A big Thank you to Boonex and all your staff

sammie posted 12th of May 2009 in Community Voice. 24 comments.

Well i think this last week has been a roller coaster and boy what a ride?

Boonex stared by giving away well over 1/2 a million dollars in lifetime adfree licenses. this caused uproar in some quarters and Boonex responded with an even bigger offer.

One free license to every Unity account holder. well as there are some  45485 members, at $790 thats a staggering $35,933,150, yes 35 million.

but wait, the Contributors had their stars converted, with 554 of them that is at least $437,660. just for one each, but lots of people have more than one star. so i guess it would be closer to 1 million.

Smart pro owners had their one site smartpro license upgraded to the new £2900 (5 domain license.) theres another 1/4 of a million dollar

Did it stop there? noooo, Boonex then give out 1 free lifetime license for every 50 member points each member had. i have no way of knowning what that figure is, but i would guess at least $2 million dollars.

So Boonex gave away about 40 million Dollars worth of lifetime adfree license in the last week. WOW, Thank you Team Boonex from everyone.

On a personal note. i joined 2 years ago with Dolphin 6.0.0001, i could see back then that Dophin had potential, but was still very rough. but i wanted to give my support and bought contributor stars, and wrote/edited the documentation here in Trac, just something to help the community in my own way, and posting lots of advice.

so i ended up with 38 lifetime adfree licenses, free. thats $30,020 worth, Thank you Boonex, that was very generous. $30,020 ROI of a few hundred dollars a year. wow, but its not a ROI really, the ROI is going to be released soon, its Dolphin 7.

The Return on Investment wasnt cash, nor licenses, it was Dolphin 7 and the future versions. we have seen how Boonex have worked hard to make Dolphin into the next popular social network software, that will beat the rest.

Boonex just gave away 40 million Dollars of potential income to us all. lets show our gratitude and make a Donation of whatever you can afford.

Thank you Boonex from the bottom of my heart. x

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Andrew Boon
Thank you Sammie! It was a great run, and we're looking forward to a great future. Dolphin 7 is nearly complete and Poseidon is brewing very well. BoonEx team is really excited and we couldn't be happier with the positive response we've got for our latest actions.
Thanx for amazing offer.

I have two accounts in boonex and I donated by both acounts but forgot to mention my username in Paypal form.

My both username at boonex are -- nrirac & preanim.

Thru nrirac username I had bought dolphin, orca & ray annual plan six months ago for a single domain that is working.

Please tell how much unlimited license I will get in total.

I want 4 more domain on boonex.

Plz reply and explain me.
hi, can you pls tell me how to get unlimited license... i did a contribution but i dint get the licence... tell me how to find it out... pls regards
my email address is nahid@antsmagazine.com and i have mentioned my boonex id while paypal payment... pls help me out
you are most welcome Andrew, i didnt think people realised the Dollar total you were giving away and thought if they knew, they would see how much you are willing to go yourself as a company, and hope they dig deep to Donate to show they are greatful too.

i support a charity called
both financally and with free hosting and i also pay for their Dolphin license. well that has now been given to them free by Boonex and they are well pleased, we are waiting see more for Dolphin 7 to launch their site, but you can read a little and watch the movie on their myspace page

ps if you can edit my post and put the donate button on it, that would be great.
Great post Sammie. I purchased my first license with some investors help when it started with aeDating. I'm glad to be a part of the Boonex experience. I don't have much to give now but when I do, I will gladly donate a huge amount to show how much I appreciate what Boonex is doing. I did purchase the contributor star on my own. Great stuff Boonex. Keep it up. I will be promoting your software for sure.
Thanx for amazing offer.

I have two accounts in boonex and I donated by both acounts but forgot to mention my username in Paypal form.

My both username at boonex are -- nrirac & preanim.

Thru nrirac username I had bought dolphin, orca & ray annual plan six months ago for a single domain that is working.

Please tell how much unlimited license I will get in total.

I want 4 more domain on boonex.

Plz reply and explain me.
Thanx for amazing offer.

I have two accounts in boonex and I donated by both acounts but forgot to mention my username in Paypal form.

My both username at boonex are -- nrirac & preanim.

Thru nrirac username I had bought dolphin, orca & ray annual plan six months ago for a single domain that is working.

Please tell how much unlimited license I will get in total.

I want 4 more domain on boonex.

Plz reply and explain me.
Also we have not so many money we can give away, but thru our hosting we support just for dolphin script. Also we give dutch support by a dutch dolphinsupport site and we will goin on whith that...

