Censorship on Boonex

CALTRADE posted 11th of June 2009 in Community Voice. 59 comments.

Boonex seems to love the drama here so much that they are censoring posts that have practical information, while letting other people write droves of material about how they have been wronged or how horrible we all are.   The first post I am talking about happened yesterday and by a member asking a question about upgrades.  I spent about 45 minutes researching the reference links and writing the post but my response was deleted because it was on a thread where the member had dared to post a question on a blog.  My response concerned a safe upgrade procedure - something I had intended to make a blog post about anyway.

I'm not making a bigger deal of this than it is but I wasted 45 minutes - who wants to waste time trying to help someone if over zealous moderators here might delete your  post.   It is not the first time - another thread a few days prior was from a member who was proposing a mod sharing forum.   We started to discuss the legality of what was being proposed and the possibility of an open source sharing forum when the thread was abrupty killed.  It wasn't clear to me that the poster was proposing anything illegal - in fact, I am pretty sure he meant sharing mods that are already free - but we never got a chance to find out.  The post was  censored.

Somehow, Boonex has managed to go from a totally unmoderated forum to a heavily policed forum in less than a few weeks- even though the unmoderated forum mostly worked.   I think people should be able to post whatever they want on their blogs as long as they aren't using it for personal attacks.  Whether Boonex should be making every Blog equally visible is another issue - but people can naturally choose to read or not read the posts.  Those who want to read and participate in the drama posts can do so; people who would rather follow technical posts can do so just as freely.  If it doesn't contain a personal attack or obscenity, it shouldn't be deleted.

You don't see LiveJournal, Blogger,  Wordpress.org etc run around deleting posts do you?  I don't think Boonex should either.  If your Blog is so readily cencored it is  not really your blog - almost by definition.


p.s.  I am budgeting no more than 20 minutes to any responses to this - and I may not respond at all.  Vote against me if you think this is a terrible thing to bring up but I thought I should mention that they are now killing threads.

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I agree with you.

I was hoping the arbitrary blog removals were over with, but apparently not.

I still think an outside blog site would be a good idea.

I'm sorry to hear your time was thrown away. I know exactly how that feels. 8(
Amen dude the crap I read here for months and now some prick thinks their GODS now. I wish Unoboonex would get with the F-ing program.
Nah, sorry johnlayson.

After thinking about this for a little bit and reading the responses from Victor and jtadeo, I believe I made a bad call. At least as far as the support blog being removed.
John, youre comments are a prime example to why the rules are here, and why they are needed. Attitudes like yours is what spoils a site and what has caused the rules to be implemented in the first place.


Thanks for the post Rob.

From my personal experience and with my own sites, I've never had a problem with members posting technical questions in their blogs or whatever they wanted, as long as it wasn't spam or anything too crazy. At times, the blog would bring out some of the best answers and solutions. Other times, it turned into flame wars...just like here sometimes.

However, over here it's a bit different. It is a current BoonEx rule that technical questions be posted in the forums.

I see more kinda thought it was a simple rule. If it's a technical question, ask it in the forums.

If other blogs were deleted and were not technical questions then it was most likely a mistake. You'll need to take it up with BoonEx. Moderators can only hide blogs and contrary to what you've said Rob, we do not delete them.

For reference, see this link:
I did take it up with Boonex jtadeo, and you requested that I post it here. Thank you for mentioning that people asking question on your site is not a problem - maybe people should do it there?

We all have agreed to follow the rules, and that post was in direct breach of the rules. The Moderators have made the right decision by hiding the post.

Make no mistake, your time and effort to help that member is much appreciated. BUT - Ok, the post has gone due to rules violation.
Why not just duplicate your message in that post via PM to that member? Then, you would be sure your help message is delivered. The help was your main goal, wasn't it? Why would you say that you have wasted see more your time then?

My sincere apology if I sound harsh, but arguments such as this: "If it doesn't contain a personal attack or obscenity, it shouldn't be deleted." …. are not acceptable.
Yes, the post did not contain any attacks but it contained support questions. You all know we have Forums for that.

