D7(Beta) for Experts, Pundits & Moderators

greymatters posted 8th of July 2009 in Community Voice. 16 comments.

Hi BoonEx,

I just saw, we have...

--  Member (48157)

--  Contributor (533)

--  Experts (27)

--  Pundits (38)

--  Moderators (22)

--  Admin (14)

I am not an Expert, Pundit or Moderator, so dont know about the coding and technicalities of Dolphin. If me or (48157) other members will try to install any Beta version, like D7, there are lots of reason for us to fail, and then start opening tickets in Forum or Blogs for every single bug.

Its a suggession...

If BoonEx directly sends emails with download link to Experts (27) + Pundits (38) + Moderators (22), one week before the Final Beta Releases at Unity, i think those 27+38+22 = 87 Masters can give BoonEx much more clear report about bugs, and you can fix those in a week or 10days before final presentation.

Experts, Pundits & Moderators have more skill and patience to test the Beta at initial level. They are the GEMS of our community.

I have seen User Part of D7, its look n feel is coool, and we know you will fix all issues about Admin Panel in coming few weeks. Lets Unite for the Best.

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Andrew Boon
Well, we agreed on almost the opposite - the Quality Control group - Pundits, Mods will do the "final" test, right before the release. On initial stages issues can be so widespread that we need feedback from everyone. QC team collects feedback, verifies it and reposts as Tickets to the development team. The catch is that there're many standard members that were not promoted to Pundits, but still want/can help.
i can agree with your post to some degree, and the ability was available for the moderators/pundits to download and report back to boonex prior to the July 8 release of FF Beta.

as with any open source and Beta releases, the developer is compiling data from a vast array of conditions.

"normal" users as you suggest, when dealing with dolphin, have the opportunity to do the install, run some stress tests on it. if a person is not familiar with Beta, then most likely i would say that see more they would not need to embark upon this task.

D7 FF Beta was described as having some bugs that need polishing, there has been a forum created for all who wish to participate to report what errors or purported bugs they come across on the site. at which time it will be passed to the developers and they will attempt to replicate the error and produce a fix.

i think this is a splendid method for boonex to have implemented, and we will get a large number of feed back results in order to troubleshoot the application. when we do make it to RC, it should be as polished as new piece of Chrome, (no pun intended there)

yes agree. I have already made a ticket. We need activity from the pundit group, I think that was also the point from boonex to do this.

All the pundits and "moderators" were selected by one person here who is no longer active. Although I was recommended for that status by several members, and wrote Boonex requesting it myself, these messages were never answered. I think Boonex should release the software to everone at the same time. I see no value in just giving it to those people.
i disagree with your stance on this caltrade, therefore i have voted a nay on this one, not as a drive by, but as a post clearly seen by all.

You really don't want the extra work involved with pundits or moderators if you are not really committed. There is no pay and it's pretty much volunteer status. Not to mention they want you to scan your id and send it to them. And who really knows where that is going. Not a real big deal, but I don't like to send my id over the internet for nothing.

I was employed by a hosting company of relative size and very popular common name in a google search that required such info and scans. I had full see more root access to all the servers, billing system, support ticket system you name it, but I did get paid for it. So there was a bit of incentive to provide that kind of info. So far what you see here is like you mentioned somewhere for politics or gain of some kind. I am not about that and am not about to jump into it for self gain.

To do it for fun and a title of moderator or pundit, etc. is much different.

I would still consider this myself and yourself but it is certainly something to really think about before jumping into it.

re:"All the pundits and "moderators" were selected by one person here who is no longer active."

You are wrong about that one.

As a pundit I was selected by BoonEx back in the beginning of 2008. As a moderator, BoonEx made the final decision based on member approval votes and their own observations. Not sure where you are getting your info but you are incorrect. Sowwy...

Hi Friends,

I just want to say here, Just show the Final Film Premiere to Experts n Pundits one day before the Film Release.

Every little idea will help, as long as filtering of requests is done by Quality team , I see no problem in releasing to everyone.

However it scares webmasters to put alpha versions live :)
hi everyone,
This is a pretty good idea to get the most possible bugs checked before its final release.I think those standard members who are not Pundits but could help must also be involved in this pre-release filtering.
does the term beta testers mean anything guys. they have in fact released it to the entire community in its beta version. we will go through several builds in beta, then one day soon we will receive RC1,and that is when it is supposed to be a production ready environment.

If you guys have read some of these forum posts where there are new members looking for help, you would realize why releasing this application to everyone in alpa is a nightmare request. some of these people, have no clue what see more they are doing, i surely dont want to have to answer question related to a new release that are titled "help", "my site dont work", "blank page", so on and so forth. when an alpha release is being tested, it needs to be tested by experienced users of a computer, not necessarily experienced users of this application, but somebody who is capable of even writing a ticket that is comprhensible.

think about this and realize that offering an alpha version to "every member" would be a disaster.

I also installed D7, give 2days, and finally working on my websites with 6.1.6, but i do not post a single help or complaint post bcoz i know D7 will be a fantastic product, we must give Boonex more time to polish it.

Hope we will get stable, light n fast D7 in 2010.
yeah i too recall putting in a nomination and being voted in by the members of this community, not selected by one person who is no longer active here.

and honestly i dont recall you putting in your nomination to become a pundit or moderator to the public. you may well have done it in private, and we dont know about it. unless you are referring to the post where you were deploying some joke about becoming a moderator or pundit.

again, caltrade, the two moderators were voted in by the members see more of the community. the pundits were recommended to boonex by a few of us who are in fact still active. there were those who didnt comply with the NDA and of course for that reason were not given the privelege.

I have to agree here with DosDawg, it really makes no sense to give the alpha or early beta to users who havent a clue what they are doing. How are inexperienced users supposed to know the difference between say, server set up problems which makes things not work properly,and bugs in the programme itself. It will just slow things up in the testing phase. This needs giving to experienced Beta testers only, thats what they are good at,so it should be used to full advantage rather than get bogged down see more with problems that users think are bugs but are really related to set up, servers and so on.
Ive seen the benefit of this already in related posts, where some users cant even get it to work and think its rubbish, but other more experienced users have a showable URL with a nice looking D7 site at the end of it. So it does really make more sense to give it to people who really know what they are doing in the interest of speed and effectiveness of testing to the final results of something we can all make use of.


Ready - Lights - Camera - Action ...... Cut Cut Cut

I am in Media, Lots of Cuts in shooting everyday like lots of cut n paste of Codes in Dolphin everyday.

A fresh viewer do not know anything even in Edit Studio where we forward rewind 10sec Clip many time to feel the sound effect or a Video glitch of just 1 frame.

I know BoonEx is working day night to make D7 a Superhit Product for the future but rechecking again n again is required by Experts n Pundits before the Final Presentation.

Thanks see more friends for your views.
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