ASP efficient, PHP stupid

SkyForum posted 13th of November 2009 in Community Voice. 10 comments.

I have had my site, since Aug of 05. In that time, I have gained a working knowledge and can fix most small problems I run across. I cannot create new code in asp but can reason my way through to find problems in existing code. I gained this knowledge with the help of a community a lot like this one.

If I was moving my site to another ASP based community, I could probably figure out how to move the existing data to the new server (as long as it was MsSql 2000, that is) and maybe even write a rudimentary set of scripts to get it done.

My problem is this. I need to find a way to move 1800+ members and many many thousands of posts and other information into this new format and I have no idea where to begin. I have so little experience with PHP and mysql that I am afraid I will be relegated to moving each individual piece of information 1 piece at a time.

I am looking for a direction, or maybe even someone who has the skill to move that much stuff all at once between two completely different languages. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might get this done?

I have been watching here for months (actually, almost a year) and only recently made myself visible by joining. I like Boonex and I especially like Dolphin. The only drawback I have right now is I don't know my Cron job from my RMS server.

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You are not going to find any easy solutions to your question. As the database structure is going to determine how you go about moving information from your existing tables into the Dolphin tables, if you are not very fluent in mySQL you are going to need an expert to do this for you. Just moving data from one Dolphin version to another can be maddeningly difficult. Just look at all of the posts about upgrading from one version of Dolphin to the next. Your best bet is to post your requirements see more in the JOBZ area and I'm sure there are some folks fluent enough in both databases to figure out a way to do it, but my guess is that it will be quite expensive, as it's a very labor-intensive project.
they deal with that would be to export your mssql file as tab delimited or CSV(comma separated), then you loaded the dbase tables from the dolphin install

you will need to match up your data from db1 to db2, what is not there, you would have to add the column to the dolphin database or eliminate that data. its a lot of physical work, but can be done.


a) The title bullies off all Linux friends...
b)It ain't easy but it can be done, just not easily with Win applications and certainly can not be automated soon.
DowDawg is spot on, I did this to move 1000 members to dolphin, I was a bit worried as it was the first time that I had attempted anything of that scale and I did mess up a few times, but it was ok cos I made a copy database first so that I wouldn't be messing with the original, it took a while (couple of days) but I learned alot doing it. So if you wanna learn, have a go yourself.
DowDawg is spot on, I did this to move 1000+ members to dolphin, I was a bit worried as it was the first time that I had attempted anything of that scale and I did mess up a few times, but it was ok cos I made a copy database first so that I wouldn't be messing with the original, it took a while (couple of days) but I learned alot doing it. So if you wanna learn, have a go yourself.
You can move from MySQL to MSSQL. It requires usage for some tools.

But I strongly believe that PHP is more efficient that ASP.
PHP is not stupid. You may not quite understand PHP yet, but it's a whole lot easier to get into full working speed with PHP than it is with ASP, Perl, or the other such.

Just read through a basic PHP & MySQL tutorial, learn the syntax, learn basic string functions, learn how to get stuff out of and into a database, and then connect from PHP to your old database, scoop in the entries, and stick them into your new MySQL database in the order and format you want them to go in.

This is how see more you would crunch up a quick conversion script for just about any data conversion purposes. It's not very difficult at all, and of all possible languages and options, it's not difficult in PHP and MySQL.

But I won't say no more as long as PHP is stupid, for who would care to talk about something stupid.
No. you took the comment out of context. I did not say "PHP was stupid", I said "I was PHP stupid"
I think SkyForum is referring to the fact that he is more efficient with ASP than PHP. Not that PHP is stupid.
Yea, it's a tad bit unclear if the subject line refers to his own skills, or whether it's a statement on the languages. Either way, reading through a couple of good PHP tutorials will do wonders to advance this.
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