All the plugins show not registered.
Yesterday I had registered all the plugins and they were working fine.
Today evening they all are showing not registered. Now I am trying to register again then it is showing wrong license. Then I removed the old licenses and got the new license. But still they are showing wrong license. So what to do now? why is this problem?
I bought 2 stars. My licences are good for another 671 days yet they wont even write me back. I paid a Boonex Expert named JRock to setup my Rays Suite. He wont answer me either. Its been 2 weeks since I have been trying to get this resolved.
I dont know why I even bother . Nobody seem to care.
Hey see more
I was told that we have to check whether we have downloaded free RAY 3.1 or Ad Free Ray 3.1/3.0.
This plugins would work for us only if we have free ray 3.1
I hope this will work for us.
Not sure what fixes they are recommending still.
could you explain to us how to do this?