Couples Dual photo removal

selen posted 11th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.

Here is a topic I could use help on that I know a few others are trying to figure out. I have converted the "Couples" feature to give businesses on my site a second photo gallery for products etc and also to give users a seperate search apart from other members. All I have left is trying to change the dual photo feature that displays on search results and on the "Featered Members"(in my case "Featured Businesses") section of the home page. Any Ideas on how I could go about this?

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I am not totally sure what you are shooting for or trying to accomplish but it is possible to remove the dual photo for couples within the database if that is something you are after. I might be mis-understanding you though.
How to remove in the script, so that doesn't appear?
it would be very interesting
If you want to change generation of couples at search page, look here
function PrintSearhResult

Are you want to hide second thumb of couples or ?
Thanks for the replys guys, Yes Im trying to remove the Second thumb for couples that appears on search results page, sending message page and Featured couples section on the home page. I am not trying to remove the couples feature or any of its functionality only all pages that display the Redundant second photo and/or description Thanks for thehelp Andrey, Ive Played with the function PrintSearhResult section of the
inc\ and have been able to remove the second description by see more removing the value $bCouple = false, and then changing $bCoupleInfo = into $aCoupleInfo. I still however have the 2nd thumb display problem, Could this be related to the $p_arr (photo array?) value? Or perhaps it could be the dual photo file in the database that gameutopia is referring to. Could you tell me what file to remove from the DB Gameutopia? thanks again everyone
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