I do not want to offend anyone. But look ... we are trying to keep Unity content in order. So, everyone needs to respect and follow the rules that we have all agreed to.
You must get your ass kicked alot.
and you must get banned a lot.... LOL
Victor - the Boonex blog content is in order. Go to any of the Blog links at left "all blogs", "most commented", "most votes", etc. The culprit is probably that "Blogs" block right on the Unity homepage - it over emphasizes the most recent blog - just get rid of it and let members look at the other lists. That people are starting to use the Boonex blog system is a good thing - you should be happy - it means your blog system is working.

Regarding the 45 minutes you said you lost, don't take it personally, but you did participate in a blog that you knew was going to get moderated yet you chose to gamble your time by posting.

By posting a reply you are encouraging member actions that is currently against the rules. I think it's normal to want to help but you should have posted your reply in the forums where it would not have been moderated and where BoonEx currently wants it to go.

Avoid disappointment. If it's a technical see more question, ask it in the forums and respect the rules.
As I mentioned, I had planned to make a blog post about a "safe upgrade procedure" anyway but when I saw a member had raised the issue decided to post that information there.
I didn't actually read either of the posts in question so I've probably said too much already.....

but I do think it's too bad that there isn't a "move" function.

I'm thinking of something like phpBB has. If a post is in the wrong area, the moderators can simply move it to a more appropriate area.

Anyways, I'll bow out now. I don't want to stoke any fires unwittingly. : /
No, you didn't say too much - thank you for standing up and for that idea.
...to continue...

CALTRADE said, "Boonex seems to love the drama here so much that they are censoring posts that have practical information, while letting other people write droves of material about how they have been wronged or how horrible we all are."

Rob, BoonEx does not love the drama. It is the total opposite. Not sure how you came up with that equation. I personally don't know too many site owners who would want the kind of drama that's happened here the past few weeks. How see more or why would you even suggest that?

FYI, the same moderators who you call "overzealous" are the same ones who have also deleted drama threads that specifically targeted you.

Regarding the "practical information", I have no quarrel with that, but it needs to be posted in the forums.
CALTRADE said, "It is not the first time - another thread a few days prior was from a member who was proposing a mod sharing forum. We started to discuss the legality of what was being proposed and the possibility of an open source sharing forum when the thread was abrupty killed."

Actually, the original blog poster requested the blog be moderated. One of the other moderators obliged.
Thank you for letting me know - I found the deletion of that one to be especially strange.
CALTRADE said, "I think people should be able to post whatever they want on their blogs as long as they aren't using it for personal attacks. Whether Boonex should be making every Blog equally visible is another issue - but people can naturally choose to read or not read the posts. Those who want to read and participate in the drama posts can do so; people who would rather follow technical posts can do so just as freely. If it doesn't contain a personal attack or obscenity, it shouldn't be see more deleted."

I agree. This is the case with my own sites. You are welcomed to join if you'd like. Post away. But here, BoonEx owns the site and you need to follow their rules. If you don't then the blog will get moderated.

It's a simple rule. If it's a technical question, ask it in the forums.

Respect the wishes of the owners of this site -- BoonEx.

I am sure you would exact the same type of respect on your own site. If you don't like the rules here then you are more than welcomed to join my nerd site where you can post questions to your heart's content. Otherwise, if it's a technical question please respect the wishes of BoonEx and other members of this site and post it in the forums.

Good idea - perhaps people should join your site instead of Boonex, if the rules are more reasonable there.
I totally agree with victor here, this isnt about being able to post support question in the blog, its about not liking being told what to do, period.
Its very simple, the rules are here for a reason, to keep order, now if you join a site and you dont like the rules, then what people tend to do is leave, they dont argue with the Admin, the moderators and try there best to buck the system. They do as the rules say, or dont stay on the site.
I have to say too that on no other site would there be see more this sort of questioning of site rules or admins and moderators motives. On any other site, you would be told to follow the rules or to leave, its got nothing to do with anybody else how a site chooses its rules and how it implements them.
I understand where Coltrade is coming from with his statement of wasting time doing research for the answer to the question, but, you knew it was against the rules and the risk involved in the blog being taken down, im sorry, and i say this with respect to everybody trying to go agaisnt the rules on purpose like vigalante's, its your own fault. The sooner that members understand that the rules are here for a reason, and its not a personal attack against you, civil liberties, freedom of speech and all the rest of the nonsence that gets spouted off, simply to try and cover the fact that you dont like the shift from, what i can only call a site that was like the wild west, with gun slingers and trouble makers and NO sheriff...

