BoonEx Roadmap Updated

Andrew Boon posted 13th of April 2009 in . 114 comments.

...and we have a date for you. We can't set a date for final release, or even release candidate, since testing/bugfixing time is difficult to estimate. What we can do, and what we do do, however, is set a date for the feature-final Beta version of Dolphin 7.

20th of June 2009 the projected date of Dolphin 7b release. The beta will be feature final, which means no new features, no major tweaks after that - just bug-fixing, performance improvements, testing and polishing. We hope to come up with real-deal final release in about 3-4 weeks after beta, but don't take my word for it.

Updated Roadmap

You can now browse the planned features and can track progress at BoonEx Trac at Dolphin Roadmap. Take a good look at the Dolphin 7 tickets list and let us know if we missed something important. We'll be gathering bug reports after Beta stage. For now - it's all features and tweaks.

Note that we have added Dolphin 6.1.5 and Dolphin 7.1 sections too. 6.1.5 is the much requested update for the current version, which should be released shortly after Hookie. The 7.1 section now serves as a placeholder for features we wanted to include but decided to postpone in order to release Hookie sooner.

We need to finalize the list for Hookie this week. Please, leave your comments with what you think should definitely be in 7.0. We all want it to be released soon, right?

Dolphin 7.1 is also planned to be released in a comparatively short period after 7.0 mostly as a pack of updates for separate modules.

So, we have a date now and the big rush is now officially under way. Buckle-up.

Please login to post a comment.
That's still a long time to wait but we're sure it's worth waiting for.

Thanks for this update.

No indications yet about price settings ?
Andrew Boon
Will provide pricing guide shortly.
It is good to see the amount of time being allocated to testing and debugging. That is a much better approach and we are sure it will be appreciated by other people here as well.
What about payment settings for membership ? Is SMS option included ?
Andrew Boon
Has to wait until 7.1 now. Sorry.
Plus, we are sorry if this out of the box, but thought you would give it a reading if we post it here.

It is possible to integrate the "experts" accounts on Expertzzz with the ones on Unity. There was a debate going on why the downloads/jobs section here is dormant as compared to the one on Experts. The reason for that is that experts have to start from points "0" and have to start building up their reputation from scratch. Pls give this idea due consideration of integration see more of experts accounts with unity ones ... developers will then post their products on Unity which will then allow moderation of products and removal of crap/spam experts. We sincerely think you should announce just ONE OFFICIAL support website for Dolphin, be it Unity or be it Experts. Unity, is recommended, as its got moderation and better rules and stuff. But the only thing that stops developers from using it more often is the fact that points earned on experts can not be transferred to Unity .. so the question in their minds is "Why start from 0" ?

Hoping to hear from you on this issue as well.
Thank you for sparing time to read this.
Andrew Boon
Thank you for the advice. We'll be merging the systems into one - Dolphin-based site with proper moderation and with transferred points.
That is excellent. This is exactly what we developers want.
Will be in 7 versions of a city and the country are interconnected among themselves?
Please please, facebook friendship wall for each individual user....

I think the homepage should be more unique to the individual rather than a world wide thing?
IMHO Profile page customization is much more important...
So why has Twitter become so poular then? Is it based on profile custom? No it's based on status updates, thats the next big thing. Infact we are to late, that is classed as basic now.
Sorry, I don't understand that you mean about "individual homepage" and "status updates"... I am not a Twitter user...
**********ability to add strings of words as tags***********
had a quick look in the trac and can't see it there, good work boonex on are all stars :-)
I don't see any ticket about Photo (Video) Albums... and suppression of Shared Photo (Video).
- IMHO Shared Music still has sense -

What about the removal of the Avatars ???

Dolphin Mobile Version is now planed for D 7.1. This is a quite urgent feature as more and more users are browsing the web with mobile phones...
Andrew Boon
iPhone app will come with Dolphin 6, while the ombile version needs a lot more time and has to wait till 6.1.

