
LightWolf posted 20th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 21 comments.

Okay guys it is now June 20th and i see no release yet. Are we to expect another delay? Are we not going to get this release today?

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They are not working on the weekends, so monday perhaps :)
Then maybe they should not have stated the release date as June 20th. But it figures this would happen.
I cant see the release happening for a while yet it hasnt even gone into beta yet. Probably weeks away from release i would say.
maby, but you never know. Maby Andrew want to supprise us all :-)))
Well if that is the case I guess maybe i will have to move on and spend my money on another program. I love the products they have but i also hate the problems they have..lol It's been 2 years now and I still do not have a stable software for my Community to open for real, so if the release does not happen this month I guess I will look else wheres.
And then you will be back, because I haven't found any SNS currently writing with 'expandable' modules. Also all other SNS licensing are far more cumbersome, once they have you hooked per say ;) just FYI

And I don't understand why everyone is all in a hurry as most writes happen every two years 5 -> 6 was 2 years 6 -> 7 will be 2 years. They are doing just fine and taking all that the Web2.0 architecture offers. And since this new WEB2.0 architecture is only 24 months old/common I would see more bet you are not going to find another TEAM that is attempting to incorporate all that can be in Web2.0 as BoonEx is!
Well I don't call waiting for 2 years as being in a hurry..lol FYI i lost my job and am only now working part time and I pay for my hosting and extras. This all comes out of my small income. I do not nor will I charge to use my site, but need a functioning site for my affiliates program to help me pay for this. I understand I will not find another program like D7 but that is the price I must pay I guess..lol
Lost money...Me too. Currently broke...Me too. Still finding ways to scrape together server costs, you bet! Penny by penny! LOL Will any project/community I build ever make money? Maybe not. But I am having way to much fun w/this Open Source Project. Maybe I am blind to the Greater Good and Global Unity...I'm a fricken dreamer! But I promise you, I am not the only one;) Chin up LightWolf we'll get there together ;)
Lightwolf, i can understand you, but I can also say that I have tryed so many different scripts and have to say that Dolphin has the most capabilities of all.

But is your decision to search something what is working for you.

I wish you success with your site.
Lightwolf, you can't leave... who would keep houstonlively in check :-)
Hey now... nobody keeps me in check. I, on the other hand, stay busy keeping a few select members in check... until such time that whatever institution they escaped from, catches up with them.

Lightwoof isn't going anywhere. She'd miss me too much:)
You guys are funny especially you Stuart. lol I don't think anyone can keep that frisky critter Houstonlively in check, but is fun trying..lol As for staying with D7 maybe for this month but something has to give for me. Either i can go live, or I have to spend more money to keep things floating tell then. The long wait to go live may cost me some members,yet staying with D7 may bring me more members...urghhhh

Maybe I will be forced to do the "BRING US DOLPHIN" Spirit dance and see what see more happens.hmmm..

And yes Houstonlively LightWoof.(ha ha) would miss you.
hahahaha, i like this discussion guess ...... ! :) :lol)
I asked a few times about whether June 20 was to be alpha or stable release. I was thinking maybe alpha was a little ahead of schedule, or d7 stable is way behind the June 20 mark. No clarification. If I had to guess and this is only a guess is that it was meant for d7 alpha. Looking at the d7 admin panel, and it seems like this will be along time out yet before it reaches beta, and even longer until there will be a remotely stable release that I would consider running a live site on. Not that this see more is bad, it's good to test it out, work out the bugs and gather some input. I just wouldn't expect this any time soon. I really have no idea as it's pretty hush hush, but I wouldn't expect beta for weeks maybe more. And a stable with some bugs probably months. I wouldn't be surprised if it took most of the summer. But this is just me rambling on. Maybe they will shock us. Traditionally this takes a lot of time yet.
Well i got to say that is VERY discouraging to hear. I do not have more months and years to wait for D7 so i guess i will have to settle for a software that is not as good as this but at least it works properly. This is sad, so many have waited for so long for a stable version. Boonex is this true? Will we have to wait more months for a stable version to be released so i can take my site live?
Andrew Boon
We expected the June 20 to be the date for feature-final beta, but we may need another week or so, due to the Unity overhead we had a couple of weeks ago.
take as much time as possiable Andrey.
"Do not rush please" !

I rather see a working Dolphin then a rushed Dolphin and then everything collapses ..
Thank you for your response Unoboonex, it does not make me happy that the release is pushed back,but it does make me happy to see a response from the Boonex Team.

Houstonlively I need you to tie me down so I don't wander off and do something stupid like go with another software..lol

"Waits patiently for the frisky response"
Hmmmmm... tie you down.... interesting ;)
Interesting.... I'll say!
Oops I dropped my QQ cuffs.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.