Yesterday BoonEx (Andrew) and I made an agreement which we both feel will end a lot of the bad karma here at Unity and start a new begining. Instead of fighting each other, the time has come to work together in Unity to Improve and shape the future, and work as a team together to improve the one thing that brings us all together, Dolphin.
For my part of the agreement, i have agreed to never use swear words again on (i agree to forfit one of the 38 free licenses i was given, for each swear word i use, thats a potential $30,020 worth i could loose) Although loosing 30k is a good incentive for me, it is not the incentive that would stop me from using terms like "F you, or go F yourself". my incentive is the BoonEx side of our agreement.
BoonEx Have agreed to allow and promote 10 members to Pundit status, and give these members access to the proposed release version of any upgrade/new version release, 48 hours before the planned release day. these members will then download and install and test the new release and report back any bugs found, so that BoonEx can quickly fix them before the release day.
BoonEx have also agreed to review a list of 10 names i put forward to form this core group. Now before anyone starts to think i am going to use this to build myself a personal power group, you can put that thought out of your mind here and now. One of the members i will put on the list of 10 is MichelSwiss (wow you 2 guys hate each others guts i hear you say) i am not narrow minded or short sighted to see and know who has the most to offer this core group. and i will put my differences aside, for the better of the group and Unity as a whole.
I do not intend to list 10 Developers, (BoonEx has 10 of them already and look whats happend? they forgot the end users because they are burried to much in their work on the code) I intend to choose 10 people that i know that work with Dolphin every day, and know the History of Dolphin and its needs, and who know what they are doing. The list will contain people both from Here ( and
The people will really only have one thing in common, and thats working with Dolphin. i'll name a few now but i'll post a full list later and my reasons.
MichelSwiss (see above)
jtadeo has taken Dolphin to levels no other person has managed to do yet. he knows Dolphin inside out, yes he is a developer and programmer, he is also the nicest guy you could ever meet, and is well respected and liked by everyone.
DosDawg owns Terabyte-hosting, the really only choice for Dolphin hosting, he works on dolphin every day, he has a vast amount of experience and has SuPHP servers and RMS servers and can give sound advice and input with issues on the RMS, auto installer for cpanel and Dolphin its self.
mrpowless knows Dolphin and has done some video tutorials to help members, posts mostly on the forums but is well respected and liked
okweb works with code and has posted a lot of free code to help members improve their sites, knows Dolphin and is also well liked
mscott has posted security advice to help people protect their sites, knows Dolphin posts more on Expertzzz than here, is old school.
houstonlively has posted some great ideas and expressed a lot of his thoughts and although is a fairly new member, he has demonstrated he knows what Dolphin needs.
gameutopia is a long standing member that has made a lot of posts to help others and has also developed some apps for Dolphin.
Kosmic She is a smart lady that posts help and advice in the forums and is also well liked, she knows Dolphin and its Code and has offered her skills to help others here.
Above are just a few of the people i think would be a benefit to the core group, there are others i feel would be a great addition, but who have left or no longer post here, if they could be enticed back then it would be great, i will post a full list later.
i envision the core group to not only be testers and repsent the whole of the Unity membership, but i hope they will hold talks and present BoonEx with idea's and advice and report bugs.
I hope today is the start of something where we can all put aside our differences and work in Unity to build a better relationship between the members and BoonEx and move forward and build for the future.
48 hours isn't not long enough 7-14 would be more practical.
the list needs to have community owners on it who have a good number of active users that are make full use of their communities features * I don't have time for this though*
"hilarity begins at home"
i am Deaf, so i use text to express myself and my feelings more than normal people do. hence the somewhat colourful choice of words, wit and sarcasm. i am used to defending myself online and i can be as much of a bully as anyone else.
because i am deaf i have had to defend myself from bullies all my life, and this come through via my text.
as to TechnoBrains, i really cant help feeling sorry for the guy, clearly see more
this last 30 days has seen some huge changes and BoonEx have really shown us they care, but i believe the disaster with 6.1.5 and 6.1.6 and the now planned 6.1.7, has given BoonEx a wake up call, this has put Dolphin 7 back by 2 weeks i believe.
(this whole blog is about her deciding on everything)
so wants to control BOONEX!
There is a wise old saying, "It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt."
Ever since you parachuted in a few days ago, I have seen nothing but a continuous stream of complaints and abuse from you. I'm usually pretty good at determining what someone's agenda is, but yours is an absolute mystery. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to simply remain silent.
its all from your 12 user nicks, good try and like i care that you have 12 user nicks trying to give me bad karma!
Your the bully and your the one that needs some growing up to do, stop trying to control me or BOONEX for that matter!
Peace ......
can you please please as mom to change your Diaper, you're so full of (save your licenses sammie) that you really think as webmasters and server and network administrators we know there is no way you can get an ip from a website other then the sites own ip number?
are you still not finished trying to look a fool?
I think its you who is trying to bully here. You know where i come from we have a saying, its takes a bigger man to walk away than it does to stay and fight and it takes a bigger man to treat a woman with respect no matter what. You arent defending yourself, you are having a temper tantrum like a little brat, seems you have a history for it too. see more
We're also preparing the release procedure description, which would include the rules on how we'd inform pundits and other members about the upcoming release.
As for concerns about control, etc... I'd like to remind everyone that Pundit status doesn't provide any control, per se. It's mostly see more
When these guys post a blog or at the forum, I will naturally want to know what they said because it is usually something valuable or something that makes me think or rethink my own approach to doing things.
Good to see you've included gameutopia :D He is good with this stuff. I am sure there are many more we are missing.
hey see more
james thank you for your plug on my behalf.
Please give it a rest! Everyone should know by now, that if Sammie feels threatened or insulted she will fight like a tiger so PLEASE stop provoking her.
ALL OF YOU who are engaged in this constant bickering are no doubt good solid citizens but you should know that NONE OF THE REST OF US have time for this constant Bull-Shit.
Sammie - Dear Sammie - Are you saying that Andrew has appointed you to create a list of Pundits who will review new releases? If so, then I want to congratulate see more
For Sammie to request that Boonex create a group to review a Dolphin version prior to it's release to the entire world, is in no way a self-serving interest. A small group with an agenda that focuses on quality assurance, is always a good thing. Sometimes a thousand voices speaking at once, makes it difficult to keep attention see more
After seeing all the fighting and one guy asking everyone to boycott Boonex if "Sammie gets her way" I am wondering if I have wasted my money.
This place is far from unified.
Do not DISPAIR!!! The ship is not sinking. I have been a member of this community for several years now and I can't remember having more fun.
Some of the brightest web developers in the world are members here and they have caught the Boonex bug and if you stick around you won't regret it.
Dolphin is a very sophisticated script and if you are a webmanager it's fun learning new tricks.