What is the meaning of this new templating system if we gotta search for weeks on how to override stuff?
Till now i can't find an easier and simpler way than to edit everything in base template folder!
Please people check these matters out!
Only 2 things will help your software get the sourceforge prize sometime!
1)Knowing that a fellow programmer can create stuff on your app (thus expanding your application's autocracy), without breaking his/hers nerves everytime he tries it (hint...TUTORIAL?)
2)Syndication should be our number one priority...I'd love the day this app would be for my stupid aunt (a.k.a. nights-in-facebook) and not for nuclear physisics with a phd on String theory and the 26 timespace equivelants!
I dunno...you seem to really be lacking these two... Want any help?
There is a link to a 'how to'
This explains how the new templating system works.
Looks pretty straightforward to me.
-Have you tried copying an html template to your template folder and tweaking it? no change in output.
-You beleive css overriding is easier than css rewriting? not at all!
You don't have to override css - just delete the include statement and replace the WHOLE css file contents with that from the UNI template in the include statement - no overriding!!!
Surely this is basic css knowledge though....?
The reason that your html mods don't work is that you have either not made the template active, or when you created your new template (by copying the uni template), you forgot to modify BxTemplName.
But then this is exactly see more
UNI's css are simple includes, not css code(not classes and ids anyway).I tried copying the whole base css file contents to my file's contents (eg. common.css) but it still won't override base!
The only way i found to go on is to tweak the base css, which boonex strongly prohibits changing (and it is a good thing they say so, since future upgrades will be a piece of cake this way!)
Bout the html templates, i did both, activate my template and make the aproriate see more