D7notes: -> Don't Comment unless your myTEAM :)

theGhost posted 12th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 37 comments.

Note 1)

 $this -> aTinyMceSelectors = array('group_edit_html', 'story_edit_area', 'classfiedsTextArea', 'blogText', 'comment_textarea', 'form_input_html');


Don't you think it would be wiser to isolate each instance of Tiny_MCE..? First it provides better control / customization of content creation per 'area' / input.


Also will you PLEASE drop iespell for spellchecker and modify the spellchecker config file to access GoogleSpell check. This way anyone loading D7 will have this feature without having to config. Keeps them out of files ;)


Also don't forget: to replace the iespel w/ spellchecker. I'll double check Admin Tiny_MCE and let you know.


Note 2) Ray is gone but new Flash Directory




Currently going through files only ;)

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plugins : "spellchecker",
spellchecker_languages : "+Spanish=es,English=en",

then_Tiny_MCE: spellChecker config
// General settings
$config['general.engine'] = 'GoogleSpell';
//$config['general.engine'] = 'PSpell';
//$config['general.engine'] = 'PSpellShell';
//$config['general.remote_rpc_url'] = 'http://some.other.site/some/url/rpc.php';
I see many complaints coming about Tiny_MCE. You have killed the HTML_Block in Settings. No reason to remove the loader.

But I sure like your basic settings LAYOUT!
GET ID / vs. / OpenID:

Well I am on the fence with this...

I like the importID concept via UNITY but I want to optimize it for 'communties' other then Unity. Currently I can do this, few minor tweaks and an added export file ;)

However introducing OpenID makes me wonder if we are removing the TrustFactor of each 'niche' community. I see your logic as most have planeted in FB or MSpc however these were the first and will die soon as the trend in community continues. To big to house EVRYTHING see more the trafficing NET is quick to change trends, don't be caught up in it.

Yeah the Unity Model serves a greater purpose for 'community' developers.

Maybe just 'enlighting' those to the trick make it an Admin Optimized Option. But I wouldn't force OpenID over GetID just at this moment.

Really think about what WAVE will do to server(s) environment. It will elevate this 'niche' community trust model, I promise you.

Sorry got a little side tracked however, "Luck favors the prepared!"
As I think about this...

Why don't we create something like Dolphin Site Fronts which could feed off a central DB? Like CraigsList or even CubeCart?

We could multiply your 'macro' Network Site concept while introducing 'micro' versions.

Unity as an Example:
Unity - USA / Unity - UK / Unity - China
Then they JoinForm is universal to the Network while the entrance/community is customized by location?
Well D6 won't upgrade to D7 because you have moved many files around and updated directories.

Are you looking for a way to preserve the DB and Media Folders while allowing an Upgrade. I don't see why I couldn't run off my existing D6.1.6 as long as I pay attention to DB calls and Media Folders.
WOW -> you did an extensive amount of file/directory work... Great Job! Maybe tomorrow I'll get to actually installing it...But I enjoying reading about Dorn,Purifier, etc... :)
hey, i was wanting to comment, but didnt know who your team was? or is?

myTEAM: BoonEx, DosDawg,Sammie,GameUtopia and a few others who understand the most important thing here is the code :)

But you knew that, which is why you posted ;)
Well install went well. I would prefer you organize the set-up more in the flow of directories. I bounced back and forth between files/dir much more then D6.1.6.

The NEW Dolphin Icon is way to AGRESSIVE! Makes me want to harpoon it! I know it seems petty, but ICONIC representation is suposed to provide a feeling. The old Dolphin provided a Joyous Feeling while this one is all attitude. Ironically it 'looks' like UNITY has 'felt' in the last few months....Makes you wonder huh?

Next: Admin see more is iconically better. However that ModulesArea is going to give you trouble. The other thing, Main Navigation Menu Builder. Is there anyway we could condense that into a more workable model. As you know, that screen stretches way far and moving Blocks becomes a painful/cumbersome/tedious process.
I know it's BETA:

So I am assuming you see all the missing icons and notice the different page 'width' shifts between the different windows. Alignment in pages is off.

moving on...
When in Admin --> Select Home Site icon. Goto FrontPage... But the ADMIN should have a link back to the Backside somewhere
What I really like:

The collapsable menu blocks in Advanced Settings.