Well, i think John Wayne has just wondered into town boys, and the outlaws dont like it too much.


As I understand it, you are publicly accusing me of being "outlaw" and a "vigilante" for no other reason than expressing my opinion here. This could be interpreted as libel and is in violation of This post is in violation of the Boonex Constitution, Part 1, Section 1.3 "Personal attacks are not allowed nor tolerated", and possibly Secton 1.6 "Do not post information ... or any statements that may give rise to civil liability". It also violates General see more Netiqute, Section 2.4 "Challenge arguments, not people". This posts has so many violations of the rules that I am surprised it has been left up so long. Don't worry about that civil "civil liability" part though. Since your post is so grossly in violation of "the rules" I'm certain the moderators will destroy all traces its existence shortly.
thanks for the comment there Coltrade, but What the heck are you on about. what you have just written just shows me that there is no common sense in you, and you are on some personnel crusade for some reason only known to you.
Why is this so important to you, whats the big deal. Truth is, you haven't got an argument, cant you see that, you simply have no debate about this subject what so ever so you make yourself look foolish, which is really not good.
Truth is, you dont like the rules, you go see more out of your way to contribute to those blogs that you know are breaking the rules, you do that on purpose,and you dont like it when you dont get away with it (which is where this blog came from)
you are also very negative about anything, even on a congratulating Dwain on becoming a moderator you had this to say...

(quote)I don't know Dwain very well, I'm sure he will be a fine moderator, but what is really needed on the forums is technical support from Boonex. People who are selling Dolphin related services often have a different perspective from other members and I don't think you should select any more of them as "moderators". They may help people on occasion, but their real objective is to sell some service. Other members help each other because they are dealing with the same real world technical situations, not because they want to use the forums as leverage to sell something.(end quote)

Now that seems to me that you were attacking the two main moderators there, and there motives for no reason whatsever. Everybody else was saying well done dwain, but not you.

I think you will find that my post that you are complaining about, is accurate, and there is only you that will read that as a personnel attack on you

(Quote from my post)and i say this with respect to EVERYBODY trying to go agaisnt the rules on purpose like vigalante's, its your own fault. The sooner that MEMBERS understand that the rules are here for a reason, and its not a PERSONAL ATTACK AGAISNT YOU, civil liberties, freedom of speech and all the rest of the nonsence that gets spouted off,(end quote)

Sorry Coltrade, but my post does not break any of the site rules. There seems to be only you at the moment, that seems Hell bent on doing that.


Personally I don't like censorship on just about any level except for obvious spam, illegal or totally disruptive posts. I've said it many times I do not agree with the deletion of posts just because it turns into a Q&A. I call that 'Micro-Managing' and personally think the people behind the scenes have better things to do with their time than that. Also, with TOO many options on what to post and where, you're inevitably going to run into problems especially if you try to have ardent rules governing see more them.

A forum with sub-forums is all that is needed. That would cover all the problems we're seeing here. It's really simple and I don't understand why it's been made so convoluted.

BUT... Having said that.

The powers that be here at Boonex have decided to have more control over what is posted where, and a heavy hand to delete those posts that are deemed 'against the rules.' They have implemented 'rules' to be followed here in an attempt to control the flow of information.

While I personally feel it's not right, it's their place, their rules. If we want to play in there sandbox we have to follow their rules, or at the very least understand why posts get deleted.

I'm building my sites and I'll monitor them as I see fit. In a way that works with my paradigm and way of thinking. But while I'm here I'll play by their rules.

Personally, I just don't add any post to my blog anymore. Too confusing.
Footman you are spot on with your comment over the forum_subforums and so on.