We're still working on photo albums and avatars. We won't be killing avatars, but some improvements are on the way.
Befriend needs a more logical solution..
Send : Click Befriend > befriend button deactivates > "invitation sent" status instead of "member already on your friend list" if the other user did not yet accepted/refused > the other user accepts/refuses invitation > befriend button re-activates only if user refused..
Receive: If you visit the profile who sent you a invitation a button with accept invitation and reject should be visible on that profile page..
Annabel see more is right.. a SMS system for membership payment is a must.. just because is the easiest way to encourage a normal member to upgrade, I personally never payed for a membership if does not have a sms payment option.. it takes too much energy to go to the bank for such a little amount of money.. plus you want that membership "right then".. after 5 minutes max.
Speed improvement.. there are too many files to load and too many db queries.. optimize each template image and the header slide show images (this is mostly for the sake of the demo to load faster) which sums more than 420kb of a total of 1.4mb (front page) - so painful for dial-up users (they still exist).. I am thinking to remove it if it slows too much.. I'd rather make a random pic on each load than a slide show with 5 gigantic images.. all loading at the same time..
I don't know how admin panel looks, but a IP tracking for each user (history of IP's used by that user) is very important to ban the trouble makers..
Bad word filter on all pages with comments, shoutbox, chat, forum, clubs, profile descriptions, profile names, user names etc. etc.
website png watermark on photos if they go offline, website logo on externally embedded audio and video files with link to the website when you click on them..
and list of websites linking to that file..
contact importer redirect after first login and skip button
custom fields builder for sign-up/profile page, CV's for users on job classifieds
images, html code and more options for blogs..
private photos, videos, music with group or selected users access..
Facebook is a good example of what else Dolphin needs..
Sorry for the long text, just my ideas - only take what you guys think is important..
Good post :-)

Me too insist for a whole content email addresses/URLs/bad words filter !
Befriend needs a more logical solution..
Send : Click Befriend > befriend button deactivates > "invitation sent" status instead of "member already on your friend list" if the other user did not yet accepted/refused > the other user accepts/refuses invitation > befriend button re-activates only if user refused..
Receive: If you visit the profile who sent you a invitation a button with accept invitation and reject should be visible on that profile page..

Yeah :-) see more This is exactly that has to be done :-) Really important !!!
# 546 Module Files

Rather than to base this module Files on media sharing, it will be more adequate to base this new feature on Photo Album (with privacy settings)...
Related to the Profile, Files will be very useful, for example, to upload a printable (.doc, .pdf...) resume (curriculum vitae) that cannot be shared.
I don't see anything about the Promo block to be language sensitive...
Andrew Boon
it is, works through lang file.
About Floating menu...

If the user choose Top or Bottom position for this Floating menu, the template has to open a landing area (no hidden site content).
If the user choose Fixed option, this Floating menu will display over the site content.
i suggest to make this dolphin simpler. like facebook.
we don't need something that we don't want.

am i right MichelSwiss?
Since version 6.0 and the introduction of the Builders, it's very easy to enable/disable most of the features.
As far as I can see, Dolphin 7 will be more modular and will even allow to install/uninstall features...
Andrew Boon
As MS said - you can now hide AND uninstall modules.
i see that the ticket of the GAMES section on 7.0b as been closed... but it is cancel or just completed?
Thanks for the update..

Thanks for moving and adding ticket #574 i.e Youtube embeds / Flickr embeds into 7.0b from 7.1, I really really would like to see the feature in 7.0 :)
Andrew Boon
Should be working as soon as next ALpha build.
On November 23, 2008 you said “Oh... and yeah... when...? We're talking a couple of weeks, or so.”

On February 26, 2009 you said “- Private Preview (limited)… - Public Preview - 7-10 days after the Limited Preview…- Alpha - 7-10 days after the Public Preview….- Beta - 5-7 days after Alpha….All in all we're looking at about 5-6 weeks…”

On March 20th you said “And in about 2 weeks I hope we'll get the source code out for download.”

Now on April 13, 2009 you say “20th see more of June 2009” and also “ the projected date of Dolphin 7b release…but don't take my word for it.”

