Changing the Singles/Couples wording on the join page

selen posted 1st of June 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Im trying to change the words single/couple in the pull down menu in the join page to member/business. It appears to be a java file which i know nothing about. Also a separate issue Id like to address is to have the returned search results for "couple" (or business in my case} to only return results with one picture and description instead of both. Ultimately what Im trying to do(and very close to doing) is to change the couples feature into a business listing with the first or primary in the couple being the business picture and the second being a photo gallery for products etc. any ideas?

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If not using that field, but I'm really surprised if it's not pulling from language setting.
it may be, Ive looked in all seemingly related strings and havent found anything, if it is a language setting does anyone know what string?
I'm working on something simalar right now... Not everyone wants Couple/Single in the drop down box.... It's about moding the Couple System Key I think.... I've sucessfully moded in two new strings but they dont show in the drop down menu.... Only _Single and _Couple
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