Christian singles, MSSQL administrator and forefront website

LyubovL posted 20th of December 2009 in . 0 comments.

Dan Otto, head of Christian Dating Site - is a MSSQL database administrator for a major footware website. Based on his experience, together with the team, he decided to start this website as a richer and more effective place for fellow Christians to date.

"I have been working on websites for close to 10 years. My profession is a MSSQL Database Administrator working for a major footware website. My team came together with the idea of creating a richer and more effective Christian Dating Website," explains Dan.

Other solutions

The original idea was implemented with the help of modified vBulletin forum software. However, problems followed this decision. It turned out to be really difficult in administration and in upgrading to new versions.

"The first generation Free Christian Singles Dating was based upon a highly modified vBulletin script. It was difficult to bring all the functionality together into the vBulletin script. It was relatively difficult to use and very difficult to upgrade," mentions Dan.

The only advantage in using vBulletin was proving that the concept behind was desirable among the Christian singles community. However to make this project successful a better solution was needed.

"Another platform was needed to bring Free Christian Singles dating to the forefront of Christian websites," points Dan.

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After analyzing other dating software available online, Dan stopped at the BoonEx solution - Dolphin community software. Initial testing offered promising results.

"Dolphin proved to have more functionality, better support, a better price and a better design. There was really no comparison to other community software packages. Dolphin is in the forefront on community software and was the perfect choice to use for our Christian Dating Site," points out Dan.

Some minor changes to layout and content of the default version helped him to start this popular service for Christians in the United States and other countries. Currently, the site hosts nearly 7000 active members and still grows on a daily basis.

"We run Dolphin 6.1.4 Smart Pro. It runs fantastic with no issues/errors. Users like the interface and the content that they can share and also view and hear," adds Dan.

Dan's expectations are closely related to further development of Dolphin software.

"My expectation is for Dolphin to remain on the forefront of the community software industry. I am confident that this will be the case as the software is continually being developed upon user's requests and the latest trending. Dolphin is so good and versatile that I chose to use it for a club website and a family website, and I will be implementing it in at least two other sites in the near future. Thanks Boonex," says Dan.

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Tell us more about yourself and your team, what you do, and the history of your team coming together. What are you good at?

I have been working on websites for close to 10 years. My profession is a MSSQL Database Administrator working for a major footware website. My team came together with the idea of creating a richer and more effective Christian Dating Website.

What did you use before? How did your idea come to mind?

The first generation Free Christian Singles Dating was based upon a highly modified vBulletin script. It was difficult to bring all the functionality together into the vBulletin script. It was relatively difficult to use and very difficult to upgrade. vBulletin was effective and proved that the concept was attractive to Christian Singles, but another platform was needed to bring Free Christian Singles dating to the forefront of Christian websites. We compared many other Community software scripts and chose to implement Dolphin. A testing version was successfully created using Dolphin5. Dolphin6 was launched into production.

Currently, what is the status of your project?

Currently we run Dolphin 6.1.4 SmartPro. It runs fantastic with no issues/errors. Users like the interface and the content that they can share and also view and hear. Free Christian Singles Dating has nearly 7000 active members and continues to grow daily.

Why Dolphin?

Dolphin, proved to have more functionality, better support, a better price and a better design. There was really no comparison to other community software packages. Dolphin is in the forefront on community software and was the perfect choice to use for our Christian Dating Site.

What did you change in the default version?

The default version is very desirable. The color and layout was ideal for our users. Some minor changes were made with many custom data columns added to give users many options to share profile information. Also, a custom search was added to give visitors a few profiles to glance at on the main page.

What are your expectations?

My expectation is for Dolphin to remain on the forefront of the community software industry. I am confident that this will be the case as the software is continually being developed upon user's requests and the latest trending. Dolphin is so good and versatile that I chose to use it for a club website and a family website, and I will be implementing it in at least two other sites in the near future. Thanks Boonex!

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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.