Bringing Harmony Back To Unity

Andrew Boon posted 21st of January 2010 in . 11 comments.

Ok, it's pretty easy to notice some real disharmony boiling over at Unity lately, and it's been on the increase since the big update. Without going too deeply into explaining the reasons, I just want to admit that we do have a problem and it has to be fixed. This community is called "Unity" for a reason, and it was designed and launched in good faith and with a noble intent. BoonEx Members and BoonExers are devoting large chunks of their lives to Unity, and we have to make this experience pleasant, collaborative (in any way that job can be done).

So, after reviewing a few of the latest "rumbles" we came to the decision that it is time to give Unity a well-deserved injection of kindness...

Step by step by step

Step 1. Training.

I was talking to my gardener the other day about a plant that doesn't grow right. The green bugger wants to expand to the roof and I had 3 ways to address the problem: hedge, remove and train. Hedging is only temporary, may upset the plant and doesn't play nice with our travel schedule, removing is brutal and pointless, so we have to "train". This is exactly what Unity needs to embrace as the main moderation strategy. Yes, I can see that some admins/moderators sometimes tend to use their virtual scissors too early or without proper pre/post-treatment. I do see some posts and comments being hidden aggressively and this doesn't seem to solve anything. Members get confused or even annoyed, while we all want them to spend their precious time happily sharing ideas and tips.

I can also see some cases when certain troublemakers need a smack, too, and I understand the current mood of power-bearing members/BoonExers only too well. Still, Unity is not a boxing ring, and we're now going to opt for the policy of TRAINING this community to thrive in harmony. Instead of deleting controversial posts, we'll engage in conversation and persistently apply Unity Rules to each conversation. Conversations may end up being deleted, but only when participants get their answers. Bare-bone spam and middle-fingering will get booted instantly, but anything meaningful will have an ear.

This will take more time at the beginning, but should bring us nothing less than good karma in the long term.

Step 2. Intervention.

(Deeeeeeeeeep breath) For some time, I will shift myself from gardening (and some other small things) to Unity and will administer any final decision that is made.  In doing so, I will probably have to take on some unpleasant responsibility, but hopefully, we'll raise the spirit soon enough here and will allow Moderators and their tools to work more effectively. So, if something bad happens and you can't get me to fix this, chances are that we are not going to fix it!

Step 3. Change we can believe in.

If you care, then you have an opinion, or an idea, or a suggestion. So, I'm calling for suggestions that may improve Unity and BoonEx in any way. There's one note though - the broad and romantic, "create a super Manual and provide great support to everyone," kind-of-suggestions always go nowhere. If we want "change we can believe in" we need short, specific, easy-to-implement, bite-size changes. Please, take some time, think, do simple calculations, and share your ideas. We are ready to commit some time to fine-tune Unity and need your input.

Wrap up

After looking into the most recent "situations," I think that the actions of some members, moderators and admins are well justified. This doesn't necessarily mean that they couldn't have handled it in a better, more constructive manner. So, I will unhide some content and we'll work on it.

Recently appointed Agents are now being overloaded, naturally, and this takes it's emotional toll on everyone. Still, the idea seems to work, and with some improvement and "run-in" it will make us happy.

I'm sure you get a full plate of stress everyday in your life. Unity shouldn't turn into a home of whimpering and retaliation. We are Uniting People, building open-source software, creating communities, sharing and connecting.



Let's all save some time -

if you have something to say in comments - please, keep it short and to the point;

if your comment assumes/requires further discussion - please, post here;

if the words you have to say are too personal (here, I mean any person, not just you), please sent a short email;


I will spend more time reading PMs here at Unity and moderating content, but I urge you to load me in critical situations only - then things will improve. Otherwise - you waste your time and bury me in heaps of clutter. Also note that I have trained myself to read only the first 200 symbols of any message. Please put your main thrust up front to help speed things along.

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Whassup Uno?

Harmony is overrated.... don;t let the lack of it bother you too much. Given a choice between harmony, or someone's head on a stick, I'd probably prefer the latter. But.... that's just me.
I look forward to seeing how this pans out in the near future.
wow, time to talk

1.where is the Question and Answers section? maybe do convert it into Agent/member communication section
2.I dont know why i hate forums
3.hmmm, any chance of hosted boonex software service?
4.why is D7 missing many things? Game section, Support ticket system for members/admin
5.why dont boonex interview selected unity members for suggestions?
6.why doesnt unity have a poll section?
7.why isnt there a proper search option in market?
8.why is boonex developing 2 similar see more softwares Dolphin-Community, Trident-Community, why not something else which could be as generic as joomla or atleast a "A portal CMS" like
9.why dont boonex TRAIN moderators to reply to the questions asked in blogs.

