Anyone moderating Expertzzz?

gautam posted 26th of December 2008 in Community Voice. 36 comments.

This is the question we have been asking for so many months, and everytime we are told that Boonex is moderating it carefully. But i don't think so.

Earlier it was only that people used to post some nice paid posts for free,or for less fee, there...but now the scenario has changed much. They know their uploaded stolen mods would be removed someday, so they have found a new concept. They post links to the mods in comments to free mods. And what is the worst thing? Click on "Report" on those comments does not do anything.

I provided a free tweak to give a nice effect on hovering over member thumbnails by providing certain info about the member. But now i feel it is waste of time providing free mods there. Why? Someone wrote a comment on that mod linking to a site where almost every Dolphin mod is available for free. And the more bad thing? I clicked on "Report" link more than 10 days back, but the comment is still there. I thought i should wait for some days as the moderating team might be busy, but still no action.

So, does Boonex care about the developers? You made Unity Extensions in a manner that posting mod here is useless for all those which are not part of Boonex because it would take months for their mods to be approved. And now posting at Expertzzz is even turning useless.

Boonex had promised to improve Expertzz at the launching of new Unity, but what has been done till now? Nothing.

Either moderate the Expertzz seriously, or other wise close it if you can't manage it.

"Giving birth to a child is no good for a women, if she can't even take care of the child."

And one thing needs to mentioned by me. I'm not doing this just for me. Something bigger than the comment issue has just now happened with me, but i'm not complaining about that. I'm writing all this for all of the developers who make mods after so much hard work and these stupid fellows post them for free and think that they are helping the world. These stupid fellows would never look into the big picture. The sites to which they link contain almost every dolphin mod for free, and that's very bad thing.

What is Boonex planning about Expertzzz?
And what about approval system at Unity? Even Sammie had raised this issue some time back.

PS.: Now please don't say that i'm writing this due to the issue which struck me just now.

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As promised .. all wishes about mods (products) was applied at Unity site.
Here more administrators that able to moderate and site content and modifications. Here more strong procedure to publish extensions.
And as I know, BoonEx just keep this site working, just because not all able to follow code convention and other rules.
So any other expertzzz who want to do something can do it at expertzzz site.
Sometimes BoonEx check what in download section. And all suspect data checks. But it see more is more rarely than here at unity.
why not moderators for expertzzz too?
though not a strict moderation, but atleast give them power to hide stolen mods.
This is question not for me. I`m as developer event haven`t rights to visit expertzzz site in working hours.
ok :)
this question is for Andrew Boon.
It was my understanding in the "Big Picture" that everything was being turned away from Expertzzz and moved to Unity.

(this just doesn't seemed to have happened in the manner it was suppose too) so instead of 1 finely joined community we have 2 separate and disparate communities.

yes, initially we had been tolded that expertzzz would be merger with unity. but what we see now is not merging.
even if they could not merge, they should atleast improve expertzzz. even today expertzzz is used more than unity extensions.
if Boonex tries to fight this, even a single step can do a lot.
but it is not trying to do anything.

Even by imposing a single restirction of being atleast 10 days old memebrs can work. Most of stolen mods are posted through new profiles created on very same day. Those thieves don't have patience to wait for 10 days.

And a true developer would probably won't post a new mod in just 10 days of joining expertzzz. And in case he makes, he would be definitely able to wait for 10 days.

Just an see more idea. There are so many similar ones.
But they are useful only if Boonex wants to implement.
As for the mods being stolen and so forth, as I stated awhile back I developed a solution, and a "secure" "safe" space for developers to sell there mods and so forth is coming online very soon. (very soon)

i think gradually all developers would get out of Expertzzz. (Can't mention Unity, because except few ones, most developers have not even entered here yet)
From what I have seen over there people are not happy with the prices of the mods. Since dolphin is can be run free they dont want to spend alot on the mods. Which some people are using as an excuse to abuse the system.

