Boonex & Dolphin Like

gameutopia posted 7th of March 2010 in Community Voice. 23 comments.

Just out of curiosity anyone know what Ezvideo is

I just stumbled upon it. Just some random browsing and this caught my interest. Take a peek it's sort of boonex dolphin related in a manner of speaking.

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Yes very interesting indeed, on closer inspection if you go to the download page - See picture here -

It shows Dolphin in the text, so someone has ripped this website (or is boonex branching out). Some feedback from Boonex would be good on this.

Whois Search shows:
created: 24-Jun-2007
last-changed: 06-Dec-2009
registration-expiration: 24-Jun-2010

nserver: see more


registrant-firstname: Tchanko
registrant-lastname: Zenginov
registrant-street1: Horner Landstr. 320
registrant-pcode: 22111
registrant-city: Hamburg
registrant-ccode: DE
registrant-phone: +49.4035587882

Boonex may want to jump on this one and let us know what is happening ???
Also, clicking on some of the links in the downlaod section redirect to 404 page not founds or redirect to which I believe is a boonex site also. A lot of clicking and the site just appears to be going in circles, perhaps they are still working on it. This is clearly someone trying to rip Boonex site, I wonder if they have ripped Dolphin as well and will be cloning that as well to make available.
This is a 100% rip, even the hosting companys are the same as Boonex.
Nathan Paton
The entire web site was (in a very sloppy manner) completely ripped from the original source here. Upon further browsing, you'll notice that they also used images from stock photo web sites that still retain their watermarks. All the links to "Unity" redirect to a 404 Error page, where they offer more of their non-existent products.

I tried downloading their offerings, but none would download, leaving me to believe that they will either offer nothing, or have not yet done so.

It's see more fairly obvious that this is illegal in every way, shape and form. Even if you look past the web site theft, the software is theft as well, as what they are supposedly doing with Dolphin and Ray is against the license terms of the software (if they are even using this software, and not just going with the flow of the web site's look).
Nathan Paton

They've gone as far as to steal BoonEx content from other web sites, as well. All of this person's tweets are copied from the BoonEx Twitter account.

Seriously, what the hell is going on?
Nathan Paton
@killerhaai: the issue is, it isn't a phishing web site, as it is not trying to trick people into thinking it has anything to do with BoonEx or its projects, but that it is its own entity.

I suspect that the person or people behind this are trying to build-off of the BoonEx base instead of doing any actual work.
Andrew Boon
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Just a cheap copy of our previous design, nothing serious - some people just lack their own imagination or even intelligence.

Anyway, if the site goes on living we'll make sure to take it down. Not worth time now... 7.0.1 in the baking ;)
Nathan Paton
Upon further investigation, I believe it's safe to assume that this person used the HTTrack Website Copier to mirror the web site.

Shame that it's always the choice of thieves, especially when Heritrix does a far better job at keeping things in their original form.
I called the number they have posted and it goes to a male named micheal

Innovative Software 245 Route 39, New Fairfield
Connecticut 06812 USA
Toll Free: +1 (866)-746-9231 ©2009 BlueElement,LLC

I bet he is the guy in the pic on the products
Isn't KMD up in Connecticut and his real name is Michael Stanton if I'm correct. Could this just be coincidence? Does seem like a tactic we are all to familiar with.
Nathan Paton
@mydatery: according to his profile, he's located in Maine. However, his profile summary states that he operates, which is fairly similar to our web site above. However, I cannot for the life of me manage to obtain any detailed information on the domain name. You are correct about his name, which is Michael J. Stanton. Actually, the way he presents himself here is very similar to the way done on that web site.

Things are becoming quite fishy around here, and it's not the see more dead whale laying in the corner of AlexT's office.
leave fish out of it please!
Dunno if you noticed the other domains on the same ip address. A rather "unhealthy" pre-occupation with "rent boys". Not sure what the proper definition of those are but I dread to look it up.
This looks like KMD for sure. One search on KMD's stuff even brought up Buxton161 on the site. Even further, if you look at the products offered on the site, you'll find such custom items as an Auction script (free, open source WeBid) listed there for the paltry sum of just $300. A number of other free products may also be purchased there if you have enough money. My money is on yeah, it's the same. If you can't make money doing something yourself, steal (or co-opt) someone see more elses' hard work and sell it. Hope KMD/Eyeway/Buxton enjoys all the success due them. btw, how DO you get a whois search to bring up a "malformedRequest" for a site? THAT's a mod that would SELL.
Nathan Paton
I'm not sure sure that this is actually KMD. I'm looking very deeply into this, and will report on my findings soon.
KMD now would be the time to step in here and defend or explain if you are involved. I do believe this Micheal is the one that is behind most of this and the leader. I also believe they have another in the making to try to steal Boonex people and products. No proof just a hunch from looking at his photo. (Michael)
I did a search on facebook for ezvideo and check this out.!/pages/EzVideo-EzVideo-Plus-Dating-Social-Networking-Community-Software/110641253472?ref=search&sid=577093803.1421787050..1

Says it was founded in
Nathan Paton
@LightWolf: yes, I actually explained all of this in my forum post.

For anyone interested, I explained everything in the forums. Have a blast.
It's kinda funny that KMD had a site called ezdate.g and now we see ezvideo...hmmmmm coincidence?
Nathan Paton
@LightWolf: I've found no connection between Michael Stanton and these people.
Hey all I don't know what to make of it, other than it looks like someone scraped boonex site and redid it slightly with their own logo. The content is obviously old. But why they would post their logo, phone number if it goes anywhere, copy all this stuff from boonex to look like them is crazy.

Like I said I just kind of stumbled upon this, doesn't look like there has been any traffic, promotion, or pushing the site. Just strange someone would go through all the work.

Still it's something see more to keep an eye on and see if anything becomes of it or developes. You never know what people are up to or what their intentions are really.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.