant guy.

RIP Darren and condolences to his friends and family
My sincere condolences to the ones left behind. May the good spirits be with you!

Be never forgotten!

Sad Real Sad News my Condolences to his family and may they find strenght in these times
This is a great loss to the Dolphin Community and an even greater loss to his family. R.I.P my friend.
Wow. ;-( I've been around Expertzz/Boonex since mid 2007 and Darren was one of the nicest, most courteous and helpful members that I've ever seen grace the boards of this community. I never met him personally, but there is no doubt that when a person can permeate digital space with kindness and respect, then in real life, they must be incredible to be around. May God be with you Darren and may YOU be with God.
Such sad news. So young too. My most heart felt condolences go out to his family. Life can be so unfair sometimes. Very sad indeed.
My condolences to his friends and family
What a tragic unexpected and sudden loss of a long time dedicated dolphin supporter. This announcement is very sad news for everyone, family, friends, acquaintances, and the online community. Darren will be missed by many.
Some say we appreciate the true value of a man when he passes away.. this man was a true model of professionalism and seriousness and that is well known for years. This community will really miss him and I am sure many other people he met in his life will be really sad to loose such a great person.. It was one of a kind and his reputation will be his statue on this website!

Rest in Peace dear friend..
Rest in peace Darren and my condolences to your lovely family, It has been an Honor and pleasure to have known and worked with you over the last 4 years. God it was only last week we talked. you're going to be sorely missed by everyone. goodnight sweetie God Bless. xXx

A Poem for Darren

MrP as he was known to thee, spent most of his time helping this community.
Always maintaining did'nt complain, fixing Dolphin sites however mundane.
When nothing went right, and all seemed gloom, along came see more MrP and saved you from Doom.
With his quirky humor and booming smile. MrP would always go that extra mile.
You were in safe hands with MrP, a man of impeccable integrity.

Darren my friend, I shed these tears, because your generosity touched me over the years.

Sammie xXx
Lots of help many times. I will surely lift the family in my prayers. May God be with them all.
I just talk to him less than 2 weeks ago on the phone. Great guy!!!!!! My sincere condolences to his friends and family... RIP Friend....
So sad news ! He was really a nice guy !!!
Condolences to his family
My sincere condolences to Darren's family and friends - you will be missed Darren R.I.P.
Oh my gosh - this is so sad. I had just chatted with him a few weeks ago. He knew this software better than anyone and was always willing to help. He will be missed.
Sorry to hear this, my condolences to his family.
I don't think I have ever interacted with him directly but anyone who hangs out on this site would know him.
He will surely be missed.

Let's be a true community and help his family as Andrew Boon said.
Let's let his family know that the time he spent on this site was with real friends.

Rest in peace Darren.
very sad news............... - R.I.P. -
It's very hard to belive this. He was all you could ask for for a good person. R.I.P.
So incredibly sad. He was amazing, Knew everything. And such a nice guy. This is really sad news!
Andrew Boon
Just wanted to say thank you everyone who bought licenses on 24th. We've gathered about $1200 and will round it up to $2000 send to Darren's family.
Such sad news. I remember voting for him to become moderator long time ago. A loss for all of us. My deepest condolences to his family.
My condelences to his family....... That's very sad news
This is so sad. He was so helpful and honest to me. I hope his family reads all these posts and knows how much he was cared for. He treated people with respect in all ways. He will be missed and not forgotten.

My prayers go out to the family.

Sad to hear but we need to accept the truth that every body has to die one day. But definitely a loss to Unity since he was a good developer above all a helper. His video tutorials are the best Unity had to understand easily for new comers like us.

RIP ..dude.

Too bad he didn´t make it to see a Dolphin final release. I know it´s not the time and place to say it, but I can´t start threads with my current membership. I hope all other VIP members like Darren live to see it one day soon.
This is sad news.

My condolences to the family. He was always supportive and nice about it. He was a great person. I hope the family reads this and understands the wonderful relationships he has made with everyone.

We will miss and won't forget you.

I didn't know him before . But I am very sad to know this. :(

My condolences to his family.
So sad RIP Mate my thoughts are with your Family a True Boonexer
He was a great man. He was helping people when there were very few people who were very active in unity and before in expertzzz.

Rest in peace Darren.
My condolences goes out to your close ones, family and friends! You will be missed, we had a short business relationship, and you showed me that trust is the key of a good business relationship!

God be with you and rest in peace.

My condelences " He is in a better place "
Oh dear. !. . . We have just made a coversation 2 days before his death , . . . . . . Who knows when the death is waiting for him/her. . . . We should always be prepared. . . . . Every thing has an end. . . . My best wishes are with the family. . . May God grant them happiness, They may led to a happy life.
This is extremely sad news.
Darren was one of the most friendly, kind and helpful people in the business. He was always ready to bend over backward to help out.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
We will miss him.

Randy and Maria
My condolences go out to Darren's family. Daren helped me and many other members, his contributions live on in our sites and hearts. Sadness came over me to read of his passing, and being of a young age, but I believe that fate destined another path for Darren as we are spirits that inhabit a mortal body for such a short time, but while Darren's body has been laid to rest I am sure his spirit has embarked on a new path on his journey that brings him fulfillment and blessings.

A rolling stone gathers see more no moss

I have been away for a while working on another project and then I see this news. I'm genuinely shocked by this I was fairly new here (still am) but I had read Darrens posts and he always came across as someone who was a very genuine and caring guy. I'm deeply saddened by this loss.

God bless everyone.

RIP Darren - My thoughts are with your family and friends

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