Me personally I am a business man and always wondered about free open source how do you pay the bills if you give it away. I wonder if the person offering is a just digital hippie or if the code is full some sort of spyware.

There seems to be a fundamental flaws here which see more will eventually comprise the dolphin project. If some is willing to offer all paid mods for free becuase of protest over the prices then the next natural step is for someone to do the same but with hidden malware which will comprise the security and then the over reputation of boonex.

Somebody at boonex needs to take it seriously if only to product their own brand integrity
i have said all this before.
yes, and the bitter truth is dat always Boonex promised us to take action. But they never did so.
thanks sammie for the paypal gift.
this would help me help someone needy.
i was requested by several members to write here what happened with me. so i'm writing in short.
My Dolphin Mobile mod was posted by someone for free at Expertzzz. I have worked for months on this mod. The mod remained there for almost two days and more than 120 people downloaded it.
I'm angry that i've lost money, or something like that. What hits me is that Boonex is not caring about Developers at Expertzzz. And secondly, after this issue, i started providing the version 1.1. of Dolphin Mobile see more for free. So many people downloaded, but not even one of them cared to write a comment on it. They got it for free, but they still don't feel like writing just a comment.

@ FleaTrax

I agree with you. People are not happy with prices. But developers never provide them for free because buyers at Expertzzz don't care about those who provide free mods. You can't even hope that 1 out of 50 users would send you a donation of even $10. They simply grab the mob and run away. Don't even care to write a comment.
So many people downloaded my mod, but no comment. I'm not going to say anything to them in case they tell me that they got it free because no hungry person would like rejecting food which he gets for free. (though this comparison is not completely true) .

Even i'm a supporter of free open source products, but the developers should atleast get enough support in form of donations to keep running the projects. Even they have families to feed. I'm not much at the moment being a high school student who still feeds on parents money, but what about others?
oops...i noticed just now that in a hurry i missed several words in the above comment....and those missing words really changed the is the editted version of above comment...:

...I'm *not* angry that i've lost money, or something like that. What hits me is that Boonex is not caring about.....

...I'm not much *effected* at the moment being a high school student who still feeds on parents money, but what about others?...
quote gautam:
"So many people downloaded, but not even one of them cared to write a comment on it. They got it for free, but they still don't feel like writing just a comment."
"I'm not much at the moment being a high school student who still feeds on parents money, but what about others?"

hi gautam,
if i count myself among those "others" (coz i wasn't programming mods for boonex, but something else), i was always doing all my software for free.
Maybe because see more i do it to have some fun and to see it working and to have happy users of my sofware. It was downloaded several 100 thousands times already, without being paid for it. All i had on my site was donations. Those people, who could afford it, sent me donation, others just got it for free.

I still believe, that software (which i do/did) was free, is free and will be free.

It's a point of (my) view and i am quite happy about it.

For feeding my family i have also normal job :)

take care
the big problem at the moment is that expertzzz system is such that you never get credit for free stuff you provide...for example, the points earned by memebr are on basis of selling of paid mods. free mod do not contribute to points. and i find this quite annoying. so providing free mods is useless?

i meant to refer those people who have taken up developing modules and stuff as their primary job. i wish everyone had a decent job :)
it would take me atleast 3-4 more years to finally get a job see more bcoz next year i would be into engineering and after 4 yrs, iw ud graduate. So what till that? i don't think i would get any donations here...

though i agree with your idea of free products. even i want to provide products here for free, but only if people provide me enough support through donations. i do all this webdesigning stuff to gather money for the welfare activities i'm part of (...i think i shudn't write more abt it...)
i've a question, though off the topic.
how do we earn pundit points at unity? i can't understand it yet.
hope dat atleast Sammie wud have d answer...
I understand what your saying about people not even taking the time to write a comment. I will make sure to write comments on all downloads paid or free once I tested them.

