Amplify - hot new multi-posting service

CALTRADE posted 26th of June 2010 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

Haven't posted here in a while, and not even sure if this will be deleted for being off topic, but I wanted to mention a really hot now multiposting service I just discovered.  It is at and lets you make one rich media post that can go almost anywhere - Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Tumblr, and a bunch of other services.  What I like about it, is that for each post you make, you can decide independently where it goes - i.e.  Twitter and Buzz, but not Facebook - or whatever.  It is a really well designed service and I encourage you to check it out.

Just jumping back in with Dolphin and will be working on my upgrades - trying to not be too demoralized about some of the major loss of functionality.  I'm mentioning Amplify, as I always thought the "status updates" will need to be feeds from other services - there is no way that people are going to run around adding status updates to all the services we are members of these days.  I also will be taking another look at the mods for Facebook, Google and OpenID integration - it is something I really wish Boonex had designed into the product, but I don't think they will, so I am planning how to do my upgrades now.

Let me know if you decide to check out Amplify - I will add you to my follow list there.

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In my opinion. Facebook is the only one that really counts. Myspace is for kids these days. Twitter is for sports superstars and rock stars, and their teenage followers. I know nothing about Google Buzz, and don't personally know anyone that uses it. Just a few years ago, a lot of people I know were mostly on myspace, with a small percentage on FB. Over the last few years, they have all gravitated to FB. I suppose it all depends on the nature of your site.

What's really missing from Dolphin see more is a decent activity feed. The Spy and Wall modules are next to useless. It prompted me to buy the 'Spywall' mod, but I can't get it to work on my site. D7 is on the same path as D6. It's a cluster of half-baked modules, that will probably never get enhanced once a third party module come along to provide the missing functionality. We will all end up in the same place all the D6 users were. We'll all have a Frankensite, pieced together with third party modules from all different directions. Because of this, upgrading from D7 to D8 will be impossible. I'm convinced, that delivering robust functionality in their modules, is not part of their plan. Why should it be, when the very same coders can sell mods to provide the missing functionality. I guess I'm getting a little off-topic, so I'll shut up now.
Sadly, I agree with you - especially about the way the mods are being managed. I have held off on major mods but have to start doing it soon, which of course means upgrading will be extremely difficult, and maybe impossible. If there is one thing I have learned about Boonex is that they have almost exclusively a "developer's mentality" - they like playing with new stuff. and are unconcerned about how their programs work in the real world.
i guess it should be something like
should be a great option to social networking sites...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.