Ive been saying this all along, people dont like the forum, its too simple, not enough scope for everything,that silly forum spy that once you come off it, nobody can ever find your post again. If the forum was better in functionality, stickies and stuff, like all forums have, there wouldnt be any of this. It so frustrating that orca forum, it really needs a total rethink to bring it up to date with the rest of them.its see more just so outdated now and so people dont really want to use it.
if a blog is in fact a blog, and not a technical support question from the beginning, then i have not seen where anything of the sort has been deleted. if a person as a new member or aged member who is unknowing of the rules, posts a technical support question in the blogs, the rules clearly state, that this is not where support questions should be posted. in the past support questions have been posted in the blogs and in some instances they have been answered. it is the intent of the see more site administration (owners) that all support related inquiries be posted on the support forums.

now i have somewhat of a concern that you would consider simple moderation and rule applicability to be a form of censorship.

' They have implemented 'rules' to be followed here in an attempt to control the flow of information.

I think this is not an accurate statement, nobody is trying to control the flow of information, the flow of information shall prevail, when posted in the designated area of the site. nobody is controlling the flow of information.

While I personally feel it's not right, it's their place, their rules. If we want to play in there sandbox we have to follow their rules, or at the very least understand why posts get deleted.

There are many sites with way more strict rules and moderation. This post was created as an attempt to create more discontent posting statements that were not factual. You are correct in one thing, just like any other site, the rules are posted, and the rules should be adhered to. these really are simple rules, and should not take much effort in following.


What censorship??

There are a clearly defined set of rules in place here

By using this site you are agreeing to adhere to them - management also reserves the right to change them at any time, without notice and without notification - this means that the responsibility falls with the user to ensure they comply. These rules are not unique - pretty much every commercial site with an open user-base has something similar in place. Boonex had the respect to let everyone know that see more they were changing the rules - they even posted the rules up and asked for open comment on them.

So think about it...

Harsh? No.

Fair. Very.

Perhaps the memory of the flame wars and actions of the amateur melodramatics society have already been forgotten? These changes here are for a reason and a very good one.

Hector / jtadeo - I really don't envy your position - but keep up the good work guys

Semantics DM. Just because I put in a set of rules doesn't mean the practice of removing/moving/adjusting/covering etc isn't censorship. Those are just rules for the censorship.

The word unfortunately comes with a slightly negative connotation for some. I was merely stating that the 'rules' set forth here are not particularly my point of view.

But Like I said, I try to follow their rules while I'm here, even if I don't agree with them. I run my sites my way, you run yours your way and Boonex see more runs theirs their way.
Semantics maybe - depends on your interpretation.

My point is that regardless of whether we actually, theoretically or philosophically agree or disagree with the rules, by using the site we are actually all legally stating we agree with them. Which means that we have to abide by them.

IMHO Censorship is the suppression of the right to the freedom of speech.

There is freedom of speech here at Boonex, but with some simple caveats - it shouldn't be offensive to others and it should be in see more the right place.

Re: "Perhaps the memory of the flame wars and actions of the amateur melodramatics society have already been forgotten?"

Not at all DeeEmm - it has not been forgotten, but Boonex has over corrected. The community needed adult supervision, not hall monitors.
Do you know what surprises me the most from all these "i dont like the rules" people. Is that we are all Admins on our own sites, and how would we feel if this was happening to us.
I take it then that all the people who are complaining about the rules, dont have any rules at all on their sites, and let members do what they want.
Naaaa, of course not, we all have rules for our sites, and how would we feel if some members started calling us out about how we police our site and uphold the see more rules. You trying to tell me that you would give in to those members, let them show you that your rules dont mean anything. How serious would people take your site then to know the admin and mods can get pushed around.

Those who are experienced webmasters in this game of people management know that you only have your rules between you and your site, turning into chaos.

im suprised that as fellow admins, not all realise this fact, and support the rules being implemented for the good of everybody.


