BoonEx Movie

Andrew Boon posted 15th of May 2009 in . 43 comments.

Boonex Production presents a critically acclaimed documentary movie, featuring the BoonEx Team, filmed exclusively for Internet broadcasting - The BoonEx Movie.

Admission is strictly by invitation.

So, we invite you to go to our About us page and watch the new "BoonEx Movie 2009" released today.

p.s. It took us almost 5 hours to create this film; the actors didn't know the scenario and had to improvise; studio and decorations were made in-house and all the equipment is slightly less than professional.

p.p.s. It's a film about us, BoonExers and we made it for you, since we want you to know us a little bit better.

WARNING: it's a 189Mb file, a smaller version will be available next week.

If you're a youtube fan - here's the link:

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Uno. That movie is a 189 megabyte flv file. Maybe you should compress it a bit. It will take forever to watch.
Andrew Boon
Yeah... it's in HD B-)

We'll post a smaller version next week, just had to cut on post-production time, due to the end of working day :)
Nice to see you all... there's a lot of new faces since the last video. Julia love the hair color :)
Thank you. It's really something to get such a compliment in the very second comment about my team... %)
can we have an embedding option on your video so we can spread the boonex word???? cool video looks like great fun!!!
Andrew Boon
No embed so far, but here's a youtube link -
great, have posted the BoonEx Movie on one of our blogs at
Nice to see the people behind Boonex. Had no problems to see this movie... :)
Cool Movie. Do you guys really talk that fast?
Andrew Boon
yeah, when we have to save time for development ;)
I enjoyed the movie very much. It was great to associate a personality and face with the names of those who have been of much help! Thank you!
yep it takes time, but it is nice seeing you all smile :-)
Great actors and actress.
The best is Lynbov and Anton (Anton-> 10 points as usual for your role) :)
I like it!

ps. I thought that it will be 55 p.
and the oscar goes to.....

Anton for creativity
Lynbov for performance
Great to see everybody in one place - I guess it was filmed in Bishkek rather than Sydney (judging from your blog "the little city is not getting any better").

Must be time to get the group to migrate to Oz and cut down on the travel costs!!!
Andrew Boon
Julia and I live in Sydney, but travel to Bishkek every year to work with the team for a few month. We're in Bishkek now, will be in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Singapore and Moscow this year. Should be back home in 2010.

We really hope to grow to the point when we can move the team to Sydney.
I must say you got a team of people with good intentions and they seem very warm.
-VictorT and AndreyP are awesome, I really like their "helpfull" and kind look.
-Lynbov is a princess, I do admire her.
-"The guy before Julia"(cant read his name) got a agressive look, I asociate him with Dhengis Khaan x)
-JuliaB, computer jobs aint for your :(
You look like a Holywood actress, really beautiful.
-UnoBoonex, dude you have grown older since the last 2 years :/
Or it may look see more like that because of your beard..
You look exactly like my little brother.. First time I saw your photo(old profile photo) I thought it was him then after feww seconds I realized it wasnt him.
btw your music roX
very nice
good idea for presenting a team
Great to see all the real faces again, all aging most gracefully and others just blossoming!

Happy beautiful people, what a fantastic team.

Nothing to be shy about here, indeed a wonderful and brilliant team unoboonex, lets get rid of all the avatars, and multiple profiles, after all it's about uniting people. Real People.

Looking forward to video three, down on the beach LOL
Im confused..All of you live in Australia? Or what.. I thought AndreyP and AntonL were in Bishkek , and I see you all together there. Im just curious :) thanks
Andrew Boon
Julia and I live in Sydney, but travel to Bishkek every year to work with the team for a few month. We're in Bishkek now, will be in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Singapore and Moscow this year. Should be back home in 2010.

We really hope to grow to the point when we can move the team to Sydney.
i love it
please tell the name of the song
Andrew Boon
Eva's Polka.

BTW, there's a cool iPhone app - Shazam - tell you the name of a song in a few seconds.
Loved the movie Andrew

Would also love to see the actual cubicles where all the creativity and development is done :)

Might be Boonex would be in this list soon:
Andrew Boon
Sure thing - we'll film the office a little later.
13 wonderful people :)
good luck !

Proudly Boonex license holder
also : the movie quality is verry verry good.
maybe u can do something regarding that quality in dolphin future releases.
Don´t tell anybody. This is a secret. UNOBOONEX is ANDREW BOON!!! jajaja.

Nice to put faces and names together.

Thanks for all.
It´ll be hard to see the BoonEx 2019 movie... ;-)
Loved the movie :)

Also, after watching Eurovision last night, I am totally in love with that tune!
Позитивный мувик о позитивной команде! Респект и удачи!
Love the movie....waiting for the book to come out. You're doing it backwards.
nice to know you all..
LOL fun stuff. :) Looks like a great group of goofy friends working together.

Oh and Julia... wow!
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