Can't add NEW_ITEM on Fields builder page

AGForknowledge posted 17th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 17 comments.

In Dolphin 6.1, on the Fields Builder page when i try to add a new item (ie drag the NEW_ITEM box over to the Active Items section) i get this error:

    “Sorry couldn’t insert new item. Please check if NEW_ITEM already exists”

I DON'T have another NEW_ITEM box in use. Only the items that in the Active Items area are the ones that were there when i installed Dolphin 6.1. I want to add new fields like ethnicity, for example, and now i can't. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? I have run into other people with this problem but nobody has an answer!

I still get the message if i use firefox

I hope this makes

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do you know how to add ads to the homepage
I had the same situation, but it was my error. I did have another "NEW_ITEM". You may have another "NEW_ITEM" in the inactive area or in another builder page.
i just went through all builders and i don't have a new item anywhere
Thanks Paradox927 adn mrpowless for all the help!!!!!!!!!!!

Figured it out with lots of help!!! What i did was go into "phpmyadmin" find the "profile" table (NOT "profilefields" table) and looked for NEW_ITEM. (The other fields were there like nickname, sex, city, date of birth...etc.) For me it was the very last one (field). So i deleted it. Went back to the fields builder in the dolphin admin panel. It gave me the error when i dragged to NEW_ITEM box over to the see more active items area but the box stayed. It has not given me the error since. (I have added more fields since then.)

I also cleared my cache
Thanks guys, I 've had the same problem and the solution above solved it!
Thanks guys, I 've had the same problem and the solution above solved it!
Thanks. This has been a pain for me and now solved. :)
I have the same problem, but I can't find the "phpmyadmin" can anyone help me? I am using dolphin 614
Ok, different question, I have the same problem, I don't have phpmyadmin and I can't find in the profiles, profile and profilefields php the new_item codes...
Worked for me too. Thank you.
Thanks for posting this ^^~
When you say -
go into "phpmyadmin" find the "profile" table (NOT "profilefields" table)

exactly how is this done? Is is via the admin panel in Dolphin or by the CPanel or something else.

I'm totally lost

Thanks in advance
Yes, this works. goto php myadmin.
THanx "AGForknowledge" worked for me also !
Thanks everyone. That was driving me crazy! For me, once I went under myphpadmin, I had to choose "Profiles" and then "structures" and then delete the new item. I know everyone's host is probably different, but that step had me trying to figure this out for hours!
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