I wish you would have said that in November instead. I have put off any and all updates to my site. I have completely, for the lack of using profanity, ‘upset’ everyone that works on our site with me all because I trusted what you said; I guess I took it at face value. I am not by any means asking for a finished product now. I am not even asking for a finished product on June 20th. What I am asking for is that you follow through with at least the source code, that you have, like you said you would. Coding takes time and trial and error. Heck if more people had the code we might be able to help you, although I could understand why you might not want ‘too many hands in the pot’. We should all know that coding takes time and if you don’t you probably shouldn’t be running a site of any kind. Personally that is why I want the code so bad, so that we can start working on our custom features and add ons that we currently have. We have an entire email system that we need to integrate. Much less some of the other small things we have done. I want to have a starting path of getting them done so they work together for when the upgrade DOES happen. As it was, this should have already been done according to your first post. It has been 16 weeks since you have posted that. It has been about 6-8 weeks since the Beta should have been released according to your post on February 26th. And then about 3-4 weeks since your post on March 20th saying “about two weeks” I don’t want to get the upgrade in 2 (or hell if even then) months and THEN have to start working on them so it winds up being 3 – 4 months when I was told it should have been done 3 or 4 months ago. And that is coming from you. You said almost one month ago that in about two weeks we would have some sort of access to the code. Now you’re saying nope… 2 more months… Again I am not asking for a finished product, I am not trying to rush or sound rude in anyway. I just want what I was told, almost promised, several times over it seems. I have been pushing off everything I was doing for my site biased on what YOU said you were going to do. And then you are not doing it.

I love the new software, In fact I have even gloated about it because everyone that works on the site said that I found great community software, and it just got a whole lot better. BUT that being said… It is hard to stay positive when I am watching everything I have done slip away because I’m pushing something off for two weeks, then that turns into 4 months and that turns into possibly 2-4 more months… All of this because of a statement that said 2 weeks, 4 and soon to be 6 months ago.

Sorry if I sound frustrated,
But I am…
I understand, but... 6.0 and 6.1 was released within the fixed timeframe but with so many bugs,,,
I am as impatient like you but I prefer BoonEx to take the needed time to make each feature as perfect as possible.
And the main part of the delay is due to the fact that BoonEx really is listening to us and trying to satisfy every of us.

If you have some experience, you know that every projects, not only programming, need much more time than expected.
I would say, I agree with todaler and I am on the exact same boat and share the exact same feelings. I came to the dolphin world with 6.1.4 and spent like $500-600 on mods and about 4-5 months of time last year and was about to launch my site when Dolphin 7 related blogs started showing up with the dates mentioned by 'todaler'. I thought, it might not be worth spending time on installing 6.1.4 and then later upgrading it to 7.0 and it should be better to wait and it's almost 6-7 months now and I see more am nowhere close to the launch of my site. Ofcourse the money spent on 6.1.4 might go down the drain I guess...

And I am 10 years of 'software development' exp. so I am well aware of all the methodologies of software engg. and I understand it takes time but in the first place you should have mentioned this that we are looking for 6-8 months of timeframe and not 'couple of weeks'.

I understand 'Dolphin 7' looks awesome but it would had been nice if you could have released a beta version to public and we could have atleast launched our sites and disable the features that are under construction. Because we as web developers, also need time to market our sites, mod our sites and do other customizations for the site.Hope you guys listen to us and if possible release a mini beta in May or earlier :)

If not, then lets wait till June :(
MichelSwiss...I don't think it's fair to use the word 'impatient' when replying to todaler's post when he was just pointing out how frustrating it has been waiting for the product to see the light of day...and all the empty promises he has listed are facts.

Speaking of facts, in June will be 8 months since the promise was made for a new release...that's like a year and a half in 'Internet Time'. Everyone wants this software to be like facebook or like Twitter both of which are just fads...the see more 'soup du jour' if you will. Next month there will be a new killer app and you will all want boonex to make their software just like that so they will scrap version 7 and start working on version 8 so as to stay relevant with what is required to be relevant. At this point, why bother releasing anything...just keep giving us a list of features that could have been included if a release was ever to make the light of day.
I love Dolphin make no mistake about this, I think it is one of the most powerful social networking, dating scripts ever. However technology is always changing as we can bear witness to with our own Dolphin 7. The reason for me placing this post is to get some feedback from those of us who are determined to see Dolphin become the most powerful script period bar none. Now, with all that said, there is a website that I have run across that offer very powerful features that I think dolphin should implement... see more Video Profiles, Video E-Mail, Video Dating, Video Resume, and Video Bazaar not to mention they have a powerful affiliate program in place. Now let me make myself totally clear I'm not trying to promote this site I think over all they are no match for Dolphin but they do have some interesting video features. I'm not even going to mention the website name as this has cause me negative feedback with a similar post on D7 test website. So that brings me to this question, why can't Dolphin have video e-mail? Maybe no one feel there is a real need for these video features, but it seems to me that video broadcasting and implementing video is where the internet is going. Please can I have your feedback? I have written similar post dealing with video e-mail in the past and have had very few responses, and about half of them were negative. But, I feel so strongly about these video features that I will continue to bring them up until I get some feedback especially from you Unoboonex. Is this request of mine feasible with D7 or is it even being considered? Just tell me something. I believe implementing video where ever we can with the Dolphin script is visionary thinking and looking ahead to the future. As we should already know, if a picture says a thousand words then video says it all. Forgive me everyone here for raising this issue again, I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record but I really feel that we need these features for Dolphin 7 to be light-years ahead in the game.

