Back in the Game, Better than ever!

slimgoody posted 9th of July 2010 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Ok, so I had to take a break for a while to figure some things out. I must admit that the break was much needed. Even though it was still consumed with alot of thinking, I still enjoyed my break. Despite all of the negative ranters and indignant people I have run into on this site, I still find myself running into some real positive and giving people. Those people are the ones who have carried me through to the end of my project. Even though I got fed small portions of information whenever I had a question, I was still able to build off of what was given. But for the most part, everything that was done on my site was done by ME and figured out by ME. It was alot of work, that I will say. Out of all the CMS scripts I've messed with, Dolphin is the least easiest to modify. It's the least easiest to modify because it's hard to find a strong "knowledge" base. The information that is offered is scattered all over the place. And the developers that are on board are stingy. Sharing for the sake of just sharing is by far something you will find on Boonex.


I think I might put together a tutorial after I get done with my site. I have documented down alot of the things that  I did along the way. And I believe there are some small fishes out there that could really benefit from them. I'm all about the "small " people.And WE all were considered small at some point in our lives.

I plan on posting my site in a few days once I get done making minor adjustments. I'm still not sure if I want to get the ball rolling yet. I really want to get my site SEO ready. The last thing I want to do is through a half azz site on the web and expect for it to be successful.But for the most part, I'm pretty damn proud of the work that I did. It's definitely something to brag about. I can gaurantee that It will be the best looking Dolphin site in the Market area. And I can bet my last dollar on that!

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Great. Good to hear your back at it. Keep it up. Dolphin is not easy and sometimes you might go insane figuring out stuff but well, you have to stay positive if you want it to work out
I appreciate the inspiration,really I do. That is exactly what motivates me to keep pushing forward.
Nathan Paton
Keep fighting, soldier.
Magnussoft,you've been one of those "people," who helped walk me through a few things. I appreciate and respect anything you have to say.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.