As a woman, I always have something to complain about

slimgoody posted 2nd of August 2010 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

So I finally got the site up and running and pretty much ready to go. I'm slowly adding dummy profiles, just to show people what everything looks like. But I'm still not a happy customer and I'm not satisfied with what I'm dealing with. Of course I have my reasons and you better believe they are legitimate reasons. (oh for the record, why in the heck haven't I gotten a response from y so called agent yet? I believe that has added to my frustrations as well. I'm assuming that my license purchase went into his pockets, (some of it) so why haven't I gotten a response back? Tssskk, Tsssk.


Well one of the main issues that I'm dealing with is the fact that I can't insert Google adsense into my website. How retarded is that? I really wish I would have known this BEFORE I purchased a license, I really think I would have gone somewhere else. MY TIME,IS MY MONEY! so now I'm forced to find another outlet to appease my appetite. I'm trying to be positive about the whole situation. I figure if i can't put Google of my site, maybe thats a sign that I need to work on some other advertising revenue. I mean there are plenty out there to choose from. The only reason why I'm tripping so hard is because it's unsolved. I want to know why I CAN'T accomplish this goal. Hell, if I can't insert Google what makes me think that I'm going to be able to input any other form of ads on my site. This is BULL.


Oh and yes, I've searched and scoured my way through the forum. I've exausted my way through every solution given and none of them have worked. I weighed my option. There were more complaint and unaswered questions than there were answered, so guess what? THERE IS NO FREAKING SOLUTION RIGHT NOW! If I could throw the towel in, I wouldn't. But believe you me, I think about it some times.

Part of me feels as if I might have went with the wrong damn script. After two years of ups and downs, I've banged my head up against the wall so many times, that I think I've lost my mind. ARRRRRRRGH! 




So I got a response from my forum post explaining to me what I need to do. so I'm going to ty it and see what I get it together........................................................................



UPDATE 2.................................

Ohhh how miniscule do I feel right now? Ok so I went to my forum post and found the answer I was looking for. I still think that the whole situation is STUPID, but there was a solution. You pretty much need to re wnter your google adsense code into your sys_page_ area in your database (phpadmin area).


Ohhhhhhh HOW GOOD THIS FEEL!!!! I'm feeling so alive right now. I'm almost soooo alive that I could list my website right now.....LOL. Ahh, I'm just kidding.


I know one thing I will admit, I need to really work on my patience.

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