I would like to give a shout out to LightWolf who seems to agree with me here is his response to an earlier post I written about Video email For D 7

"I would really like the video email, that way admin can send video out about new things added and coming to site. So much more personal then newsletter. Very good idea Rasili"

Wow Light Wolf that is an excellent idea about admin sending out video newsletters to their members!!!

Thanks for your comments.

Is there anyone who would like to add input I’m really anxious to get feedback about this issue

I apologize for this long and wordy post
I checked out that site. I even registered. I hate to be the one to bust your bubble, but I'm not impressed in the least. Nothing seemed to work on that site. The site is crap, in my opinion. However, the concepts are easy enough to understand, so here's my two cents.

Video Profiles:

You'll have that in D7. You have it in D6, Members can record all the profile videos they want.

Video E-Mail:

I might buy into that. Perhaps in D 7.1 Member to member videos, should be reasonably see more easy to implement given the infrastructure of Dolphin

Video Dating:

I'm not sure what this means. Is it something like profile videos? ...... explain please.

Video Resume:

Sorry, but this simply is never going to fly. I can't even imagine that theatrical performers would want to use something like this. Magicians maybe.

Video Bazaar:

Most people using Dolphin are using it for some type of social networking site, so I don't see mass appeal for this amongst regular members. There might be some use here for busines to business sales. If, in D7, it s possile to include youtube videos in classified ads, you've got your 'Video Bazaar'.

In summary, much of what you ask is already possible. Video resumes...... useless in my opinion. Member to member video email might be something useful.
MichelSwiss and I may not agree on everything, but we definitely agree on:

Kill shared photos.

Kill shared Videos.

These two things involve basic core functionality. They are an inevitable change, and should be implemented in 7.0

To upgrade 6.1.4 site to 7.0, just create an upgrage script that organizes all existing shared media into a file structure and organize the media according to owner. Then, when a 6.1.4 site is upgraded to 7.0, members will find all of the videos and photos see more that they uploaded in a default photo or video album. Those users then can create multiple photo/video albums and move the media from the default album to any album of their choice. This is the only way that makes sense, especially where privacy controls on media are concerned.

I think that quite all Dolphin users are with us for Photo/Video Albums and Privacy settings, houstonlively :-)

Maybe you already seen that it will be a new feature: Shared Files !!!
As for me I'd like this Files feature to be done as Photo Albums, not as Shared media... What do you think ?
I can't say I completely understand the files module. Whatever it is, I'd put it off until D 7.1

If the file module is Boonex's way of handling existing shared media, I can't think of a worse solution. I've said on multipl occassions, that the way to handle existing shared media, would be to run an upgrade script, that reorganizes all the shared files and gives them back to the user that owns them. All ownership info is in the database and can be used to create a directory structure to organize see more all the media according to owner. This directory structure only needs to be created as it is needed. If a member has not uploaded any media, they don't need a directory structure to store it.

For instance, a users existing photos might be moved to:

where user_xx is the member ID of the existing shared photo owners, and the 'default' subdirectory is the location of the deafult photo album. Then when the user creates other albums, other directories are created such as:
... etc, where album1, album2, & album3, etc, are new albums that the user created.
I am also in agreement about the photo and video sharing....Kill it....Privacy is a must.
The new roadmap puzzles me, because I really don't know how to interprete them.

I asked for ascending/descending sort possibility alphabetically and on age in members search result and I can't find it in the roadmap. This feature was available before v6 but it was deprecated. I really would like to see it back.