1.why is few links are broken and unattended. [click more info]
2.why doesnt D7 has inbuilt Templates atleast seasonal
3.why is there.... later....
Remember the Boonex Constitution..... It was created as a guideline for Unity operation and everyone involved, yet I think many have forgotten its creation: members, moderators, and staff. I've seen a staff member take favorism over a hosting provider and advertise their services. I've seen a moderator advertise their own services. Don't let me get started on members. What happened to the Boonex Constitution? Is there a permanent link somewhere on the site that I am missing. I believe there see more should be a permanent page for the Boonex Constitution and a link to it that is clearly visible: either in the top navigation bar along with the rest of the major links since we are having such issues with drama and following rules, or in the footer even...... Cheers!
(Stands and claps).. Well said :)
If you want to fix the "where's the manual" then make a real wiki where people can submit articles. Much of what we write over, over, over, OVER again regarding one time can be put into a wiki for answers. Take Chris' Cron Post. This should be a post inside a wiki. With as much information flying all over the place, a central collection site will quickly grow into a very detailed manual and solve one of Boonex's largest compliant. It doesn't take too much moderation for a wiki to be see more successful as the community can/will quickly correct any mistakes/issues they come across.
kudos to you for taking a stand, and seeing that things were not going as planned. there is a reason tings werent going as planned, because quite frankly there really wasnt a plan.

Moderation of this site is very key. you assigned moderators some time ago, and since that time, there has been no real moderation tools, and as far as we can see, there are still are none.

The market needs to be moderated, by unbiased, individuals, meaning somebody who is not interested in selling their see more own mods. as part of uploading a mod, there needs to be an attestment that the works being uploaded are the works of the distributor, or they have permission in writing from the author of the work to distribute. get an attestment that under perjury could land them in jail.

Moderation of the forums

More input from the programmers who wrote Dolphin 7, this thing is a beast. i see that one or two answers are being posted by Leonids, and one other person i have seen answering.
now this doesnt really have anything to do with unity per se' but in a round about way it does. one way to control the flood of emails into the agents boxes, would be to setup a ticketing system with filters. so if you get three hundred emails about crons not working, you would have an auto-response prepared for how cron jobs should be setup.

if you get 200 emails about videos not uploading, which in most cases has to do with cron jobs -- auto-response would fire the cron jobs outline

so based see more on the categories provided in a dropdown box, and a decently written set of auto-responses based on keyword filtering. you could drop the number of tickets by 2/3
Many of above (and maybe future below comments) suppose discussions .. or at least answers ! Then why you didn't post your discussion threads in the forum, as it was advised in the original post !? ... please include link to your thread in forums if you want to get any feedback... or discussion is supposed to be there...

This is simple rule/advice to make things easier ... and was mentioned just here.. please don't wonder if your questions are not addressed or even answered if it was asked in see more the wrong way/place !
Well said Uno!!!

One thing that I would like to throw in if I may.

Allot of what I see from our clients is just common questions about admin abilities of the site. I know myself that it is rather simple and you guys did a great job of making it that way. However, people in general as scared to go in there and break something or mess something up. One thing that would really help out is a users manual for the admin panel. Something that is detailed enough to help a new site owner get to know see more the funcitons of the admin, what they are used for, and how to use them.

This will save allot of frustration on the site owners part as well as the Boonex team being bombarded with basic questions.

I have been asked on multiple occasions if such things exist, but I do not feel it is something that the site owner should have to pay for. When you buy anything in a box it comes with an instruction manual so that the user cn easily look up the functions to opperate the product they had purchased. That would be an excellent addition to Dolphin.

I think the wiki idea would be great - I also have an online shop - and for that I use Zen-Cart, because they have a wiki area. So its rare that I have to ask anything in the forums which keeps things less cluttered for the people who need that little extra help from the forum admins etc...

I think the main problem for most people who decide to use dolphin, is when you open it up and start looking round the sofware - it can be quite daunting for the faint-hearted people who don't really know what see more they are looking for, or where to look...I am quite happy to dive in and look at the inner workings of a software, but lots of people won't and on the same hand many of us don't have the money to keep paying programmers - and there are many programmers out there that will charge much more if they think you don't know any better, I haven't experienced that on boonex, but I am sure it does happen.

So a manual or a wiki would be awesome and in my humble opinion, would allow the majority of people who want to just install dolphin to their website and do most of the work themselves to save a lot of time, money and heartache and probably allow for more license conversions for boonex, because they haven't had to spend money on a programmer or designer for common tasks...I know that if it does happen, I will remain a loyal license purchaser!

but nice to see that somone has addressed the problems...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.