Builders, Fields Builder-Navigation Menu Builder-page builder

crazyzcraz posted 4th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 11 comments.

 Has any one experienced this. I have a brand new install and the builders do not load. I get a box with an animation of blue circles spinning round and round. Never loads. and the fields bulder i cant create new filed this ive seen 2 post like this on fourms but there where no replys any help? is there a way to reupload these files or something as maybe they where corrupt and witch files would they be.. anything any ideas would help thanks o yea and same with news also just keeps loading.


Anyone have any Ideas or can help with this I would appreciate it.

Please login to post a comment.
i had the exact same problem and it just fixed its getting on from another computer.. hope this helps
I have the same problem! It will not open fully and whenever I try to open a link on the main page I get this error:
The requested URL /photo/all/10/1 was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

This SUCKS!!!
I have the same problem. I have tested it on another computer. It changes nothing. I always receive an email with the following mistake report:

Database error in dsn

FROM `ProfileFields`
`Type` = 'block'

Mysql error:
Unknown column '' in 'where clause'

Found error in file /home/kunden/webs/httpdocs/inc/classes/BxDolPFM.php
at line 105. Called db_res function
with erroneous see more argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/kunden/webs/httpdocs/inc/classes/BxDolPFM.php
[line] => 105
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] =>
FROM `ProfileFields`
`Type` = 'block'



[2] => Array
[file] => /home/kunden/webs/httpdocs/inc/classes/BxDolPFM.php
[line] => 83
[function] => fillMyArrays
[class] => BxDolPFM
[object] => BxDolPFM Object
[aColNames] => Array
[1] => Array
[Page] => Join
[Order] => JoinOrder
[Block] => JoinBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Couple,Captcha,TermsOfUse
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => JoinPage


[2] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditOwnOrder
[Block] => EditOwnBlock

[3] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditAdmOrder
[Block] => EditAdmBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Featured,Status

[4] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditModOrder
[Block] => EditModBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Featured,Status

[5] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewAdmOrder
[Block] => ViewAdmBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[6] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewMembOrder
[Block] => ViewMembBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[7] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewModOrder
[Block] => ViewModBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[8] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewVisOrder
[Block] => ViewVisBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[9] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchSimpleOrder
[Block] => SearchSimpleBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple

[10] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchQuickOrder
[Block] => SearchQuickBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple

[11] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchAdvOrder
[Block] => SearchAdvBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple


[sLinkPref] => #!
[aTypes] => Array
[text] => Text
[area] => TextArea
[pass] => Password
[date] => Date
[select_one] => Selector
[select_set] => Multiple Selector
[num] => Number
[range] => Range
[bool] => Boolean (checkbox)

[aTypesAlter] => Array
[text] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default '{default}'
[area] => text NOT NULL
[pass] => varchar(32) NOT NULL
[date] => date NOT NULL default '{default}'
[select_one] => enum({values})
[select_one_linked] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''
[select_set] => set({values}) NOT NULL default ''
[select_set_linked] => set({values}) NOT NULL default ''
[num] => int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '{default}'
[range] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default '{default}'
[bool] => tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '{default}'

[iAreaID] => 2
[sLangID] => 0

[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[3] => Array
[file] => /home/kunden/webs/httpdocs/admin/fields.parse.php
[line] => 60
[function] => genJSON
[class] => BxDolPFM
[object] => BxDolPFM Object
[aColNames] => Array
[1] => Array
[Page] => Join
[Order] => JoinOrder
[Block] => JoinBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Couple,Captcha,TermsOfUse
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => JoinPage


[2] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditOwnOrder
[Block] => EditOwnBlock

[3] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditAdmOrder
[Block] => EditAdmBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Featured,Status

[4] => Array
[Page] => Edit
[Order] => EditModOrder
[Block] => EditModBlock
[ShowSysItems] => Featured,Status

[5] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewAdmOrder
[Block] => ViewAdmBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[6] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewMembOrder
[Block] => ViewMembBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[7] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewModOrder
[Block] => ViewModBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[8] => Array
[Page] => View
[Order] => ViewVisOrder
[Block] => ViewVisBlock
[ShowSysItems] => ID,DateReg,DateLastEdit,DateLastLogin,Status

[9] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchSimpleOrder
[Block] => SearchSimpleBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple

[10] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchQuickOrder
[Block] => SearchQuickBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple

[11] => Array
[Page] => Search
[Order] => SearchAdvOrder
[Block] => SearchAdvBlock
[EditAdd] => Array
[0] => SearchParams

[ShowSysItems] => ID,Keyword,Location,Couple


[sLinkPref] => #!
[aTypes] => Array
[text] => Text
[area] => TextArea
[pass] => Password
[date] => Date
[select_one] => Selector
[select_set] => Multiple Selector
[num] => Number
[range] => Range
[bool] => Boolean (checkbox)

[aTypesAlter] => Array
[text] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default '{default}'
[area] => text NOT NULL
[pass] => varchar(32) NOT NULL
[date] => date NOT NULL default '{default}'
[select_one] => enum({values})
[select_one_linked] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''
[select_set] => set({values}) NOT NULL default ''
[select_set_linked] => set({values}) NOT NULL default ''
[num] => int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '{default}'
[range] => varchar(255) NOT NULL default '{default}'
[bool] => tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '{default}'

[iAreaID] => 2
[sLangID] => 0

[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[4] => Array
[file] => /home/kunden/webs/httpdocs/admin/fields.parse.php
[line] => 16
[function] => genAreaJSON
[args] => Array
[0] => 2



Called script: /dsn/admin/fields.parse.php

Request parameters:
[action] => getArea
[id] => 2
[sLanguage] => German
[style_cookie] => null
[idFriend] => 1
[phpbb3_5ai7p_u] => 1
[ZP_CAL] => \'fdow\':null,\'history\':\"2008/05/03/21/35,2008/04/18/21/23\",\'sortOrder\':\"asc\",\'hsize\':9
[lang] => de
[phpbb3_5ai7p_k] =>
[phpbb3_5ai7p_sid] => 7571e7af345566c04875c043bcc29f8e
[adminID] => admin
[adminPassword] => a4b87e7fb9ef29b7423574328c515ab

Auto-report system

Who can help me?
looks like we all have the same problem but no one to help us keep this post up to date if yall find out anything or if anybody can help us
i have this too plz help
I'm having this problem with the menu and page builders just hanging at the load stage. (New install) Without being able to change them Dolphin is unusable.
Found an answer that worked for me, in another topic (sorry I haven't the link), but it was from ChinaJ:

What I discovered on my own is that the install routine is messed. It chmods the folders incorrectly and asks for /inc/ to be cmodded incorrectly without clarification of a true value to keep site running properly for page builder.

chmodd to 777

/inc/js/classes/ = 777

/inc/js/ = 777

/inc/ = 755
stevehards... your the man! That was it.
Thank you! Stevehards This really works.
affirmative works man

Needs to put in permissions page on install.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.