I also suggested a possibility to send group email to all participants of an event (f.e. when something changes), but this is not mentioned in the roadmap.

Private photos request see more was also deprecated in 6.1 and I would like to have this option again in 7.

Timezone was another problem that needed to be reviewed, but it's not mentioned.

So many things that seems to be 'forgotten' and I think it should be mentioned whether they will be looked into or not.

As long as we don't see the admin part, we cannot judge whether everything we need is implemented or not.
I think (and hope) that most of your requests are included in some generic tickets.

Timezone is maybe still missing... Could you please give more explanations about that you are expecting ?
Well, depending on where your server is situated (f.e. US), the time of emails being sent in by Belgian members is not showing correct.

Admin should be able to adjust timezone on where the script is running, not being installed.
The tickets are not clear to me, they don't give enough information about what is being done.
Thanks for the update. I'm not requesting anything new there are lots of members on top of that. I would like to reiterate I would like to keep Admin Articles.
MichelSwiss in a double reply to your previous reply...

So why has Twitter become so poular then? Is it based on profile custom? No it's based on status updates, thats the next big thing. Infact we are to late, that is classed as basic now.

Yes i agree with you maximum profile cutom is well worth adding, thats old hatt now. Dolphin needs the next best thing from someone who can come up with new ideas
Can we atleast have an idea about the licensing cost/agreement of Dolphin 7 ?? If it's something that not all members can afford then I think it's better to inform them rite now then making them wait till June ....

Just a suggestion !!!!
thanks for the update.waiting for the official release.
I also think Boonex should already indicate a price setting for licensing cost. I'm sure they already have 'something' in mind, so please don't keep us waiting until launch date and then become disappointed by costs we cannot afford.
I logged in to my account and then asked my kids to point to the link they thought would take them to my videos. One pointed at the link in the top nav and one to the other in the account nav. As a new user of Dolphin, my initial reaction is that there is a lack of navigational clues. There is no clear cut indication of workflow. For a new, non-tech savvy, person this would be very confusing as it stands.
Yes, same here :-) This is one of the reasons why we are asking for Photo and Video Albums (Files too) and to kill Shared Photos/Videos(/Files) ;-)
I strongly agree with that, homepage is to much user worldwide and cluttered
Why not making a button in the menu 'MY STUFF' ? That sounds more obvious than account and/or profile.

When I would like to add an event, the first thing I go searching for is the event menu in the top bar. I think that is rather obvious.

As it is now, it's really confusing
please make every feature of dolphin optional (like activate -deactivate from admin panel).
The Achilles heel for Dolphin 7 is Privacy..
Private folders, everything inside, locked if user wants that, and he can grant access to public only if flagged public.. if the photo/video/audio file is flagged as private then allow access only to a selected group of users or individual users selected one by one.. simple and most of all secure..
How privacy settings should be:
Types of groups: Registered users, Friends, Custom Group with users chosen by the member.
Advanced privacy settings see more - A MUST!
- Select who can view your profile - Everybody, Group or Selected Individual Users
- Select who posts comments on your profile page - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who can view your blog - Everybody, Group or Selected Individual Users
- Select who posts comments on your blog - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who can view your blog - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who posts comments on your Group - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who can view every single (individual) photo album - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who can view every single (individual) music gallery - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
- Select who can view every single (individual) video gallery - Everybody, Group/Groups or Selected Individual Users
P.S. Now I wish I was a genius to try to convince people more easily about the importance of this thing called p-r-i-v-a-c-y.. I really don't mind if December will be the date of the release, just fix this big error before is not too late.. I will not post anything more about privacy, I already said enough and I'm tired with this..
I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I must say that I will think twice if I will go with Dolphin considering the unbelievable lack of privacy control.. I really don't want to hear a thousand complaints once the site is up..
Too bad that the boonex team doesn't take this serious.. I mean are we the only ones (me, houston, michel and sammie) who considers that privacy is the most important thing in the whole script? but in dolphin 7 so far is a mess?
It is a mess. It's a mess because Boonex is mistakenly trying to keep all the shared media intact while introducing member albums and privacy controls. Shared media has to go.. period. It's the only way the whole privacy concept is going to gel. It should be a fairly easy matter to convert all existing shared photos and media on existing sites to an album system. All of the ownership info for the pool of images in the 6.1.4 sharingImages directory is stored in a database table, so it should see more be fairly easy to write an upgrade script to rearrange al of those photos into new directories that belong to individual members..... POOF!..... no more shared inages.
Without privacy there should be no boonex. Privacy most important, should have been the key thing for tis new version.
I am in complete agreement. I will take it a step further though. Not only should members have privacy controls over each and every thing posted....but admin should too.

