Age Limit in Admin not working!

johno posted 9th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 14 comments.
I set the age limit in Admin to minimum age of 10 and max 100.  When you enter a date of birth that is younger than 18 it does not allow the sign-up due to the age restriction of 18.  Where and how can I change this, and should`nt the admin section do this for you?
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try going to admin--->builders--->fields builder--->then click on "DateofBirth" block. then you will see 4 links and if i remember good, age should be under advanced link.....
otherwise edit your database. your database is pretty much full control over it all. dolphin and the database talk to one another.
nurke are you seriously allowing 10 year olds to join your site?

Really hope the majority of you guys dont allow 10 year olds to join. They are not responsible enough at 10 to know the dangers and cant guarentee theres parental control. sorry but i think 10 is dam irrisponsible.
soz for the rant my eldest is 12 and very old for years yet and no way would i let my child join mine! bebo etc allow from 13 i still think thats too young 14/15 if a non sexually explicit site.

soz for double posting too had to say that!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We will try and moderate as best we can, but unfortunately there are a lot worse places kids of any age can go on the net totally unsupervised. Our website is not intended to be a dating site, but a TRUE social networking site. Hopefully parents have the savvy to supervise and control to some degree the surfing habits of their children.
No carrera, I just answered where the guy above could try to change the age limit. Mine is 16 to 75...
I picked the software because it is contained. I don't have to worry about some third party owning what I or my family and friends post. That is a good enough reason to lower the age limit, if you own your domain, turn off indexing, and password protect the directory in front of the interface. Dolphin is big but it was the only thing that met our need within my specifications. Not all community sites are intended for large communities.
If you still need it - the limit is set in inc/ file in $search_end_age and $search_start_age variables. I had some hard time finding it.
I think the younger the better if the site is a close site and under supervision. When they are young is the great time to teach them some netiquette and to show them how it can be use effectively as a communication tool. Many primary and middle schools are using private social network to educate their population and to prepare them to face the jungle of the myspace, facebook, orkut, and the gang.
This seems to be a thread where people know what they are talking about. I have had a question posted in the "answers"section for a few days, and on the forum since yesterday but no one seems to be able to help.

The question is date related.

I have done a search for an answer on this but cannot find an answer.

I am using dolphin to allow people to arrange meetings at dates in the future. Its a holiday dating site.

I have created new field blocks for holiday start date and holiday see more end date.

My problem is that when I use the date field #!date, the system blocks all dates after 1991 except today's date.

How can I unblock this lock, or how can I create a predefined table that will open the calendar box?

@ russum

Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for. Much appreciated.

And about the age thing, I am making my 13 to 100, and may lower the age to as soon as someone is old enough to type, but I have an educational platform that is definitely closely monitored and we educate our kids about being smart online and, exactly as clementdupuis said, "some netiquette."

This is the information superhighway, and online collaboration platforms are extremely powerful mediums for see more the exchange of information and ideas.
Just a recap of the age limit for dolphin 6.1.6.

First log in to the admin panel
Then select Advanced Setting
Then scroll down a bit until you see Lowest age possible for site members
change the value to say 13
then scroll down and click on the first save button.
Then click on builders
then click on Field Builders
then click on DateOfBirth under Active Items
then click on Advanced
then set the Minimum value: to 13
then click save
then drag the DateOfBirth block above LookFor block see more then drag it back under LookingFor block. This helps reload the Data Base info sometimes.

Well that should be it. Your new Min Age Limit should now be 13 years on age on the join form.

If the Min Age is still not working for you, you can check two places to see if the values have changed.

The first is in the inc folder. ( inc/ )
around lines 45 and 46 you should see the min and max values for age.

$search_start_age = 13;
$search_end_age = 75;

If your start age is still 18 in here just change it to 13 or the same values you put in the admin panel. One reason why the value might not have changed for you is you do not have the proper write permissions on this file !

The second place you can look for this value is in the database. Look in the table ProfileFields then look for the field DateOfBirth.

Well i hope that helps to shed some light on the min and max age for some people having trouble geting the values to work for them.
Just a recap of the age limit for dolphin 6.1.6.

First log in to the admin panel
Then select Advanced Setting
Then scroll down a bit until you see Lowest age possible for site members
change the value to say 13
then scroll down and click on the first save button.
Then click on builders
then click on Field Builders
then click on DateOfBirth under Active Items
then click on Advanced
then set the Minimum value: to 13
then click save
then drag the DateOfBirth block above LookingFor block see more then drag it back under the LookingFor block. This helps reload the DataBase info sometimes.

Well that should be it. Your new Min Age Limit should now be 13 years of age on the join form.

If the Min Age is still not working for you, you can check two places to see if the values have changed.

The first is in the inc folder. ( inc/ )
around lines 45 and 46 you should see the min and max values for age.

$search_start_age = 13;
$search_end_age = 75;

If your start age is still 18 in here just change it to 13 or the same values you put in the admin panel. One reason why the value might not have changed for you is you do not have the proper write permissions on this file !

The second place you can look for this value is in the database. Look in the table ProfileFields then look for the field DateOfBirth.

Well i hope that helps to shed some light on the min and max age for some people having trouble geting the values to work for them.
Thanks man .....i was trying to fix the min age......
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