I agree, there are some pretty left field perceptions of the world expressed in this place. It's almost like a reality check is needed. (ok everybody - take a deep breath, and go walk outside, you might need some sunnies to prevent your retinas being burned out - they're probably pretty sensitive after spending the past XX years locked inside stuck in front of your PC). :D :D

- I could easily come to the conclusion that most probably don't have their own site but simply hang here as it's better see more than Google chat
Who specifically are you saying that about DeeEmm?
Caltrade - Paranoid are you?

It's 'specifically' directed at no one, it's just a tongue in cheek observation about some of the stuff people post here (and elsewhere on the web).
I took a while to read this and try to understand, why it is that one person would have so much concern about anothers post, instead of focusing on their own posts. This topic is actually senseless, Caltrade, you posted this without having all the facts, and it appears you were more happy when there was drama and name calling, because now its non-existent, and you are continuing to post on topics that are neither healthly for the community, no factual in its presentation. I must say, i personally see more do not agree with certain forms of censorship, and censorship is not what has gone on on this site. Please read the definition of censor according to dictionary.com

  /ˈsɛnsər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sen-ser] Show IPA
1. an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television programs, letters, cablegrams, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds.
2. any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.
3. an adverse critic; faultfinder.
4. (in the ancient Roman republic) either of two officials who kept the register or census of the citizens, awarded public contracts, and supervised manners and morals.
5. (in early Freudian dream theory) the force that represses ideas, impulses, and feelings, and prevents them from entering consciousness in their original, undisguised forms.

Now let's look at moderation as described from dictionary.com.

  /ˈmɒdəˌreɪtər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mod-uh-rey-ter] Show IPA
1. a person or thing that moderates.
2. a person who presides over a panel discussion on radio or television.
3. a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church.
4. Physics. a substance, as graphite or heavy water, used to slow neutrons to speeds at which they are more efficient in causing fission.

Caltrade, there is a significant difference between moderation and censorship, and i just wanted to include these two definitions so you could take a moment and try to decipher those absolute differences. As james has stated, the blog that was started in regards to sharing mods, was removed upon request, and i really dont see where this is something that should be of your concern if its not directly related to you. If you had a concern about that post, it would have been easier and more beneficial to you and this community if you had contacted jtadeo or myself, or the original author of that post to find out the facts.

Now to get to the post where you say you wasted 45 minutes. again, james hit on that, if you knowing there are rules posted by BoonEx, and the user you are compiling the answer for is in violation of one of those rules, you could very well have taken your compiled data, posted it in the forum under the appropriate topic, and kindly done two things.

1. answered on the blog post that the forum is used for technical support questions and as such you have taken the liberty to create the forum thread and have produced an answer based on your diligent research.
2. kindly contacted the author of the blog and informed them that as a new member they may not be aware of certain rules and provide them with a link to the Constitution as written by the owners of this site, and also provide a link to the forum thread you kindly created in your attempt to provide assistance.

You should not have posted an answer in the blog that was malformed, and in violation of a rule, that was your mistake, and the post was taken down. Caltrade, that is not censorship, that is moderation.

I understand there are many who choose not to read the rules, and in making that choice, knowingly or inadvertently they may breach the agreement between the user and the site owner, and in doing so that content will be removed from the inappropriate location.

At any rate Caltrade, I spent 45 minutes finding this information to provide to you as well. The blogs are not for technical support questions. If you would help comply with that simple rule, it would be better on all concerned.

This topic was "senseless"? I'm sorry you think that. What about your recent post about Dolphins becoming the official marine mammal of North Carolina, or whatever? That one was blasted at us in ALL CAPS (violation of section 2.5 "Excessive use of capitalization") What about the time I wrote a private message expressing concern about your double teaming in an attack on another member, and you responded with an obscenity laced response that somehow bizarrely concluded that see more I must be an Obama supporter (though I have never mentioned American politics on the forum). That private message was used to avoid participating in a drama, not to create it.

I lost interest in the forums when I saw you admonish someone for straying off topic. I was even more shocked when I saw you recommending your own hosting service there without mentioning that you are the owner. If you are that into enforcing the rules they should apply to you also.
lol @ 45 mins.

