Arvixe now offering RMS for Dolphin 7

LyubovL posted 4th of January 2010 in . 36 comments.

To start a Dolphin based website and run it successfully you need to find a good, professional and fast hosting provider. BoonEx does have a hosting page where we list only those hosting companies which have set up their servers according to the Dolphin tech requirements, in addition to having a support team which knows Dolphin and provides our customers with a Dolphin auto-installer.

So, for those who are still looking for a qualified hosting provider, we are happy to inform you that Arvixe is now offering an RMS for Dolphin 7. Check them out.... your comments and feedback about the Arvixe service is very welcome!

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I've personally made the recommendation for Arvixe in the past and have had to withdraw that support recently for the following issues, one of which is resolved with this post:

1. RMS for Dolphin 7.0 Okay, that is resolved now. Good job on it.

2. Arvixe does not currently offer a true VPS type server for those who are looking to run their own RMS but do not yet need a Dedicated Server for their sites. This is also important for those who are attempting to develop certain parts of Dolphin see more and/or integrate it with other scripts. Without the VPS customers are forced to move up to a Dedicated at a considerably higher cost before they are ready for it just so they can gain root access and set the server to meet their needs.

3. Arvixe has displayed less than professional customer service in the forums recently. I realize any/all of us can get frustrated from time to time, however one must realize that when dealing with customers anything you do in a public area is subject to scrutiny and Arvixe is the same as any other company when it comes to that.

In the end I simply can't share your recommendation of them Lyubov.
Andrew Boon
I guess it would be nice to get someone from Arvixe to comment here as well. I hope Lyubov can get someone from their staff to spend a moment here. Form what I see they seem to be very professional and stable, so I'm sure they can address any reported issues if we start talking.
That is quite a testimonial LyubovL - and no one can question that they have a great price - in fact, they cost less then many of the discount hosting providers. I'm wondering what the relationship between Boonex and Arvixie is though? Arvixie mentioned on his forum post that he had contributed "tens of thousands of dollars" to the Boonex community, but didn't explain it beyond that. There is nothing wrong with your having a list of "only those hosting companies which have set see more up their servers according to the Dolphin tech requirements" but can anyone be on that list? I know I went through the technical requirements documentation in detail with my hosting provider. Is this a real testimonial from Boonex, or is it more like a paid advertisement?

As a repsonse to the points mentioned by mydatery -

We can't provide a service that we are not prepared for. We offer free RMS hosting along with any of our hosting plans. That, we started doing by closely evaluating the ability to provide a free stable RMS service for every single account and rolled it out carefully. We've never stopped offering this service to any customer and have a very high approval rating within the Boonex community by those who use our services.

Following the see more full stable release of Dolphin 7. Arvixe was hit very hard with complaints that we are no longer providing the services we are promising. Every staff member that has been contacted never mentioned that we are not going to support Dolphin 7. In fact, Jason, who is an active member here on Boonex, verified that Dolphin 7 will work 95% fine on Arvixe servers using the old RMS 6. We simply asked our members for time to evaluate the ability to deploy RMS 7 on all of our servers and make a proper decision on when this would have to be done.

RMS 7 hosting was rolled out 5 days after the full release of Dolphin 7 during the holiday season. Our post that you are referring to as unprofessional simply outlined that fact. It is easy for a new Boonex member to take the posts out here about RMS 7 as Arvixe not providing "proper service". But in fact, our delay of pushing out RMS 7 was in the aims are providing the best service expected by our customers.

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As far as VPS hosting: We are a shared web hosting provider. We have been for 6 years. We provide dedicated servers for those who still wish to utilize our services but need root access on their server. While there are plans to roll out VPS service, we will never roll out an unstable service and one we can't fully support.

It is unreasonable to question a company's validity and support by the fact that they are choosing to not enter see more a specific sector of the industry. It is as if you were crticizing ThePlanet or Softlayer for the fact that they are not providing shared/VPS hosting or SliceHost for only providing VPS and no shared/dedicated. We are all here to provide the best service possible and will provide the products that make sense with our current position in the industry.
I have to say that i agree with Coltrade on this, im not saying Arvixe is a bad host, they might be brilliant for all i know, but some of the forum post suggest not from real customers.. Sorry to all concerned but this does smell a bit fishy, more like financial interest talking here rather than a real summary of the hosts ability... I for one dont like this manipulation of trust of members who relies on boonex credibility to steer them in the right direction. This is all about vested interests on see more both boonex and Arvixe parts it seems to me.... Perhaps it should be made clearer that this is paid for advertising spam, and not a genuine review.... Cant see this working myself to be honest, most people on here are wise enough to see through this anyway.... It just sticks out too much as odd, i was beginning to think Boonex as gone into the hosting business the way they push Arvixe..LOL.... unless of course we are going to have equally shining reports of other hosts.....


