A suggestion! 'members' photos on another page

Stuart038 posted 26th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Not everyone uses Dolphin for a dating site.

I am using Dolphin 6.1.2. I would like to put the 'members' photos and 'Quciksearch' 'blocks' on a tab under the menu. These blocks are 'special' and I cannot see how to move them off the Home page.

Ideas anyone?

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From your Admin Panel - Builders - Navigation Menu Builder create new blocks containing the needed relative URLs to the page you like to open...
Hello Michael, As I said above, these are 'special' blocks and are not available to use elsewhere.
I imagine it can be done, but the url info is not easily discoverable.
My first answer is all wrong :-((
I was talking about a link to a page (that's easy to find) but a link to a block is not possible :-))
A possible solution is to customize you page search.php but it is already similar to quick search (Main Menu - Tab Members - submenu Search)

As for the members photos, the link to use in the new block you will create is simply photos.php (but I think that there is still a pagination problem in this file... First results page is displaying well, but links to see more page 2, 3, etc doesn't work)
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