
LightWolf posted 28th of March 2009 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Okay i can not help but notice alot of people are having issues with Dolphin 7 and their browsers. Well folks i would say for all to just get firefox and stop worrying about all the problems IE gives you. This browser is sooooo far behind in times it should be put to sleep. Just get firefox and no more worrys, it's not that hard and if your system takes IE it should take firefox.

Now that takes care of the issue with the browser. On to the flash, everyone that has problems with flash apps probably uses flash 10. Another product that is too early to be released. The put out the new stuff and expect all developers and scripters to make the nesseccary changes to their programs and scripts, but come on that will take forever. DONT USE flash 10!! They need more time to fix the bugs.

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Telling people to switch to firefox is not a proper solution. A website must function with every popular browser. Given that IE is installed on most all computers (we can thank microshit for that) then dolphin must fully function with it or it would be pointless to release it.
Good luck in telling your users to switch their browsers just to use your site.Dont forget to tell them to upgrade their broadband to T1 just to use your site.Lol they probably leave your site as soon as your first page load.
I'm not telling my users to use How stupid would that be, i'm just saying firefox is best for now tell IE catches up.
Jesus, if I could get away with coding by half and telling people to switch to Firefox I would be a rich man by now. One look at Google Analytics on one of your sites will tell you browser choice is way out of your control, as Deano/Esteem both rightly point out.

I don't know one corporate that would let their employees install Firefox - if its not in their standard build that's the end of the road. In my experience if people use IE its because they're forced to, or won't dare install progs as see more they don't know anything about computers.

So yeah in a nutshell Boonex needs more bugs fixing before release - much more than they did with 6.x if they plan to charge us to upgrade - premium service should equal premium compatibility. Simple as that!
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