equally shining reports would be most superbly appreciated. most specifically the ones that are 100% contributing members that are well known hosting service providers.
somewhat as tyke states, this seems too much like an attempt to hold up on a damage control. this state "in addition to having a support team which knows Dolphin and provides our customers with a Dolphin auto-installer." is something directly derived from the conversation that had taken place over the holidays.

i think it wasnt so much that they were hosting RMS, it was the answer that was being provided to the customers, in saying that because the auto-installer had not been released, see more they were not going to support the RMS. Two different entities here. I think arvixe suffered some unjust decisions from some new members and clients, that may not have understood the whole ordeal of Beta and or RC releases. I also think this should have been advertised by Arvixe so that it was well understood, so that this would not have flared up the way it did.
They will give anyone who pays them per sign up a sparkling review.. looks like Arvixe was the highest bidder.
Arvixe is one of the best companies serving Dolphin users. In addition to servers, auto installer and professional support they have a bunch of useful articles. This indicates that Arvixe isn't simply paying BoonEX for advertising because we are partnering, but Arvixe keeps their customers with their high quality services. As for Caltrade's question - No, not any company can be added to the BoonEx hosting page, only those companies which 100% met all the BoonEx requirements.
We announced our requirements see more a long time ago and haven't changed anything since it was posted -

I do respect someone's opinion even if it's wrong - it's someone's personal opinion. Unfortunately I can't and probably will never understand people who are always trying to figure out someone's take.
I have been an Arvixe customer since last April and have found them to be accommodating and helpful, particularly in the early days. I know their business has grown considerably, which may have impacted on their customer service. However, a few days ago I called support about D7 and was told they would provide RMS for D7 on your server if you asked for it. They said multiple versions of RMS can exist on the same server.

I then asked about a 1-click install through cpanel for D7 and was told see more they are waiting for Boonex to provide it. WHEN WILL THIS BE DONE? LyubovL, perhaps you can answer this. Having it as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated, as I intend to do a fresh install and would like to insure it is done right. Thanks!!
Yes, they are waiting for us and they will offer it as soon as we update our auto-installer for Dolphin 7. This is going to be done asap.
Thanks for the reply. How will I know it has been done? Will you post a notice here, or will they send it by email to their customers?
All hosting providers will be updated as soon as Auto-installer is ready and they will announce this on their websites. I'll also let you know.
Great. Much appreciated.
I have to bump a response down here since we can't directly reply to all posts unless we create the blog it seems.

So to Arvixe, in your response I hope your not referencing me as "a new member" of Unity or someone who is new to Dolphin. I'm pretty sure that my stats alone stand for showing I've been around for awhile. Also, that point serves as a great example of someone taking something out of context as you suggested a newer member might do in your post.

To address your points see more that you made:

1. I agree, you can't provide a service your not prepared for. However, you were aware of this RMS well in advance and you had the opportunity to test it along with all the other hosts. By refusing to test the Beta & RC RMS systems and by denying your customers the chance to test them, instead instructing them to use the RMS for D6 instead, you denied them the opportunity to grow their companies at the pace that they chose to grow them at. You weren't being held up by technology, rather by your companies choice to NOT participate and to NOT allow your customers to participate in those tests. While 95% of D7 may have functioned on a D6 RMS, your customers were/are paying you for 100%, not 95%. Look at it this way, if you brought me your car and asked me to fix it after an accident and I returned it fixed without paint and told you 100% of the invoice is due even though the work is only 95% done. How would you feel? Would you want to pay me? Would you give me a positive/negative review to your friends. I'm putting my money on the negative review myself.

Continued due to posting size restriction:
As far as the VPS goes, you've been in business for 6 years and I'm pretty sure your familiar with the technology on how to operate them, if not, Google has a great search tool to help your staff train and learn. Here's my list of reasons for VPS vs. Shared hosting account:

1. Root/SSH Access: This enables them to configure specific on the server to fit their needs and carry specific tests/functions on their own as they build.

2. RMS: If your RMS goes down then all the sites utilizing see more that specific RMS will lose many of the features that pull the members to them such as the Video/Audio Chat & Messengers, Boards and Video Comments (for the D7 sites).

3. phpBB3/IONCube/VBulletin: You have these shared servers configured to run Dolphin which is great, however when someone wishes to integrate something that does not run well in a dolphin environment into the site this becomes difficult to impossible for them to do. Whether it's adding IONCube or resetting the mbStrings to a manner that disables Orca but promotes the running of other software, you can't do it as it'll jeopardize the other sites on your servers.