Depending on what type of site we build, admin needs complete control as well. There are dating sites, community sites, dating/community sites, etc...

If I (as admin) want to make a photo folder public...and another folder set as private for each one of my members...I should be able to do that. I should (as Admin) also have see more the ability to control what material my members can mark as private.

In short....members should be able to mark everything individually as private......but admin should as well. Some of us (admins) may never need to enable private material....but we should at least have the ability to do so.
thank you for update .. I'm waiting :)

I wish add moneybookers payments in pays processor

I really like dolphin and I wish to continue using it, however if I would also like to know if I can afford it now. I only run a dating site and use very little of the social network features, so if it is possible I would really like a breakdown on licensing costs.
I guess one good feature would be to give much more freedom to the admin for the customization of his community, so that each one of them could have a unique look. Otherwise most Dolphin communities would look pretty much the same.

I know it's always possible to "simply" edit the code, but what I would like to see in Dolphin 7 is to be able to do all this through the admin panel. For example to be able to manage the content boxes on EVERY single page, not only a few of them like with see more Dolphin 6, (that includes adding custom php boxes).

Dolphin 7 looks great so far on the outside!
(I'm just wondering about the admin panel...)

Keep up the good work! =D
Oh and I also forgot to mention the Facebook Apps compatibility feature that I would really like to see in Dolphin 7!

Basically what I would like to see is to be able to add some Facebook Apps on the main profile page + on a tab named "boxes" or "apps", just like on Facebook.

That way the Dolphin communities would look much more attractive to prospective members because of the ease of profile customization through the millions of Facebook Apps available.

It would also see more be great if those Facebook Apps could be used on groups, couples, teams, etc.
Hi, that's good news and worth waiting. But do not neglect the security issues, which after all is the most important thing.
I'm delited to have a date for beta compleated. I will be releasing my adfree site end of this month. My question is will Dolphin 7 update over Dolphin 6.14 I hope someone has that awnser please
I think that you will have to wait an answer fron BoonEx...
Still don't know if the upgrade patches will be 6.1.4 -> 7.0 or 6.1.4 -> 6.1.5 -> 7.0
Great job.
But next time, publishing the version updating news when your job is 95% done. So I don't need to waiting from couple of weeks becoming six months long, long way to go and stopping site building.

Make sure the new version D7 will be:
1.Integrated photo album to just one or two photo album with multiple options, such as public or private. Profile photo, shared photo album and so on confused the user;
2. Having at least basic tools for photo album, such auto play, next, previous and see more so on;
3. A real one browsing, one click multiple photos uploading;
4. Group video albums with public or private setting;
5. Put group name labels into language file, not into data base for 100% other language translation;
6. Ease to get rid of some of contents from admin panel, such as all relative to sex for non-dating community site;
Let's make sure you guys get the photo album design fixed
grv least there is expected release date...thanks
Let me guess what I think is going to happen later in the summer when the beta is due (or correction, when we finally get a "feature freeze" on the beta). An announcement will be made sometime just before June 20th announcing that the beta will be finished "soon" - but first there is an important environmental initiative we must discuss - save the jellyfish or something - that is much more important.

I hope not but it is easy to become a cynic if you have believed the see more announced schedules here before- or worse if you have based your business plans on what they say here. Still, cynic or not I want to contribute when I can, so here are a few things that come to mind:

-All dating function removable (i.e. no manditory age, sex, etc.) - no cutsie little heart icons, or code that sends people "kisses" that you don't find until too late :-(

-Support for sites using real names. Some use "first name" and "last name", others use "full name" - why not support both of these? For example, let people put "full name" under the member pictures on the member search results, etc.

-Email alerts in "replies" to forum posts (extremely important for lower volume sites, and a major omission in the current Orca).

-Additional searchable fields in the classified ads- include the "top down" search on these fields. Have some good options for paid classifieds.

