Ok. This fix will work with alot of webscripts but some steps might not me usable on some scripts or hosts.
1. set your captcha to the hardist seting.
2.add an anti-robot system (eg. askthem that the site is called)
3. make it so the e-mail must be confermed before they can log in.
4. you could set it so they can only post ob the blogs/forums only when the admin has granted access.
if you start geting spamed ather this then follow theses simple steps.
1. remove there account/posts etc.
2. block there e-mail.
3. log into cpanel and blacklist there IP. (your host can help you with this step)
hope that helps keep you sites spam free
now with that list compiled they are able to sell this to the blue pill people. so its not necessarily see more
We have since disabled the guestbook feature until we can add some security features to it.
Email confirmation during registration might help reduce spam, but email confirmation can also drive you nuts. Believe me, people can be pretty stupid and many times can't figure out how to get through the registration process if you require email confirmation. I have a vBulletin site where I state in gigantic bold yellow letters that you must visit see more
Captcha is only useful in blocking registrations by spam bots.
1. Get rid of the stupid Get E-Mail. This thing is ridiculous and should never have been installed, what was Boonex thinking.
2. Install an e-mail filtering system that monitors for certain phrases/words/characters and so on. Set this thing to look for the normal spam, http://*, ww*, .com, .co.uk, .org and so on. We all know what they use, set the filter see more
then I began blocking the ips and after I had blocked about 100 I figured out that the spambot visited my site with a new ip adress each time from all over the world. So at the end I blocked acces from the countries that spammed most(about30) see more
Wrong most spm bots do not use Javascript and will hence not register in Google Analytics or decent stats scripts. And if you rely on your server stats/Awstats you might not have many people believing your stats if some day you want to sell your site.
It would be great if there were an Akismet implementation for Boonex, honestly can't believe Boonex hasn't come up with this solution yet. Or at least something like Wp-Spamfree, where comments/posts are checked see more
I run dolphin , phpbb and vbulletin and i have Zero Spam!
Think like a spammer lean about the tools they use. i have a copy of all of see more