4. Security: You can not possibly argue that your shared servers are anywhere near as secure as a VPS or Dedicated Server. On a VPS or Ded once a hacker gets in they can only nail what that one customer has on their server, but should a hacker pop onto a shared, they get the run of however many customers' (notice the plural) sites that are on the server. You can't even give out the SSH Access on these servers because a noobie could error accidentally and bring down all the sites in one fell swoop. A year or so ago a host had an issue with a site owner uploading bad mods (they contained a virus) to a shared server environment and it brought down hundreds of accounts as it moved through the entire machine. No, I'm not going to mention who it was.

5. Hard Walls: Nice hard partition between accts, need I say more.

In conclusion to reference your customer service, that one thread was an example. Perhaps I should have referenced these also: Of course, it sipped under the radar of everyone somehow. see more Please Note 2nd Comment by Profesize.

What the heck, you can read the good and bad on this search page:

In the end Arvixe you hardly respond to your customers when they come in here for situations regarding your service, you make no contributions to the Unity Forums or Blogs at all unless it's because a customer is upset with you and you want to respond to that and so on. In the end, while you have filled your site up with useful tips you have done nothing for the Dolphin Community as a whole. There are many, hosts and non-hosts who have contributed far more than you have to Boonex. Tell ya what, give HL, Caltrade, mrpowless, Zarcon, Sammie (Gawd do we miss her), Killerhaii, KernelPaniker, DosDawg and so many others just minimum wage for the time they have contributed to Dolphin via Forum Support/Blogs and you'll see any monetary contribution your boasting about is miniscule in comparison to what these members have done.

If you want the backing of the community then step in and participate in the community. If you have employees who do then they need to identify themselves and deal with threads that reference your company vs. hiding from them.

This may sound harsh, but it's the blunt truth and a good part of why I no longer recommend your company to the newbies. THS gets more recommendations from me now than you do. And I can't even stand DD most of the time.
"As for Caltrade's question - No, not any company can be added to the BoonEx hosting page, only those companies which 100% met all the BoonEx requirements." -- would you consider a host that doesn't support ffmpeg 100% compatable? Because some of the ones you list don't..
"Arvixe isn't simply paying BoonEX for advertising because we are partnering"....

now thats all that needs to be said to explain the validity of this pushing of Arvixe by boonex. This is a paid for advertising/partnering, being made to look like a genuine well thought out approval as being the best for Dolphin7 users looking for a host despite the many complaints in the forum. My concern is that with the auto installer, this will attract people who dont have a clue and will be totally see more reliant on a host with what seems like a bad track record of customer support, who openly admit that they only support 95% of the workings of D7 at this time. So how can anybody say that they are the best host for the D7, i can tell you now of a host who 100% supports D7 and will even install D7 for you for free, im sure THS and Dosdawg offer much the same at this level too. Theres nothing wrong with this sort of pushing of a host, but it should be clearly stated that they are partners with Boonex so its not so misleading to new members who dont have a clue.
Just one person's opinion (mine), but there is alot of noise here over something unwarranted.

First, on the merits or demerits of Arvixe itself as a host provider, I maintain several web sites and just recently moved everything to Arvixe. The bigger players I just moved from (Network Solutions and Netfirms), in general, do not do as well but cost much more. Arvixe support has been good and professional despite the fact that I have not always liked their answers - one has to separate resolving see more a problem from what is supported. My sites and email from Arvixe are both considerably faster and considerably better stability and uptime.

Next, regardless of who recommends who, it is incumbent on you, the purchaser, to check out and research if a choice is good for you or not. There is too much fuss here about whether Arvixe is an advertiser or partner or bedmate. IMHO it really does not matter. You choose based on your research and even if you think you made a good choice that turned out to be a mistake, since Arvixe is so inexpensive, it only costs a few dollars. IMHO, move on if its not what you wanted or expected.

Finally, again strictly IMHO, there are a few individuals here that have an axe to grind. Anyone else reading this virtual thread should weigh all considerations and not just consider the opinions here.