-Allow members to join "groups" on registration (by multi-select dropdown)

-Multi-word tags. Also, "integrated tag block" (each tag word leads to a single page with everything that has been tagged with that word- profiles, photos, ads, etc.)

-Membership levels. Put everything you can think of in there as it is one of the strengths of Dolphin- all new features and functions should have corresponding membership level permissions. Consider linking levels of the Orca forums to these permissions. For example, a "basic" member could only view Orca forums that allowed viewing by basic members, etc.

-Like others trying to encourage real photos, I don't like the new "avatars" page. Will there be the options for tiny photos for the primary profile photo? Will people have to enter this twice?

-Still no "my blogs" link! Missing in 6.1 also. Very difficult to get to the homepage of your own blog - so no one does. This blog page should have its own static url. (important!- add to trac)

-Custom alerts. I would like to have the ability to have some kind of custom alerts. Lets say a member has some attributes defined in a profile dropdown - or perhaps the profile tags. I'd like to be able to post information (maybe through the "articles" and when it matches the dropdown or tag is put in a special folder for them member and an email alert is generated to that member.

We can mostly have only "user" oriented suggestions now because none of us has seen the backend or the builders section. but any control over the database and how information is distributed to the members would be very helpful.

That's all I can think of right now.

that's too long..i'm waitting for D7 from October 2008..
every month have some news..but the news now is the projected date of Dolphin 7b on 20th of June 2009..

maybe after that will say final version will be 20th Sep 2009..
Why don't you install and work with D6.14?

I am sure there will be an upgrade once everything is setup and completed..
Hello All, Mr.Boon.

We need an easy lang translation system.
Zoom for Photo's-evrybody ask me this.
CALTRADE have reason to ask for social community-business oriented-need more information in profil's.
The security-all aspects "gest book in 6.14".
All, we need to be unique-templates,some script or tools - or 2-3 more, for easy chages home page-no need to be a web-designer.
My opinion: I dont like facebook,sorry.
Dolphin must keep identity-We too.

Thank you for Great job see more whit D7,Good luck to All fans and friends of Dolphin
P.S. Sorry for my poor lang-I am bulgarian
in Dolphin 7:

I would like to have a choose in admin planel to open the videolinks as PopUp or in a new window...´cause in germany you would have some problems with licences with ....
To open as PopUp is the only way to use videos (like youtube) without paying € 0,1278 per videoclip (per 5min)

Video emails: That would be awesome! When an user records the video email and sends to an email address. The receiver see a special link to click over to website with the video email playing on a web page.

Youtube-like feature: People have the option to record themselves and submit to the video gallery with admin option to limit number of allowed recorded videos. Include option to provide video comments.

Dating/Friends option: Admins set a prestandard option to open site for see more dating purposes or friends purposes.

Video resizing/quality: easier way to set options for size of videos, quality and bitrate for self-recorded videos, chat window, and presence chat window.

Ability to embed recorded videos on other websites: A form of viral marketing to bring visitors to our site.
Boonex should look at implementing Gigya Wildfire- a social widget that will take your embed code and allows users to post it to many places such as social sites and blogs, instantly without copying and pasting a code! It puts it on to the pages.. check it out.

I sent in the suggestion, but never got a reply on this!
Soon baby soon.

At least they will bring us a reworked core that is has modularity and universal stability.
Okay i have waited a long time for this release like everyone else, but unoboonex you still have not addressed the issue with members being able to style their own web page. Are we going to be able to do this? Yes-No is easy to answer...please answer this one question. You have brought up all but this issue and it is getting to be upsetting when you can answer all others but this one question i have been asking for a long time now. (many others as well) The profile builder you have on beta site sucks, see more it won't change my background when i add a background pic. It shows it as there but will not display it on profile.

PLEASE i need this feature for my members. If you are NOT going to have this, please let me know as i have spent too much time trying to get my site up with Dolphin. If i have to wait tell new release and hear you will add this option later, i will have to just give up my website.

I just lost my job and NO income which makes things hard, so i can not purchase any software now. I spent all i had already on mods for this site and other add-ons that no longer will work.