DosDawg - I think there needs to be a rule about rambling too :)
I would also like to publicly apologize to Hector too (Erm I mean VictorT) for getting his name wrong in my post - credit where credit is due - Good work Hector - keep it up :D
Here ya go - censorship - http://nocleanfeed.com/
Why is it funny? It is / was a serious issue.
blog = rambling

or at least that is the way i have always perceived a blog (bulletin log).
Actually it's 'web log', and yes rambling is accepted.

(Has no one got a sense of humor around here?)
The line between the forum and the blog is not only clear, it also makes sense. The problems are elsewhere:

(1) Currently the moderation is hampered by the lack of appropriate tools, and the list of forum topics is incomplete (as a result, it is not obvious and easy for people where to drop their forum posts into and to search the forum). Boonex recognises this, and will be addressing this once D7 is out of the way (ie released).

(2) Then there's the blog area -- there are two problems see more here: (a) people have different ideas of where/what the boundaries are in terms of being appropriate topics; and (b) blatant misbehaviour and unprofessionalism by some members when they respond to blog posts (eg mis-using the voting system to spite people they dislike; personal attacks; profanities; bickerings).

There are no clear rules right now as to what is "in" and what is "out" for the blogs. In a way this is good because it allows people to be really imaginative with their blog posts/comments. But just as an example of just how fuzzy (at least to some people's minds) the boundaries are:

I sent a PM to one member recently to pinpoint something which I didn't think was a community-related issue at all (although the issue came up in relation to a blog post/comment). But, guess what, instead of responding to me by PM in return, she posted her response as a comment on the blog post! Why drag the whole community into something that was purely between her and me? It's a question of judgment, in the end.

As for (b), the boundaries are NOT fuzzy at all. It's too bad that some of these were allowed to breath life here before. But now we have Moderators (Hello, James! Hello, DosDawg!) to turn the oxygen off on them baddie posts/comments.

Mis dos centavos!
tenzens, you are correct in some respect here, there are those who have in the past posted whatever they felt they wanted to. i would not agree with the rules are unclear on what is tolerable on the blogs? i do agree that some peoples choices of expression, where not at all times professional, it is their opinion, and we can leave it at that, which makes us all individuals. there are others who are offended by the slightest of taunts, they get their feelings hurt and then they lash out, and in most see more cases, because this is a close knit community barring all that is perceived, the agression of one turns into a cat fight, which turns ugly. the blogs in my opinion, and based on the rules, are for posting informatives, and we have had those same type of blogs removed from here and i personally asked why or who removed them, but there was no answer. it was not the nominated moderators you guys have put into this position to look out for the best interest of the community. however, please understand, we are not the only ones who have this access, the admins have the access to remove the blog posts completely, and because it was immediately after james and i were assigned our post, we took the brunt of the accusations.

i have removed a few posts, but we can only hide them, the admins are supposed to review the post and determine if it i appropriate for the site.

of course with all the hustle that is going on with D7 maybe they just dont have the time to mess with the blogs and forums at this current time.

at any rate, thank you largely for the kind words, and we are here to moderate for each and every one of the members of this community. not based on our beliefs or what we think is appropriate, but based on the rules, and common morals.

(Coltrade quote) As I understand it, you are publicly accusing me of being "outlaw" and a "vigilante" for no other reason than expressing my opinion here. This could be interpreted as libel and is in violation of This post is in violation of the Boonex Constitution, Part 1, Section 1.3 "Personal attacks are not allowed nor tolerated", and possibly Secton 1.6 "Do not post information ... or any statements that may give rise to civil liability". It also violates see more General Netiqute, Section 2.4 "Challenge arguments, not people". This posts has so many violations of the rules that I am surprised it has been left up so long. Don't worry about that civil "civil liability" part though. Since your post is so grossly in violation of "the rules" I'm certain the moderators will destroy all traces its existence shortly. (end quote)

thanks for the comment there Coltrade, but What the heck are you on about. what you have just written just shows me that there is no common sense in you, and you are on some personnel crusade for some reason only known to you.
Why is this so important to you, whats the big deal. Truth is, you haven't got an argument, cant you see that, you simply have no debate about this subject what so ever so you make yourself look foolish, which is really not good.
Truth is, you dont like the rules, you go out of your way to contribute to those blogs that you know are breaking the rules, you do that on purpose,and you dont like it when you dont get away with it (which is where this blog came from)
you are also very negative about anything, even on a congratulating Dwain on becoming a moderator you had this to say...