And I LOVE how you brought Rayz inside the Admin instead of a POPup.

Host Tools/ IP Block :) That's myTEAM!

Members: Simple,Extended,GEEKY -> ROFL
Quickly: Pricing on this is way off. I appreciate what you have done. But your an Open Source project NOT a commercial Product. Either lower the price or STOP saying your OpenSource because it is a TOTAL contridiction.

And you better extend that License Days left. I don't know too many people who will figure it out even 50% in 10 days.

Dolphin shouldn't be about beat the MoneyClock but it really has that impression on the Dashboard. You'll get many complaints on this, I'll bet you a dollar see more on it :)
Member Menu Builder????
Lots of new stuff to answer questions on that is for sure... LOL

Why do we have double 'horizontal' sliders?

When expanded in the Admin Window, it expands to the right while all the blocks are stretched out to the left. Eventually, regardless of what you do with the Admin Slider, you will have to adjust the browser window slider.

Also I need 1 of you to BETA this on a 17' Square Monitor. You'll see alot more clustering then if on a widescreen monitor. Don't forget see more 17' Square is still the MAJORITY of viewing. Especially in a global recession which we are ALL in. No one is expanding to the latest and greatest in Hardware as they were 24 months ago. Lot has change ;)

For a newbie this will look 'odd' to say the least. Got to remember Community Managers and Members are 'end-users' ultimately not programmers, developers or designers. D6.1.6 has alot of inputs but it is more manageable then D7. It also flows better for a newbie.

But D7 has the potential to display and navigate the Admin as easily as D6.1.6. You are definately on the right trac ;)

I would prefer to see a horizontal BoonEx Block rather then a vertical one as is now. Especially since there is alot of empty space there now and more so you moved the old D6.1.6 Nav to the Header and Iconed it, which I think was GREAT.
I'm testing on a 17' and a 19' Wide. The Member Menu Builder 'horizontal' slider is definately in the 'TRY AGAIN' category.

I think we need to move away from blocks as they are very cumbersome to space in the Admin Dashboard.

What if we did ROWS like 5 blocks to a row. Top row starts right first bottom row equals far left. This way we could stack and build in a more manageable space while preserving the block size, although I would reduce it and the text by 20%, especially since we are opening see more up windows for editing/modifications.
OVERALL presentation A+++
I really like the attention to detail in the Dashboard. I do also enjoy the concept of Dashboard being brought forward as it is a more identifiable profile/member area of customization.

I also like your icon work, everywhere but in some places you should commit to icons and drop the text reference. You do this extremely well in the Admin Dashboard but lose the style in the Frontside which is where I believe again 'end-user' will benefit most from.
The Frontside Floating Menu Bar:

Icon for 'Notifications' should NOT be an infoICON but rather an exclamationTRIANGLE per say... I'll let you ultimately decided ;)

Speaking of infoICONs. In the Edit/Join forms they should be near the 'MAIN LABEL' not the 'Input/Select Box'
If you expand Membership Level in editing a profile your info box does not indentify days but rather Membership Levels. Probally will align better if near the LABEL.

I would love to button back to the admin but hence see more I must drop it down from the address bar ;)
BoonEx news: Redundant. Icon and Wrapper.?!

Drop the icon in the header and open up the wrapper on the Dashboard. That serves everyone best.
Manage Languages:

No search.?! Only Add.?! or Delete?

Looking for ((input field)) apply cBOX then ADD button

I do like the transferring away from PopUps to Ajax Windows. Just a very clean display.
Manage Membership Levels: PERFECT. PERFECT. PERFECT!

Finally... "SELECT ALL" and "Check Boxes"

and MANAGE Actions Based on highlight Modules. Now I get it. Very, VEry NICE!

Boy that will be about 6K Q's never asked :) WooHoo!
ditto on EMAIL Templates:

You slick FREAKS...You added Language option. Slick and Groovy!
Edit CSS File(s):

Joomla -> 'writtable' / 'non-writable' buttons ;)

Open up the EDIT Window way to small!