So either tell me good news or tell me bad news, but please geez just tell me!
Wow again almost everyone got a reply on here but me. (smells arm pits) Nope i don't smell so it's not that...hmmm

Well thanks unoboonex,I'll just crawl back into my corner, it's obvious you do NOT want to answer my only question.
Please don't forget to add the sender's thumbnail in notifications (email templates) - message sender - friend request sender - etc... !!!
I probably tend to feel the same as many of you. However, i would be happy to wait longer and get something stable. Good things happen to those who wait. At the same time lets try to appreciate the effort.

As regards to the ads i would be happy if we can have two things:-
1. A repost feature. This is to repost ads after the time has expired. ( apparently you can edit but can't repost).

2. An option to charge for the ads which can be switched on and off at the admin panel. This would allow see more to a free site but charge for the ads. Admin should be able to change and/or adjust pricing.
We all do appreciate them for what they are doing, we have been waiting since last year. I don't see anyone insisting the release now,just seems there are only a few people here that get their questions answered by unoboonex. That is what is so frustrating. I have been asking just 1 question since last year and still have NOT gotten my answer. Just makes you feel like your opinion or questions on here does not matter at all..urghh
Not mentioned in the roadmap :

Email sending to event creator when someone subscribes for the event.
I personally would like to know how someone is supposed to manage thousands of forum Members and hundreds of posts per day with no moderators? Self moderation is really a farse. My forum now is big. With no moderators I will not move my site to Boonex from our current forum software. The forum software Orca is lacking lacking lacking just in basic features. If we have to wait this long for this release and not get another feature update for years, this needs looked at. Please do something about the see more Orca.
I don't find any detail about Cards feature...

Will this new feature allow members to send e-cards to people who are not yet members, to their e-mail address, and cards recipient having to subscribe to see that card ???
Such feature will be very useful :-)

Or will Cards just allow members to send an e-card to another member ?
In this case this will be just a quite useless toy...
Not mentioned in the roadmap :

Passed events should disappear from upcoming events list automatically (but should still be available to check in the calendar).
Not mentioned in the roadmap :

Participants of an event are not shown. Maybe you should consider an event to be private or public. In case of public event, everyone should be able to see who the participants are and see a clickable thumbnail to the profiles of the participants.
Please place the Calendar menu at the top rather than at the bottom ( <- Month previous - MONTH CURRENT - Month next -> ).
New module Sites:

Will the site Admin have the possibility to only allow pictures upload and to disable external links to thumbnails + links to ???
When you add a new drop-down (or multi-select) field in the member's profile in 6.1, and you do this via a "predefined values" table you have defined, this table does not exist in the mysql database for the application - it is buried somewhere in your PHP code. This means we can't really control our data from other applications, and is another way we have become trapped by this long development cycle. Will this architecture be more friendly in D7?


p.s. This may be an arcane see more issue, but I have also tried to use some of Dolphin's tables as dropdowns in the profile fields - specifically the "countries" table - it causes problems but can be made to work by repeatedly letting it fail in the fields builder. I have this pretty will documented but it would be nice if this was fixed in D7 - and if we are given better control over our databases.
Don't you have a table named "PreValues" in your 6.1 database ???
Can we please have video email? Also when you try to edit your blog on Dolphin7 beta, it shows all the hidden codes ( <p>,&nbsp;<br>)...ect...after you edit your blog. I had to go back and delete all and start over.
Dolphin 7 beta doesn't exists... not yet ;-) (timeframe 20th of June).
Nothing is finished in the alpha version. I saw somewhere that Victor asked his staff to add TinyMCE for Blogs, description and "everywhere" ;-)
Okay sorry, Dolphin 7. I think all knew what i, The tags for the blogs don't work either, i click on tag and takes me to blank page.
We are now adding remarks, but in the end ... how do we know if they are taken into consideration or not ?

I see nothing changing in the roadmap. Still 41 tickets open ...

I would appreciate someone of Boonex' team just answering with 'OK'.
Andrew Boon
OK :)

We discussed your suggestions and comments. As you may see we are being torn between "please add..." and "please hurry!". Anyway. updated roadmap will be up today.
I have some sujjections to make dolphin better
1.) Make it easy & loadable for slow dial up internet conections .(like social engine, php fox etc.)
2.) For publicity make a contact importer or friend inviter like openinviter. & provide a free api key.
3.) Make admin can controll all feauters. for reove unwanted plugins & install others. & please make language transilation easy..
Okay, does anyone else feel like D7 is confusing?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.