Arvixe: Thumbs up from me all around. Good hosting, good support, more install packages than most other host providers, good uptime and stability.
BoonEx: Thumbs up from me on everything except documentation, which is your achilles heel.
Can I get just two clear answers:

1. If I order this plan: (4$) can I run RMS and ALL Dolphin7 functions, modules... on it or not?
2. If anyone is already using Arvixe hosting for Dolphin please give me link to your site that I can check the speed

Just been on Arvixe site because RMS is stating 'cannot connect to RMS' in back end? simply thought it was something on Arvixe side. Well.....the support is shocking basically said go on the forums and see if you can get help...unbelievable.seems like the post is abandoned too javascript:void(0):) oh well
I am with arvixe from last six months. I can say they are good in service as well technical. Till now I never had any problem moreover I am technically zero. They helped me right from instillation and some time Database. I personally feel they are ok. Infact I try to go with other service provide for Dolphin 7 with VPS Hosting, but keeping the Arvixe service in mind, I thought I will go with Business Class hosting. visit my site
You will be able from what Arvixe says to run D7 on it now as long as you utilize Arvixe's RMS connection. That's a shared server so you won't be able to install/run your own RMS, but your items should work on their's.
Ok, let's try it then and see what happens :D
When I saw the word "Arvixe" in the post title, I had to open it to have a read.
I have been an Arvixe customer for several months - and had initially signed up with them (for 1 month, to start) to test their Dolphin (6.1) hosting.

Their service and technical support are amazing. 5 / 5.

I've been so pleased with them, I have transferred several existing domains to them, registered new ones, and signed up for both Linux and Windows-based hosting. I would recommend them to anyone.

As see more for a VPS: If you wish to run your own RMS - Get an account at RackspaceCloud.
You can spin up your own Linux server for less than $11.00 / month ....

Two Thumbs Up, Arvixe!
see moreLyubovL why don't you come into the latest forums showing Arvixe's pretty sleazy sale's pitch and showing a likely bait and switch. You say everyone's opinoi about Arvixe is wrong, it would be interesting to read your response of how everyone is still wrong. Boonex must get some nice money from this "partnership" to constantly push the company even when most users report severe issues. In case you missed it the forum post is:
They just pop in and post stuff like the original blog.. they seldom come back and follow up on anything or respond to comments. But yeah looks like Arvixe is another stinker like hostforweb.
I'm very happy with there service and support so far...testing D7 and all work except a couple issues with D7 embedding you tube video...I'm sure someone will inform me...
Ok i have decided to try Arvixe.
i love Arvixe its very good hosting
Re: "I do respect someone's opinion even if it's wrong " - well I think that was a shot at me. I was just making the point that I think Boonex should be "hosting neutral" - what is wrong with that? - and that maybe you should be careful about saying "Arvixe is one of the best companies serving Dolphin users". There might be implications from this strong of a testimonial that you haven't considered yet. Still, I respect your opinion also even when it is wrong.
Je vais m'exprimer en français pour mieux faire passer mon idée.Je suis un ancien client de chez Arvixe oui ils reste une bande de personne très qualifié pour notre rendre heureux et souvent accueillis et servi assez rapidement.Le point est que comme je suis un codeur débutant et non un informaticien chevronné je leurs ai demander quel type de service est suffisant pour déployer Dolphin(v6.1.6 pour débuter) .Il mon répondu ,selon moi sachant très bien mon futur assez rapprocher see more avec eux,Oui nous somme de très grand fournisseur pour boonex ya aucun problème et nous vous fournissons même le RMS en bonus.J ai quand même pas pris de chance et je me suis payer le plus puissant des forfait en "share" système qu' Arvixe fournis pour construire ma communauté.Depuis j'ai quitté Arvixe comme un client qui c'est prendre pour un idiot et ayant été abuser avec a tout les mois de nouveau frais pour accéder a un niveau supérieure de serveur pour finir par me faire dire qu'avec le nombres de connecter simultané je doit me procurer un serveur minimum VPS ou mon propre serveur a près de 150$ par mois,ce qui est loin du 12 dollars par mois du début et tout ayant 200 membres enregistrer ,nous vous méprenez pas ce pas les 200 membres qui on causé le problème mais le ressource lors des connexions de membres.pOUR FINIR IL NON JAMAIS VOULU ME DONNER MON BACK UP DE SITE .Je me sentais pris en otage et j'ai quitter l'hébergeur et je prend aussi deux minute pour divulguer le nom d'un autre fournisseur malhonnête
I have arvixe and I am caught between them and boonex,so who causes all my errors not sure,but was told my server who is arvixe,love my site but thinking of moving it,where boonex you tell me right now my ip not working:( errors I changed my cron jobs setting got rid of some but I can't move on so right now I just have a pretty site.
I have arvixe and I am caught between them and boonex,so who causes all my errors not sure,but was told my server who is arvixe,love my site but thinking of moving it,where boonex you tell me right now my ip not working:( errors I changed my cron jobs setting got rid of some but I can't move on so right now I just have a pretty site.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.