(quote)I don't know Dwain very well, I'm sure he will be a fine moderator, but what is really needed on the forums is technical support from Boonex. People who are selling Dolphin related services often have a different perspective from other members and I don't think you should select any more of them as "moderators". They may help people on occasion, but their real objective is to sell some service. Other members help each other because they are dealing with the same real world technical situations, not because they want to use the forums as leverage to sell something.(end quote)

Now that seems to me that you were attacking the two main moderators there, and there motives for no reason whatsever. Everybody else was saying well done dwain, but not you.

I think you will find that my post that you are complaining about, is accurate, and there is only you that will read that as a personnel attack on you

(Quote from my post)and i say this with respect to EVERYBODY trying to go agaisnt the rules on purpose like vigalante's, its your own fault. The sooner that MEMBERS understand that the rules are here for a reason, and its not a PERSONAL ATTACK AGAISNT YOU, civil liberties, freedom of speech and all the rest of the nonsence that gets spouted off,(end quote)

Sorry Coltrade, but my post does not break any of the site rules. There seems to be only you at the moment, that seems Hell bent on doing that.


As a brand new user, I am one of the people that was ignorant of the rule in discussion. I know (before anybody slams me)that I was supposed to have done that.
BUT, there is a bit of a problem with this site.

Q) What is the first thing a smart user does when they run into problems with the install?
A) Do a site search for the problem.

I did this before even signing up on Unity. I didn't sign up until I discovered a solution to the problem on my own and wanted to post it incase it helped see more the next person. Can't slam me for that.

So, back to the issue I had.
Doing a site search does not search the forums.
The site search does on the other hand return results from the blogs.
So, where do you think I would be posting my solution?
Why in the blog that has the problem posted.
BUT, oh wait, That would be breaking the rules. Now go ahead and slam me for being sarcastic but that seems just a little odd.
Slap me silly but I think there is a VERY simple solution; Have a support tab, or a support forum tab or hey why not have the site search search the forums as well? or even better DO BOTH.
No more censorship accusations, no more confusion, maybe fewer duplicate posts in the forums. (when I did get to the forums and searched them (that was thru a google search by the way, not a site search) I found 5 seperate posts for the same problem I had.)
Things that make you go Hmmm.
Hi, canuckid

I can understand the confusion --- yours and everyone else's (including my own!).

Just bear with things as they are for a while as this place is in transition right now. When the dust settles, it will be a brand new day :)

And ... welcome to Unity (that's more a goal right now, not an actual state).
Hi Canukid, nobody is going to slam you here, because you are right, ive always said that this place can be a bit confusing,and it comes from the fact that this site tried to run without any rules or moderation, but now things have changed,Boonex have decided that all support questions go into the SUPPORT forum, which is the correct place for them to go. All this is because established members dont like it, and so are making the site even more confusing as they try to show boonex who is the boss. see more Not everybody i might add, just a few select people. All this of course is bringing the site down again and working the moderators harder than they should do, but more importantly, causing confusion for new members like yourself.


Wow, I just went to post my own question in blog format and a pop-up hit the center of my screen.
It said,
Unity Blog is the place to discuss problems, ideas, suggestions related to BoonEx products and the BoonEx company.

Please, check the Unity Rules before submitting.

First time I'd come across that particular screen.
2 things to note; a) I see the word PROBLEM in there.
b)Thats the first time I was given the option to read the rules.
So users have the ability to respond or add to a see more blog without having to read the rules. The rules don't get read until you want to post a blog of your own.

Another thing to think about.
first off, a problem would suggest to me, that you have had a problem, problem meaning the site was functional, you took every avenue imagined and there was still a problem. you analyzed this problem and found no solution. then you come to the blogs and reported what steps you took, and what the results were.

difference being in most posts, is this:

"how do i get to my admin"

well absolutely they have not read anything, they are looking for a geocities style site which see more dolphin is not. if you are not willing to invest your time into a site, then how do you exepect the community to come running to you.

canuckid, we appreciate your feedback, however, consider the overall perspective, not just the localized blog of the moment.