But speaking of TEMPLATE: Nice work on the uni/base. I really like how you issolated the style from the functionaility. This will help many designers INK up their Dolphins with a more consitentency. Devlopers will carv new looks into Dolphin as I plan on doing... Can you say Mattio :) D7 makes that option a few steps easier :)

Yeah, you know I was going to try...

The Events folder is missing a data/files directories. I inputted it and all was fine.

Installed them all. Should be noted that most will click and activate and then leave. They may miss the drop downs and the install instructions. I also am smart enough to refresh which did load/install them after updating permissions.

But I just see Q's coming up really quick :) lol. Maybe a little How-to at the top might avoid alot of redundant Q's.?!

THAT see more WAS FUN!!! I enjoyed that very much. Never know what will happen til you try, right ;)
I really liked how it was dependent on MAJOR modules first.
WELL LET ME BE THE FIRST...BUT I promise you, you will get a whole LOT of PRAISE for this........

We NOW get power over RayMediaWidgets Banners. Oh how kind you ALL are!!! Sweet and considerate. Always think of the MONEY making fools who want to Advertise Everything, Everywhere in his/her/it Community. Well as of D7...YOU CAN!!!

Thank you RAYZZZ... I don't know how much 'teeth-pulling' went on for that but, every community wants to control their own Banner Ads. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!
Since I am in a praising mood currently: On the Modules adding the settings on the Module itself was a nice approach. People need to pay close attention to additional NAV/Options you have inputted in specific sections. Some Modules have (many choices, love it) and I can set an environment completely before moving on. NICE!
Google Maps: THANK YOU for all the OPTIONs. You have completly removed my 'BigBrother' fear. Just need an API Key that's nice. Really like how you seperated the Main from Profiles... So important.

Well that works Great;)

But ARTICLES is now the ADMIN Blog?
There is a distictive difference between News,Articles and Blogs.

News = Current Events
Articles = Pro/Specific Topical Reports
Blog = Personal Log
Photos Admin: Settings

Unknown control type ??? -> Is there something missing? 3rd box down.

overall -> LOVE IT!!!!
You think we could add some check boxes for FILES. This way we control what can and canot be uploaded.?!

But again, very nice expansion!
Well I think I have ripped through about everything I can do here... Admin Dashboard: NICE JOB the effort is very apparent!

Shall we venture to the DB now, Why NOT :)

SVN: missing (data and files) directories in Ads.
Tiny_MCE: Expand input window (All Instances) and make the tool bar single row. And ADD spellchecker!
Okay DB review:
147 to 248 expand a little :) lol

What really stood out was:
ProfileID, OWNERID, owner_id, profile_id, IDPROFILE

It seems as though they are off. Like I am looking at different months in time. Could be nothing.?!
What is...

ResponsibleID in bx_events_main?

It just makes me giggle...Just seems like the wrong terminology for Ownership of the Event.

Who is responsible for the putting on the event. How about...

Cord_ID = cordinator of the event or/
Plan_ID = planner of the event
bx_forum: I see ->

user and user_name seem to be the same identifier
Checked demoD7->Error Log:

Admin is missing an images folder and the following images: loading.gif, more.gif, cross.gif

modules/boonex/ads is also missing an images folder and the following images: spacer.gif

I also had an 'undefined' folder call on tiny_mce.gzip.php. I reviewed the BxBaseConfig and everything points to 'plugins' so maybe nothing but I'll observe. Occured while bringing up the Admin PageBuilder.php
Admin Extension Link is BAD

Currently is: http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/

Should be: http://www.boonex.com/unity/extensions/home
'Congratulations! Your account has been successfully confirmed.<br /><br />It will be activated within 12 hours. Our administrators will personally look through your details to make sure you have set everything correctly. This helps {0} be the most accurate community service in the world. We care about the quality of our profiles and guarantee that every user of our system is real, so if you purchase someone\'s contact information, you can be sure see more that your money isn\'t wasted.
That's class ;)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.