Cheers to you all....
thank you sammie

I think this is great post and important ...
in truth I suddenly for this cost .. 40 millon very big number really .. thank you boonex thank you so much Andrew .. I'm with boonex from 2 years ago where dolphin was verion 5.6 .. and I tried this verion and not like it .. but stay listen boonex news to time released verion 6.0 .. in that time i was very happy and built my site by free version and regsitered in expertzzz site and tried buy products and ad-free but couldn't because see more boonex use paypal bank and the paypal not support my country .. and there were big difficulty for pay the price by wire transfer .. but yesterday wake up with nice message in my email .. the very big surprise boonex give to me one unlimited license for free .. really boonex make my dream is true .. I was work for this from 2 year ago but now I have one :).. so now I try for send donate for them by wire transfer I haven't so much but I like thank you by little donate and in next time I will try send more and more ..

finally : one request Andrew please please allow for moneybookers bank and add it to the boonex website as option .. because I like increase my reaction in this company and develop my membership and buy stars, ads and mods in expertzzz .. by moneybookers I can pay in one click but by wire transfer there are long way :(
I wish look in my request

thank you again and again ..and I'm enthusiastic to the dophin7

thank you for read and I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Andrew Boon
We are already working on Money-bookers and it iwll be added with Dolphin 7 release, and probably a bit earlier for donations.
WoOow .. this is great news .. please added it earlier for donations becasue this is very easy for me for more donates for boonex

thank you .. thank you .. thank you Andrew
Yes indeed thank you, the entire Boonex Team, this is over the top, in what you have done, and there are still those who are not satisfied, and i am sure they will be writing in asking for their portion of the 10k that you took in from donations. i just as Sammie, have continuously obtains contributor stars for startup sites, that for the most part were iffy at best as to what direction they were going to go, so the $100.00 for the one year license was well worth it, then boonex converted all of see more those contributor stars, (12) into lifetime licenses ahoy !!!! yes indeed i was willing to contribute. then above and beyond that, they were generous to offer one adfree lifetime license for every 50 member points i had acquired, these points were earned from the community, and for that to all of you who have given me a point in the past, Thanks a TON, so where there was no monetary gain for answering questions or guiding a new user in the right direction, my time has been compensated moreover than was ever anticipated by myself.

i am not here to boast about the number of free licenses i have recieved from boonex, what i am here to let you all know is that everything in life is reciprocative. my contributions to this community, were my efforts in helping escalate those new users or veteran users, when they were needing help.

Boonex, you have certainly done a huge philanthropical gesture. i think this is even beyond philanthropy, insomuch that you have given to all, able and unable, in regards to acquiring an adfree lifetime license.

Thank you Boonex,
Thank you Dolphin Unity Community
<Terabyte Hosting Solutions>
While waiting for 6.2 to work on opening my site, I was put back, or to put it in a better way, I was brought forward with the announcement of Dolphin 7, paying for a SmartPro license was certainly made into a smarter move as I just looked in my account to find that not only have I received an unlimited license, but also in my SmartPro Account I now have 5 SmartPro Licenses, my maths tells me that the $1,000 SmartPro investment has now multiplied into 5 x $2,900 + $790 = $15,290

Roll on D7
Very see more Happy.
Thank You Boonex
Oop's just looked at the product page & SmartPro now comes with 5 licenses @ $2,900, but there is a bonus.
And what's really special about SmartPro is that you get the right to "re-brand" BoonEx Mobile Apps as your own and submit to app stores under your name of choice, without reference to BoonEx. You may modify, re-design and extend them as you wish.

Still Happy
Boonex certainly deserves praise for their generosity and their high quality software, but so do the half dozen or so people who opposed their original policy, and had to endure slurs, abusive language and personal attacks bordering on slander- even attempts to have us removed from the community- just for expressing their opinions. Boonex should be complemented for listening to us also.
Holy shit Caltrade, what do you think you are? the famous 5? cant you make a post just once without bitching about something? here bitch about this:

go fuck yourself
I have to agree with sammie on this one.

Does anyone honestly think Boonex was so generous with all of us simply because some people were bitching.

I think Boonex's generosity stems truly from their vision of extending their products across the globe, not from pressure from a crowd of discontent users.
Guys, let´s enjoy the present, never said in a better context!

It doesn´t matter if Boonex did this because of our observations or for any other reason. Let´s just enjoy this and support them.

That´s all!

Have fun with the dolphin!!!!

LOVE IS THE ANSWER - And I think Andrew knows this!

Caltrade - There are times when we should put AWAY OUR DIFFERENCES and move on! Your comments are untimely at best! There's a time to be angry and a time to rejoice, and right now we should all be grateful for this amazing blessing from Boonex.

And Sammie - Please try to be LADY-Like! I love you honey and I still remain your number one fan.


stuff love i'm lesbian lmao
Hi all,

I could´t stop thinking about how lucky we all are by being at the right place at the right time.

At the same time, I´m concerned about the solvency of the company that´s behind this software and, ultimately, behind our projects.

I think it would be great for all of us to know how Boonex is supported and how they´re planning to remain in business in the coming years. This is very important info for us.

My concern is that the pricing changes might have been because of a need see more for cash. And certainly, I would like Boonex to concentrate in programming, not in their finances.

Having said all this, I´d like to suggest a way to continuously support the company behind our websites, besides purchasing stars.

First, we need to know how many websites are using Dolphin without ads. These should donate every month. No maximum, but, yes, a minimum should be established. Let´s say $5, via Paypal. If anyone wants to have an ad free site, he/she would never care about $5/month.

I think this support would certainly help a lot.

I am willing to sign up for this. Who else?
i will be donating at the end of month that is pay day and i also thank boonex i have been waitting on d7 but went ahead and loaded 6.1.5
i liked the look of d7 and i cant wait for it to come out just have to load it thanks boonex
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.