My only suggestion would be some sort post stating this point I think some people would understand the trick is somehow getting people to take the time to read it.
Andrew Boon
Expertzzz is pretty much in a "free ride" state now. We do hope to improve Unity enough to substitute Expertzzz one day and plan some serious improvements for 2009.

Two competing systems is not a great idea, so Expertzzz would have to change focus. The whole transition is slow unfortunately and it's mostly due to our current focus on Dolphin 7 and Poseidon development.
i can understand that the current focus is on dol 7 and poseidon development, but won't it be better if before releasing poseidon, unity is improved. Otherwise the initial days after release of poseidon would be with very few mods at unity.
"i've a question, though off the topic.
how do we earn pundit points at unity? i can't understand it yet.
hope dat atleast Sammie wud have d answer..."

easy, go and post in the pundit forum then you get pundit points. thats right, make posts as a non pundit in the pundit forum and you get pundit points.

now i aint sure why pundits would need points for posting in there, i guess its just the way the system is.

i would have thought it would be linked to points for pages i write see more or edit on Trac, but nope just post in the pundit forum and you get points.

i dont get anything for writing pages on Trac lmao
but i've never posted anything in pundit forum...but still have 1 pundit point.
...looks like u even get pundit point if an administrator (i.e. someone from boonex team) clicks on thumb up in your post. Because earlier i did not have it, but when Andrey made a positive comment, i got one point. but still not sure!

System is quite confusing. no points for writing in TRAC, no points for posting free mods at expertzzz. ah, wat to say!
that appears to be it, i have one pundit point, and just checked all my blog posts, the only admin to give me a thumbs up is VictorT
so i am not sure how that works.
Here is a perfect example, this was just posted:
Yes, bad example, I just send mail to admin of expertzzz .. and seems he is still sleep :)
So, to avoid cheats - just don`t purchase this, in any case this mod will deleted, and you will lost transaction, so lost your money. Be carefully. Don`t support thiefs
Andrey your comment shows that atleast someone is looking at expertzzz, though not the expertzzz admin.
@ buckmcgoo
I've been looking at the mod for so many hours and waiting for it to be removed. Though he is providing none of my mod, i still want some action against him.
His website is and he bought this domain just a month back and so is pretty new. His unity username is also 'indiagang'. I've sent him a warning, but i know he wont care about it.
Only action against such people can be cancellation of their dolphin license. I wanted to report this to his host, but the host see more site is such that i was directly taken to help desk!
Checkup the host site whois and look for the telephone number :)
sent a mail to host...

can't bear telephone costs... :)
Boonex should atleasy add a reporting system in Expertzzz like thumb system here.
What i mean is that in case several people report a product, the product becomes temporarily hidden. but this edea is not nice in a direct manner and would need something to restrain people from making every mod hidden. BUT ADD SOMETHING!!!

Expertzzz is in beta 5...and still so many issues...
Just a little update.. that person was deleted, then they created a new account and posted the mod pack again and they were deleted again. Oh and if anyone is curious here is how they get all the mods:
well many people have d answer, including me.
There are a lot of mad people using dolphin who feel that they are helping the world by providing mods for free. And you can find many sites where dolphin mods are available for free. People are giving almost every mod for free.
And sometimes these people who use those free mods have to suffer too! Like The v2.0 of my Mobile Mod was indeed like a trojan which deleted important dolphin files and dropped database tables. Those who would have used it see more would have definitely suffered.

I had talk with the guy who uploaded these 130 mod pack at expertzzz. He initially said that he doesn't know anything about it, but later said that he has removed it. But when i checked expertzzz it was still there. I've got a lot of info about him, and might consider about getting his hosting account suspended as he is not caring about copyrights and licenses.
i had mentioned above that "applying a limitation of being atleast 10 day old member to upload products can do wonders"....if this is would help much...
its still d same...and a lot of fake accounts have been created in the last few days. people are simply stealing and selling...god, give some peace!
Well, it looks like some of my tutorials are being stolen as well and it's disappointing.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.