@ DosDawg, A late reply to your reply...

My intention wasn't as harsh as it may have come across. IMHO I consider the rules as parameters for posting. In that sense the rules are statements of censorship. I didn't mean 'censorship' in the ultimate control type of thing. Simply the idea of allowing certain things to be in certain places is a form of control and censorship.

Having said that I complete agree that there is a need for rules in any given situation and here is no exception. My opinion see more is about the rules set forth and not the moderation of those rules, unless of course there's no reason given to the original poster, which seems to have changed.

'Control the flow of information' well in actuality yes the rules are in place to do just that. Post Q&A over here, post ads over here etc. That's all. I see where what I posted it can come across differently but it was not my intention.

As I said before, I have rules and guidelines on my sites as well. My disagreement as to how to organize a site holds no water here as it's not my site. My opinion is just that, an opinion (and you know what they say about opinions). While I'm here I play by the rules set forth here.

But I do think, for what it's worth, that a much simpler forum setup would clear up alot of confusion.
It's called a (HOW TO) what product don't come with instruction. You have to hunt for your answers here.
I see where dolphin has been around for a while. But no step by step instruction no videos what kind of business plan is this? EVERY THING COMES WITH INSTRUCTION!!! Now D7 with no instruction?
Dolphin should build a forum sytem like ... phpbb,mybb,punbb,ipboard,vb etc ...

I mean there are so many free forums that can be used in the place of orca and of course be moderated to the "T" of professionalism
( why arent we moving forward ) ?

If we would use an exsisting forum that I mentioned it can be moderated properly then we would all be ahead of the game, wouldnt you all think ?
I think that it has already clearly been stated by Unoboonex that Dolphin is NOT all of the above - and this is intentional.

If boonex employed a third party forum it would NEVER be ahead of the game - it would simply be just the same as everything else on the web - there is no room to progress and develop.

I prefer the integration of orca - as opposed to using an addon like phpbb or whatever.
I don't think using the same scripts as others is the answer. Boonex has a fine script in Dolphin and can use it very effectively. I mean what would it say about their product if they use someone else's for their own site?

I just think they could streamline it some. Dolphin is pretty robust and I like it alot. I assume all of us do and that's why we're here and using it on our sites.
Sorry guys - I still think Boonex is crossing the line in killing threads here - they have gone from one extreme to the other. I'll admit that calling this "censorship" was maybe a bit of hyperbole - but not by much, and it is overzealous moderation. Is saying the moderators are "over zeleaus" an overstatement? I know they don't think so, but They are now killing threads PREEMPTIVELY. By this I mean they aren't even waiting for a complaint - just checking the "rules". see more The point is, that if Boonex, through the moderators is dictating the content of your blog, then it really isn't your blog.

As I said before, censorship is a slippery slope and I'm still not sure I understand the rules: drama is OK, but technical questions are not, environmental initiatives are ok, other topics must be Boonex related subject to the evaluation of the moderators. To a little boy with a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and everything you write on your blog to management review. I think when Boonex decided to add moderators we all knew it was necessary - but we thought we would get "elder statemen" that would interfere infrequently and only when needed. At most we needed "adult supervision" - instead we got hall monitors.

I can understand that there would be a few people here with an extreme "authoritian mindset" but I am suprised how many people accept this without questioning. Let me just mention one thing, as I have now been around the block once or twice. Once people take away a right, they NEVER give it back - it is gone forever. That is why, whenever you hear a right being taken away, you should at least say, "wait a minute- let's think about this". When it comes to censorship, the default setting should be OFF - i.e. no censorship - they got it backwards.


p.s. The "negative voting" system here on Unity makes it seem like I did something horrible by broaching this issue - but I got 15 positive votes. I would like to thank those members for standing up for your rights.
What is so hard to understand about wanting to keep support issues in a central location? I don't get it.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.